What The Senate Healthcare Bill Would Do

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Old 06-28-2017, 02:25 PM
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Default What The Senate Healthcare Bill Would Do

We have a number of political threads telling us what the GOP plan is not and how it would adversely affect people.

Perhaps looking at this issue from another prospective might lend some additional insight.

Today millions of people are facing an urgent crisis in their health care needs.

Today more than 49 counties across this nation do not have a single insurer offering an insurance plan on an exchange.

Today more than 1,000 counties across this nation have only one insurer in the Obamacare market

Today for those insurers who did stay in the market all took on an average a 25% increase approximating a $3,000 increase since the inception of Obmacare.

today it is not known how much more prelims will increase but all agree increases will again be double digits.

Today we know that the Senate bill will undo much of the Obamacare damage.

Today we know the Senate bill will rid itself of the individual mandate which in 2015 caused 6.5 million people to pay $3 billion to the IRS.

Today we know the Senate bill will repeal some of Obamacare' costly regulations while giving states flexibility to waive others to bring down costs.

Today we know the Senate bill will repeal billions of dollars in onerous taxes.

Today we know it would put Medicaid on a sustainable spending path and give states a real chance to reform the program and make it work for PEOPLE WHO RELY ON IT

In my view the federal government ought not to be controlling healthcare but here we are.

In my view the federal government has obliterated the 10th Amendment.

In my view there opponents to a GOP healthcare bill resort to scare tactics and fuzzy math

In my view Obamacare vastly expanded medicaid to accommodate Obamacare and now we have many more people undeservingly on the dole. Medicaid should serve those truly poor or disabled.

In my view it is going to be impossible to satisfy everyone and the free market should have a strong preference in this discussion

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Old 06-28-2017, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
We have a number of political threads telling us what the GOP plan is not and how it would adversely affect people.

Perhaps looking at this issue from another prospective might lend some additional insight.

Today millions of people are facing an urgent crisis in their health care needs.

Today more than 49 counties across this nation do not have a single insurer offering an insurance plan on an exchange.

Today more than 1,000 counties across this nation have only one insurer in the Obamacare market

Today for those insurers who did stay in the market all took on an average a 25% increase approximating a $3,000 increase since the inception of Obmacare.

today it is not known how much more prelims will increase but all agree increases will again be double digits.

Today we know that the Senate bill will undo much of the Obamacare damage.

Today we know the Senate bill will rid itself of the individual mandate which in 2015 caused 6.5 million people to pay $3 billion to the IRS.

Today we know the Senate bill will repeal some of Obamacare' costly regulations while giving states flexibility to waive others to bring down costs.

Today we know the Senate bill will repeal billions of dollars in onerous taxes.

Today we know it would put Medicaid on a sustainable spending path and give states a real chance to reform the program and make it work for PEOPLE WHO RELY ON IT

In my view the federal government ought not to be controlling healthcare but here we are.

In my view the federal government has obliterated the 10th Amendment.

In my view there opponents to a GOP healthcare bill resort to scare tactics and fuzzy math

In my view Obamacare vastly expanded medicaid to accommodate Obamacare and now we have many more people undeservingly on the dole. Medicaid should serve those truly poor or disabled.

In my view it is going to be impossible to satisfy everyone and the free market should have a strong preference in this discussion

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Where do you draw the line? Are blacks "truly disabled" because of their low intelligence and socializing skills? Is that why half of them are on welfare?
Old 06-28-2017, 02:46 PM
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Here is how Buffett sees it...

"Warren Buffett thinks the Republican healthcare bill has one goal: to help rich people like him.

During an interview with "PBS NewsHour" on Tuesday, the legendary investor presented his tax return from last year to show just how much he would save from the two proposed Republican plans (the House's American Health Care Act and the Senate's Better Care Reconciliation Act)

"Well, I brought my tax return along for the last year," Buffett told PBS' Judy Woodruff. "I filed this on April 15. And if the Republican — well, if the bill that passed the House with 217 votes had been in effect this year, I would have saved — I can give you the exact figure. I would have saved $679,999, or over 17% of my tax bill."

