Cruz Admission Surprises Everyone!

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Old 01-30-2016, 07:42 PM
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Default Cruz Admission Surprises Everyone!

Ted Cruz just admiddeted to that he is probably not anAmerican citizen in the eyes of many Americans. He goes on yo say he eas born in Canada but his father did fight on the sideof Fidel Castro under the name of "El Tigre".

Cruz says his citizenship in the USA is up to the Supreme Court and he is willing to go there there.
Old 01-31-2016, 07:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Ted Cruz just admiddeted to that he is probably not anAmerican citizen in the eyes of many Americans. He goes on yo say he eas born in Canada but his father did fight on the sideof Fidel Castro under the name of "El Tigre".

Cruz says his citizenship in the USA is up to the Supreme Court and he is willing to go there there.
Obama's father was an African socialist and not legally married to Obama's mother, and that didn't hurt his election to the position. Why would Cruz's father make any difference? I don't plan on voting for him anyway, but I am sure that after all the to-do about Obama's qualification, most of us are tired of arguing over it and do not wish to readdress it again with someone else.
Old 01-31-2016, 10:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Obama's father was an African socialist and not legally married to Obama's mother, and that didn't hurt his election to the position. Why would Cruz's father make any difference? I don't plan on voting for him anyway, but I am sure that after all the to-do about Obama's qualification, most of us are tired of arguing over it and do not wish to readdress it again with someone else.
Doubt if the Obama birthers will ever get tired of arguing their case.
Old 01-31-2016, 10:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Obama's father was an African socialist and not legally married to Obama's mother, and that didn't hurt his election to the position. Why would Cruz's father make any difference? I don't plan on voting for him anyway, but I am sure that after all the to-do about Obama's qualification, most of us are tired of arguing over it and do not wish to readdress it again with someone else.
Dear Guest: Your comments make the argument as to why this issue of who can Constitutionally run for President of these United States must be clearly defined and decided.

The issue of Obama's birth should have never been an issue. There is so much about Obama's journey to the White House that causes one to give pause. Powerful and influential people can fool all of the people all of the time. To wit: The Clinton's have up until now, and we still find Clinton groupies actually dismissing the current charges against her as bogus and a right wing conspiracy...but the topic is Cruz

Cruz in my view is not eligible. He gave up his Canadian citizenship in 2014. The fact that his father fought with Fidel troubles me for two reasons his citizenship and his politics. So the question in my mind? Is Cruz a Canadian, an American or a Cuban? His mother was born in America but his father was born in Cuba and Cruz was born in Canada.

For the sake of our nation's future I hope the decision is that at minimum an eligible candidate is one born in this country with one or both parents being natural born in America but both parents being legalized citizens. given my wish list I also wish a candidate had military experience

Personal Best Regards:
Old 01-31-2016, 10:53 AM
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The better idea is to just not vote for him. Then the question becomes moot.

If the mother was an American, supposedly that makes him an automatic American citizen. Did he have dual citizenship or not? Regardless of whether we like him or not (ie, Obama) if one parent is a U.S. citizen, then that is supposedly a qualifier. Otherwise, none of our U.S. military brats born overseas are considered U.S. citizens. Is that fair to our members of the military service? What if a child is born in an airplane? It has happened.

Regarding his father being a communist, I am more concerned with Obama's childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a communist USA member that was being sought by the FBI at one time. Obama's father was a socialist and his mentor for many years was a communist. Obama's father was a Muslim, which by the way makes Obama automatically Muslim by birth.

Are the sins of the father passed on to the son?

Like I said before, I have no intention on voting for Cruz, but I'm not sure that he is disqualified by citizenship, unless the court deems otherwise. Hate to see him get the nomination and then have the Dems take him to court and have him disqualified just prior to the general election. Better to play it safe and vote for Rubio.
Old 01-31-2016, 03:30 PM
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You all made the birther issue against Obama..... At one time 50% of Republicans believed that Obama was born in Kenya. Even Ted Cruz's father said "Send Obama back to Kenya" which I found pretty funny given the circumstances......

You reap what you sow!!!
Old 01-31-2016, 03:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
You all made the birther issue against Obama..... At one time 50% of Republicans believed that Obama was born in Kenya. Even Ted Cruz's father said "Send Obama back to Kenya" which I found pretty funny given the circumstances......

You reap what you sow!!!
It wouldn't have mattered where he was born. His mother was an American.
Old 01-31-2016, 04:55 PM
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I was born in Germany. My mother never became an American citizen. My father was American. English was my fifth language. According to my AMERICAN birth certificate, I was born an American citizen. My passport says the same thing. My German birth certificate said nothing about citizenship.

