10 Completely Idiotic (and Debunked) Conspiracies Many Republicans Actually Believe

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Old 05-29-2017, 01:37 PM
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Default 10 Completely Idiotic (and Debunked) Conspiracies Many Republicans Actually Believe

10 Completely Idiotic (and Debunked) Conspiracies Many Republicans Actually Believe

Donald Trump rehashes debunked conspiracy theories, attacks Republicans in Monday night tweetstorm
Donald Trump rehashes debunked conspiracy theories, attacks Republicans in Monday night tweetstorm - Salon.com

Why Is Any Republican Spreading The Conspiracy Theory About Slain DNC Staffer Seth Rich?
Why Is Any Republican Spreading the Conspiracy Theory About Slain DNC Staffer Seth Rich?

Nearly half of Republicans see truth in ‘Pizzagate’ theory: Poll
'Pizzagate' theory believed by nearly half of Republicans: Poll - Washington Times

Old 05-29-2017, 03:24 PM
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The 'chemtrails' thread in the main forum, exemplifies the gullibility of a lot of those on the right...that live here.
Old 05-29-2017, 11:35 PM
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Default All False statements involving Donald Trump SO FAR....

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
don't lie.jpg
Old 05-30-2017, 03:57 AM
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Default "See What I Can Do"

If you do not want to bother with the long version, the short version is Trump was elected because he was seen as not beholden to anyone and that frightens the Establishment.

Americans No Longer Fooled By Mainstream Fake News Says Recent Poll
By Andrew West May 29, 2017

The mainstream media has opened a virtual Pandora’s box in the last 8 months by attempting to create a “fake news” moniker for their opponents.

During the election of 2016, Donald Trump’s unique campaign brought forth a massive conservative uprising in the United States. Somewhere between fiscally conscious republicans and the Tea Party laid a massive, unheard segment of the population who distrusted the Washington elitist republicans almost as much as they despised democrats and their demigods Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

In the case of Trump, they had a third option: A man without a country, so to speak, not beholden to the whims of the Washington overlords and their lobbying parasites and certainly not beholden to the Clinton crime family that hoped to once again rule the liberal lands of the left.

The media analysts saw this coming a mile away, and frantically engaged failed strategy after failed strategy in an attempt to quell the rising tide of conservatism to no avail. One tactic in their employ during this time was the use of a digital scarlet letter, “fake news”. The concept was extremely simple, too simple really, in that the mainstream media would denigrate any news sources that did not fit into their tightly woven narrative by proclaiming them to be “fake news”. They truly believed that this would work, due to the underground nature of many conservative news websites – a trait that had been bestowed upon those sites by the mainstream media monopoly itself.

What they couldn’t have expected, however, was that Trump – in all of his battle-savvy wisdom – would quickly parlay the phrase like an opposing army’s arrow, snatching it up after a clever defense and placing it deftly into his own verbose quiver. This swift and timely maneuver woke the American people up to the tricks of the liberally-controlled 24 hour news cycles.

“Two out of three voters believe ‘there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media,’ according to a new poll.

“The most trusting supporters of the establishment media were found among Hillary Clinton’s voters, where only 42 percent said the media contains much fake news. Fifty-eight percent of her voters disagreed with the statement that “there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media.” One-sixth of Clinton’s voters, or 14 percent, strongly disagreed that the statement that the establishment media includes a lot of fake news.

“Eighty-five percent of Donald Trump’s voters believe “there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media,” according to the poll of the 2,006 registered voters.

“Overall, Trump’s voters split 85 percent to 15 percent in agreement, while Clinton’s voters split 58 percent agree to 42 percent disagree. That adds up to a 64-point gap between the two camps about the scale of fake news in the establishment media. “

While Trump has certainly found himself embattled in Washington, as many suspected that he would, the awakening that his presidency has already brought to the people of America is an astounding triumph. No longer do we find ourselves searching for a people’s politician, but, instead, for a person to poke and prod the politicians.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 05-30-2017, 06:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
If you do not want to bother with the long version, the short version is Trump was elected because he was seen as not beholden to anyone and that frightens the Establishment.

Americans No Longer Fooled By Mainstream Fake News Says Recent Poll
By Andrew West May 29, 2017

The mainstream media has opened a virtual Pandora’s box in the last 8 months by attempting to create a “fake news” moniker for their opponents.