Both the House and Senate GOP bills repeal all of the taxes created by the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, which primarily fall on the wealthiest Americans. According to a study by the Tax Policy Center, the top 1% of earners in the US would see an average tax-bill decrease of $37,240 under the proposed healthcare bills. People in the top fifth of earners would get 64.2% of the benefit from the tax cut.

"There's nothing ambiguous about that," Buffett said. "I will be given a 17% tax cut. And the people it's directed at are couples with $250,000 or more of income. You could entitle this, you know, Relief for the Rich Act or something, because it — I have got friends where it would have saved them as much as — it gets into the $10-million-and-up figure.""

Warren Buffett on Republican healthcare bill, BCRA, or Trumpcare - Business Insider
Old 06-28-2017, 02:59 PM
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Buffett is a Obamma cock sucker. You idiot!

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Old 06-28-2017, 03:00 PM
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Buffett never passed up a farm subsidie. No wonder he can afford to donate money, he gets it for free from the government...idiot!

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Old 06-28-2017, 03:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Where do you draw the line? Are blacks "truly disabled" because of their low intelligence and socializing skills? Is that why half of them are on welfare?

Briefly, stated a conservative definition of disabled is unable to perform in any occupation. To those individuals a civil society will respond and medicaid should apply

there are those for a number of reasons that may need a temporary hand up until the can get back on their feet and again medicaid should apply.

what most of us envision when he hear or speak of entitlement/welfare programs are the lazy dead beats.

all of the above encompass people from every race or national origin

Abuse and fraud is a major concern in any program where money is made available. It is the reason why I support block grants for medicaid because there will be less fraud and abuse . However I understand that it will never be completely eliminated.

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Old 06-28-2017, 05:21 PM
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Default Paul Ryan wrong that most of the 22 million uninsured would be uninsured by choice

Paul Ryan wrong that most of the 22 million uninsured would be uninsured by choice | PolitiFact
Old 06-29-2017, 07:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest

Briefly, stated a conservative definition of disabled is unable to perform in any occupation. To those individuals a civil society will respond and medicaid should apply

there are those for a number of reasons that may need a temporary hand up until the can get back on their feet and again medicaid should apply.

what most of us envision when he hear or speak of entitlement/welfare programs are the lazy dead beats.

all of the above encompass people from every race or national origin

Abuse and fraud is a major concern in any program where money is made available. It is the reason why I support block grants for medicaid because there will be less fraud and abuse . However I understand that it will never be completely eliminated.

Personal Best Regards:
Come on Rubi...be honest with yourself...

Blacks don't "perform" except in a very few, limited areas...football, basketball, and boxing. Beyond that...WHAT do they do WELL? WHY do they STILL NEED quotas?

TEMPORARY hand up? We've been taking care of the blacks forever. Generation after generation...half the black population is on welfare. When do we admit it isn't working?

I think of "people" who are INCAPABLE of making it on their own living and breeding on my dime. Lazy is part of overwhelmed...they can't compete...so they give up. They don't even keep their own neighborhoods clean. It's mass depression caused by the disheartenment of living among a superior species. You're NOT happy when you lose all the time. We foolishly PAY them to make more idiots like themselves. We shouldn't be encouraging them. We DO encourage them because the big corporations MAKE MONEY off the multitudes of government programs created to "help" the blacks. We're giving them taxpayer bought fish instead of INSISTING that they start fishing themselves.

NO...percentage wise...NO other "race"...species...NEEDS help...NEEDS welfare at the rate of the blacks. They're 13% of the population but half of the welfare recipients. Go down to the nearest welfare office in Leesburg or Wildwood...it's FILLED with blacks and now. more and more Hispanics. Welfare offices used to be 90% blacks in the waiting room...now it's half black, half Hispanic with a few stupid white girls stuck with black kids.

Ain't that the truth...the CORPORATIONS are drawn to money like bears to honey. THEY instill the government that will work for them. THAT is the reality of EVERY situation. SOMEONE profits from EVERYTHING government does.