So, using the logic of some here, I should not be allowed to run for a Federal office. The fact that I'm American from birth is irrelevant. The fact my father and my brother served in the U.S. military is irrelevant. The fact that I lived my entire childhood traveling from country to country and state to state is irrelevant. What is relevant is that I didn't serve in the military, I wasn't born in the USA and my mother wasn't a U.S. citizen. I sincerely hope the U.S. Supreme Court disagrees with you. I would hate to think I've spent my entire life under the illusion that I was entitled to the full rights and privileges of being American and now discover that I'm second class and just along for the ride

Old 01-31-2016, 05:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The better idea is to just not vote for him. Then the question becomes moot.

If the mother was an American, supposedly that makes him an automatic American citizen. Did he have dual citizenship or not? Regardless of whether we like him or not (ie, Obama) if one parent is a U.S. citizen, then that is supposedly a qualifier. Otherwise, none of our U.S. military brats born overseas are considered U.S. citizens. Is that fair to our members of the military service? What if a child is born in an airplane? It has happened.

Regarding his father being a communist, I am more concerned with Obama's childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a communist USA member that was being sought by the FBI at one time. Obama's father was a socialist and his mentor for many years was a communist. Obama's father was a Muslim, which by the way makes Obama automatically Muslim by birth.

Are the sins of the father passed on to the son?

Like I said before, I have no intention on voting for Cruz, but I'm not sure that he is disqualified by citizenship, unless the court deems otherwise. Hate to see him get the nomination and then have the Dems take him to court and have him disqualified just prior to the general election. Better to play it safe and vote for Rubio.
Play it safer yet and vote for Hillary Clinton. You will even be on the winning side!
Old 01-31-2016, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
It wouldn't have mattered where he was born. His mother was an American.
As was Obama but that didn't stop the birther movement!!!

Did you think we would forget? Not a chance!
Old 01-31-2016, 06:20 PM
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With Cruz himself admitting that there are large numbers of Republicans not believing he is eligible to be President and admitted his father was a soldier alongside Fidel Castro - the Democratic Party is going to take this to court IF Cruz gets the nomination. They will do this a VERY short time before the election to throw his campaign into chaos.

Remember, too, that the Supreme Court has a Democrat leaning advantage right now and even Chief Justice Roberts has sided with the liberals on important cases like Obama Care.

This will be interesting to see what happens.

The posters telling their beliefs of natural born citizen or not are welcome, of course, to express their beliefs BUT their beliefs are not worth a bucket of spit - it is up to the Supreme Court - a left leaning court.
Old 01-31-2016, 08:15 PM
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Hitler wasn't German. Napoleon wasn't French. Yet they were leaders of those countries and destroyed them
Old 02-01-2016, 05:09 AM
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Dear Guests: First bear in mind we are speaking to the issue of defining an American citizen for the sole purpose of serving as a US president, nothing else.

It would then seem that the vetting process conclude that the candidates seeking office have not even the appearance of a conflict of interest. In my world view that would mean both parents are born in the USA and that the candidate is also born in the USA.

However, we must be practical because certain legitimate circumstances can arise. But where do we draw the line?

Clearly in a manner of speaking the candidate must be pure of heart with his devotion solely to his nation, if for nothing less than the full trust of US citizens. Can you imagine being married and not ever trusting your spouse?

My objection to Obama is the same as my objection to Cruz their up bring leaves suspicion as to where their hearts truly lie. This is not an indictment but it does pose too many questions.

Perhaps such up bring is good if you are a member of the US foreign service but not as president To me its like saying a Jew can be pope and the obvious clashes in basic beliefs.

This may sound provincial to some but trust is in the eye of the beholder and such a distraction real or imagined creates uncertainty and uncertainty creates suspicion. a leader must have the trust of the people.

As to the candidates running now only one has garnered my trust to date and it isn't Cruz nor Trump nor Clinton, nor Sanders. That one issue is crucial to me because of the past seven years has been like living with a spouse I simply do not trust and when trust is breached the relationship is over.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 02-01-2016, 06:13 AM
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Liberals are only liberal when it comes to their party and possible votes. They would be fine with illegals voting, having drivers licenses, and free health care. So, I find it not at all surprising when they attack a conservative that might have questionable credentials. They are very/very detailed about qualifications when it comes to conservatives, but very "liberal" when it comes to anyone that might be a potential vote or member representing their ideology. They literally define the term "hypocrite."
Old 02-01-2016, 09:38 AM
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They set a record of how liberal can they be when they lowered the bar so low that an unknown black senator could come along and unseat, blow by, bury the queen bee heir apparent Clinton.


cruz, father, fight, sideof, castro, fidel, tigre, court, supreme, citizenship, usa, admiddeted,, ted, admission, surprises, anamerican, eas, born, canada, americans, citizen, eyes

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