During the election of 2016, Donald Trump’s unique campaign brought forth a massive conservative uprising in the United States. Somewhere between fiscally conscious republicans and the Tea Party laid a massive, unheard segment of the population who distrusted the Washington elitist republicans almost as much as they despised democrats and their demigods Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

In the case of Trump, they had a third option: A man without a country, so to speak, not beholden to the whims of the Washington overlords and their lobbying parasites and certainly not beholden to the Clinton crime family that hoped to once again rule the liberal lands of the left.

The media analysts saw this coming a mile away, and frantically engaged failed strategy after failed strategy in an attempt to quell the rising tide of conservatism to no avail. One tactic in their employ during this time was the use of a digital scarlet letter, “fake news”. The concept was extremely simple, too simple really, in that the mainstream media would denigrate any news sources that did not fit into their tightly woven narrative by proclaiming them to be “fake news”. They truly believed that this would work, due to the underground nature of many conservative news websites – a trait that had been bestowed upon those sites by the mainstream media monopoly itself.

What they couldn’t have expected, however, was that Trump – in all of his battle-savvy wisdom – would quickly parlay the phrase like an opposing army’s arrow, snatching it up after a clever defense and placing it deftly into his own verbose quiver. This swift and timely maneuver woke the American people up to the tricks of the liberally-controlled 24 hour news cycles.

“Two out of three voters believe ‘there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media,’ according to a new poll.

“The most trusting supporters of the establishment media were found among Hillary Clinton’s voters, where only 42 percent said the media contains much fake news. Fifty-eight percent of her voters disagreed with the statement that “there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media.” One-sixth of Clinton’s voters, or 14 percent, strongly disagreed that the statement that the establishment media includes a lot of fake news.

“Eighty-five percent of Donald Trump’s voters believe “there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media,” according to the poll of the 2,006 registered voters.

“Overall, Trump’s voters split 85 percent to 15 percent in agreement, while Clinton’s voters split 58 percent agree to 42 percent disagree. That adds up to a 64-point gap between the two camps about the scale of fake news in the establishment media. “

While Trump has certainly found himself embattled in Washington, as many suspected that he would, the awakening that his presidency has already brought to the people of America is an astounding triumph. No longer do we find ourselves searching for a people’s politician, but, instead, for a person to poke and prod the politicians.

Personal Best Regards:
You've been duped by fake news if you believe or have the nerve to present Andrew West as a legitimate news source. Of course, that is the newest trick of deception by conservatives. When confronted by facts about their idiot president and his staff, the truth is too hard to bear, so they deflect and claim the facts are "fake news". Any person with a brain knows that somewhere along the line of news reporting lies the truth. Every study known to mankind has shown how untruthful Fox news is. CNN has been shown to be at least half true 80% of the time. I know which source I would believe and it isn't Fox.

I personally think, many conservatives are deeply are angry and frightened by feminist women, blacks, Muslims, immigrants, liberals and nonwhite US minorities. Because they're afraid and angry, for whatever reason, many of these "conservatives" buy into fake, negative, half-violent stories about the groups they distrust. It has become really easy for some of these alt right news sources to post just about anything and disregard any evidence to the contrary. I think back to some of the outrageous things that Republicans were spouting - like Hillary engaged in sex orgies on some island, Obama was a Muslim and all women would be wearing burkas if he got elected. The list goes on and on. Trump has caught on to this tactic, and now whenever the news reports some new fact from our national security agencies, he claims its all fake and a conspiracy. And many conservatives will be susceptible to this and believe all the crazy things Trump says.
Old 05-30-2017, 06:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
If you do not want to bother with the long version, the short version is Trump was elected because he was seen as not beholden to anyone and that frightens the Establishment.

Americans No Longer Fooled By Mainstream Fake News Says Recent Poll
By Andrew West May 29, 2017

The mainstream media has opened a virtual Pandora’s box in the last 8 months by attempting to create a “fake news” moniker for their opponents.

During the election of 2016, Donald Trump’s unique campaign brought forth a massive conservative uprising in the United States. Somewhere between fiscally conscious republicans and the Tea Party laid a massive, unheard segment of the population who distrusted the Washington elitist republicans almost as much as they despised democrats and their demigods Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

In the case of Trump, they had a third option: A man without a country, so to speak, not beholden to the whims of the Washington overlords and their lobbying parasites and certainly not beholden to the Clinton crime family that hoped to once again rule the liberal lands of the left.