As ALWAYS happens...the poor with eventually become unsustainable. They already cost the taxpayers over a $ trillion a year. Since only 100 million people in America hold jobs...welfare costs each worker $9,000 a year.

Are they worth it? Are lots of blacks and Hispanics living among us, destroying our neighborhoods, schools, towns, cities...worth $9,000 a year?
Old 06-29-2017, 08:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest

Briefly, stated a conservative definition of disabled is unable to perform in any occupation. To those individuals a civil society will respond and medicaid should apply

there are those for a number of reasons that may need a temporary hand up until the can get back on their feet and again medicaid should apply.

what most of us envision when he hear or speak of entitlement/welfare programs are the lazy dead beats.

all of the above encompass people from every race or national origin

Abuse and fraud is a major concern in any program where money is made available. It is the reason why I support block grants for medicaid because there will be less fraud and abuse . However I understand that it will never be completely eliminated.

Personal Best Regards:
While it's true that the government usually requires that you are unable to perform any type of job in order to be declared 100% disabled, exceptions are made once a person is over a certain age and has been in the same profession for a certain number of years. The though is that retraining a person like this would take longer and cost more money than it's worth. So if you are over 55 and have worked in basically the same type of job for 30 years or more, you'll likely to be declared to be disabled if you are unable to do that particular job or one very similar to it.
Old 06-29-2017, 08:31 AM
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If you read this article, it completely contradicts the title.

According to the article,
The CBO said it and the Joint Committee on Taxation "estimate that, in 2018, 15 million more people would be uninsured under this legislation than under current law — primarily because the penalty for not having insurance would be eliminated."

But Ryan was asked about the 22 million figure, which is the estimate for 2026.

That estimate was the sum of two groups — a Medicaid group totalling 15 million people, and the non-group insurance market amounting to 7 million people.
If I'm reading this correctly, the CBO (which is wrong more often than it is right) has stated at an additional 22 million people would be uninsured and that 15 million of them would be uninsured because the penalty for not having insurance would be lifted. That certainly sounds like the vast majority, or as Speaker Ryan says, "MOST", would be uninsured by choice.
Old 06-29-2017, 08:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Dr Winston O Boogie jr View Post
If you read this article, it completely contradicts the title.

According to the article,


If I'm reading this correctly, the CBO (which is wrong more often than it is right) has stated at an additional 22 million people would be uninsured and that 15 million of them would be uninsured because the penalty for not having insurance would be lifted. That certainly sounds like the vast majority, or as Speaker Ryan says, "MOST", would be uninsured by choice.
They don't want to hear facts.

Nancy Pelosi - Hundreds Of Thousands Of People Will Die - YouTube
Old 06-29-2017, 08:57 AM
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One of the most interesting things about this whole debate is that the typical Washington speak still goes on and the Republicans don't answer it.

This bill increases Medicaid spending by 20% over the next ten years. Yet according to the CBO and Democrats, this is a draconian cut that will cause the death of millions of poor people.
Old 06-29-2017, 11:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
One of the most interesting things about this whole debate is that the typical Washington speak still goes on and the Republicans don't answer it.

This bill increases Medicaid spending by 20% over the next ten years. Yet according to the CBO and Democrats, this is a draconian cut that will cause the death of millions of poor people.
Because POOR people...minorities...are breeding like rabbits because we pay for everything. You'll need a 50% increase JUST to keep up with their expanding numbers.
Old 06-29-2017, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
One of the most interesting things about this whole debate is that the typical Washington speak still goes on and the Republicans don't answer it.

This bill increases Medicaid spending by 20% over the next ten years. Yet according to the CBO and Democrats, this is a draconian cut that will cause the death of millions of poor people.
Exactly. Liberals just repeat talking points because they do not know how to read.
Old 06-29-2017, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Exactly. Liberals just repeat talking points because they do not know how to read.
No, I think that they know how to read and know exactly what they are saying. If they want to increase spending by 50% and the Republicans want to increase it by 40% they call that a 10% cut.

bill, people, today, healthcare, senate

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