The media analysts saw this coming a mile away, and frantically engaged failed strategy after failed strategy in an attempt to quell the rising tide of conservatism to no avail. One tactic in their employ during this time was the use of a digital scarlet letter, “fake news”. The concept was extremely simple, too simple really, in that the mainstream media would denigrate any news sources that did not fit into their tightly woven narrative by proclaiming them to be “fake news”. They truly believed that this would work, due to the underground nature of many conservative news websites – a trait that had been bestowed upon those sites by the mainstream media monopoly itself.

What they couldn’t have expected, however, was that Trump – in all of his battle-savvy wisdom – would quickly parlay the phrase like an opposing army’s arrow, snatching it up after a clever defense and placing it deftly into his own verbose quiver. This swift and timely maneuver woke the American people up to the tricks of the liberally-controlled 24 hour news cycles.

“Two out of three voters believe ‘there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media,’ according to a new poll.

“The most trusting supporters of the establishment media were found among Hillary Clinton’s voters, where only 42 percent said the media contains much fake news. Fifty-eight percent of her voters disagreed with the statement that “there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media.” One-sixth of Clinton’s voters, or 14 percent, strongly disagreed that the statement that the establishment media includes a lot of fake news.

“Eighty-five percent of Donald Trump’s voters believe “there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media,” according to the poll of the 2,006 registered voters.

“Overall, Trump’s voters split 85 percent to 15 percent in agreement, while Clinton’s voters split 58 percent agree to 42 percent disagree. That adds up to a 64-point gap between the two camps about the scale of fake news in the establishment media. “

While Trump has certainly found himself embattled in Washington, as many suspected that he would, the awakening that his presidency has already brought to the people of America is an astounding triumph. No longer do we find ourselves searching for a people’s politician, but, instead, for a person to poke and prod the politicians.

Personal Best Regards:
The author......

"Andrew West
Andrew West is a Georgia-based political enthusiast and lover of liberty. When not writing, you can find Mr. West home brewing his own craft beer, perfecting his home-made hot sauce recipes, or playing guitar."

The website is CONSTITUTION.COM a bit hard right

The bottom line is simply another attack, prompted by the beloved Donald Trump, endorsed by Every single Russian affiliated website. Destroy freedom of the press and make them fake news while endorsing the fake news from the Kremlin.

At least the new French President called it correctly, and stood up for his country.

You figure what motivation our President has to attack all members of our society, from Justice to intelligence to free press.

Anyone ever noticed there is never ever an example given...simply rantings.
Old 05-30-2017, 06:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You've been duped by fake news if you believe or have the nerve to present Andrew West as a legitimate news source. Of course, that is the newest trick of deception by conservatives. When confronted by facts about their idiot president and his staff, the truth is too hard to bear, so they deflect and claim the facts are "fake news". Any person with a brain knows that somewhere along the line of news reporting lies the truth. Every study known to mankind has shown how untruthful Fox news is. CNN has been shown to be at least half true 80% of the time. I know which source I would believe and it isn't Fox.

I personally think, many conservatives are deeply are angry and frightened by feminist women, blacks, Muslims, immigrants, liberals and nonwhite US minorities. Because they're afraid and angry, for whatever reason, many of these "conservatives" buy into fake, negative, half-violent stories about the groups they distrust. It has become really easy for some of these alt right news sources to post just about anything and disregard any evidence to the contrary. I think back to some of the outrageous things that Republicans were spouting - like Hillary engaged in sex orgies on some island, Obama was a Muslim and all women would be wearing burkas if he got elected. The list goes on and on. Trump has caught on to this tactic, and now whenever the news reports some new fact from our national security agencies, he claims its all fake and a conspiracy. And many conservatives will be susceptible to this and believe all the crazy things Trump says.
We're angry...not frightened...because we KNOW that women and minorities ARE destroying this ONCE GREAT country. As whites have gone from 90% to 50% of the population...America HAS gone from being #1 in most hings to #25 today. Hispanics WILL BE the majority in less than 30 years and they ARE the majority of kids already.

It was Bill reportedly having sex with young girls on the island. Obama IS a Muslim...you should READ his books.

You come here and "school us"...but you're wrong too.
Old 05-30-2017, 06:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The author......

"Andrew West
Andrew West is a Georgia-based political enthusiast and lover of liberty. When not writing, you can find Mr. West home brewing his own craft beer, perfecting his home-made hot sauce recipes, or playing guitar."

The website is CONSTITUTION.COM a bit hard right

The bottom line is simply another attack, prompted by the beloved Donald Trump, endorsed by Every single Russian affiliated website. Destroy freedom of the press and make them fake news while endorsing the fake news from the Kremlin.

At least the new French President called it correctly, and stood up for his country.

You figure what motivation our President has to attack all members of our society, from Justice to intelligence to free press.

Anyone ever noticed there is never ever an example given...simply rantings.
Just the fact that RubiTHECon NEVER links to the sources he either quotes, or plagiarizes from, and intelligent folks have to go search for his obscure/highly biased sites that he uses...says it all.

He continually tries to impress the less-than-bright with his pseudo-intellectualism...yet he isn't even smart enough to link to a site.

And to think that there are some...who actually take him seriously.
Old 05-30-2017, 07:51 AM
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Originally Posted by rubicon View Post
If you do not want to bother with the long version, the short version is Trump was elected because he was seen as not beholden to anyone and that frightens the Establishment.

Americans No Longer Fooled By Mainstream Fake News Says Recent Poll
By Andrew West May 29, 2017

The mainstream media has opened a virtual Pandora’s box in the last 8 months by attempting to create a “fake news” moniker for their opponents.

During the election of 2016, Donald Trump’s unique campaign brought forth a massive conservative uprising in the United States. Somewhere between fiscally conscious republicans and the Tea Party laid a massive, unheard segment of the population who distrusted the Washington elitist republicans almost as much as they despised democrats and their demigods Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

In the case of Trump, they had a third option: A man without a country, so to speak, not beholden to the whims of the Washington overlords and their lobbying parasites and certainly not beholden to the Clinton crime family that hoped to once again rule the liberal lands of the left.

The media analysts saw this coming a mile away, and frantically engaged failed strategy after failed strategy in an attempt to quell the rising tide of conservatism to no avail. One tactic in their employ during this time was the use of a digital scarlet letter, “fake news”. The concept was extremely simple, too simple really, in that the mainstream media would denigrate any news sources that did not fit into their tightly woven narrative by proclaiming them to be “fake news”. They truly believed that this would work, due to the underground nature of many conservative news websites – a trait that had been bestowed upon those sites by the mainstream media monopoly itself.

What they couldn’t have expected, however, was that Trump – in all of his battle-savvy wisdom – would quickly parlay the phrase like an opposing army’s arrow, snatching it up after a clever defense and placing it deftly into his own verbose quiver. This swift and timely maneuver woke the American people up to the tricks of the liberally-controlled 24 hour news cycles.

“Two out of three voters believe ‘there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media,’ according to a new poll.

“The most trusting supporters of the establishment media were found among Hillary Clinton’s voters, where only 42 percent said the media contains much fake news. Fifty-eight percent of her voters disagreed with the statement that “there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media.” One-sixth of Clinton’s voters, or 14 percent, strongly disagreed that the statement that the establishment media includes a lot of fake news.

“Eighty-five percent of Donald Trump’s voters believe “there is a lot of fake news in the mainstream media,” according to the poll of the 2,006 registered voters.

“Overall, Trump’s voters split 85 percent to 15 percent in agreement, while Clinton’s voters split 58 percent agree to 42 percent disagree. That adds up to a 64-point gap between the two camps about the scale of fake news in the establishment media. “

While Trump has certainly found himself embattled in Washington, as many suspected that he would, the awakening that his presidency has already brought to the people of America is an astounding triumph. No longer do we find ourselves searching for a people’s politician, but, instead, for a person to poke and prod the politicians.

Personal Best Regards:
PBR, you scoffed at someone who cited a Politicus USA source , and then you use a right wing moonshiner blogger as your fake news poster boy.

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Old 05-30-2017, 08:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
We're angry...not frightened...because we KNOW that women and minorities ARE destroying this ONCE GREAT country. As whites have gone from 90% to 50% of the population...America HAS gone from being #1 in most hings to #25 today. Hispanics WILL BE the majority in less than 30 years and they ARE the majority of kids already.

It was Bill reportedly having sex with young girls on the island. Obama IS a Muslim...you should READ his books.

You come here and "school us"...but you're wrong too.
A well reasoned and articulate rebuttal. Thank you for your input. Your statement will be archived in the Trump Presidential Coloring Book.
Old 05-30-2017, 08:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
PBR, you scoffed at someone who cited a Politicus USA source , and then you use a right wing moonshiner blogger as your fake news poster boy.

Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
Old 05-30-2017, 08:46 AM
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The media was PROVEN to be an agent of the left. Thank you wikileaks. The wikileaks that Trump praised are the true emails of the left that no one said were not accurate. Except for fool donna Brazile that briefly tried to say they were false.

Now the media is trying to imply Trump likes all leaks. The left leaking top secret information supplied by anonymous sources is very criminal and completely different.

The media will do anything to take the attention away from their corrupt media mafia. The problem is, working America nows the truth.

No matter how much the handful of villager snowflakes post the liberal propaganda, good Americans know the truth.

Congress is working on a new law, interfere with freedom of speech, lose your right to vote for four years.

Don't ask for a link, it's still a secret.
Old 05-30-2017, 08:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The media was PROVEN to be an agent of the left. Thank you wikileaks. The wikileaks that Trump praised are the true emails of the left that no one said were not accurate. Except for fool donna Brazile that briefly tried to say they were false.

Now the media is trying to imply Trump likes all leaks. The left leaking top secret information supplied by anonymous sources is very criminal and completely different.

The media will do anything to take the attention away from their corrupt media mafia. The problem is, working America nows the truth.

No matter how much the handful of villager snowflakes post the liberal propaganda, good Americans know the truth.

Congress is working on a new law, interfere with freedom of speech, lose your right to vote for four years.

Don't ask for a link, it's still a secret.
You show your ignorance every single time you post on here...

"CIA Director Mike Pompeo, in his first speech since taking over the agency, lambasted WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange -- calling the group a "non-state hostile intelligence service" that is often abetted by "state actors like Russia."

Speaking Thursday at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Pompeo called Assange a "fraud," someone with no “moral compass” and a “narcissist who has created nothing of value.”

He asserted that Assange and former National Security Agency staffer and famed leaker Edward Snowden “seek to use that information to make a name for themselves” and they “care nothing about the lives they put at risk or the damage they cause to national security.”

Asked why he would focus on WikiLeaks rather than other issues, Pompeo said he felt it was vital to inform the American people about the threat they pose.

CIA's Pompeo rips WikiLeaks as 'hostile intelligence service' abetted by Russia | Fox News

If I were you, I would stop reading the Russian web sites that you obviously frequent and get in touch with the real world.

You must be totally embarassed at the crap (crap is being nice) that you post and if you continue you will just do your terrible reputation even more harm.

Of course if you the reputation you seek is that of a troll...stop trying, you have been successful.

WikiLeaks long was identified WORLD WIDE, not simply here as an agent of the Russians and certainly not a friend of anyone but Trump.
Old 05-30-2017, 09:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Allegiance View Post
The media was PROVEN to be an agent of the left. Thank you wikileaks. The wikileaks that Trump praised are the true emails of the left that no one said were not accurate. Except for fool donna Brazile that briefly tried to say they were false.

Now the media is trying to imply Trump likes all leaks. The left leaking top secret information supplied by anonymous sources is very criminal and completely different.

The media will do anything to take the attention away from their corrupt media mafia. The problem is, working America nows the truth.

No matter how much the handful of villager snowflakes post the liberal propaganda, good Americans know the truth.

Congress is working on a new law, interfere with freedom of speech, lose your right to vote for four years.

Don't ask for a link, it's still a secret.
Maybe BIG POPPA will post the link.

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Old 05-30-2017, 09:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Maybe BIG POPPA will post the link.

Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk
I dont know what a BIG POPPA is but I do know that Allegiance is a big nothing except if you use BIG in front of BSer.

How can a person go through life and be so ignorant....so un informed and so un american and then manifest it on a public forum ?

He continually will post as a troll simply to irritate and does not realize how totally and completely stupid he looks.

One problem is there are websites that posters here frequent. They are Russian affiliated and known to be that by the intelligence services. A few have even plagiarized from and linked as source to a few that were mentioned in open hearings in congress. They continue to act as un american as you can be while standing on make america great again.....the irony of this is not lost on most

republicans, conspiracies, completely, idiotic, debunked

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