Whom to believe-- Comey or Trump.

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Old 05-18-2017, 09:56 AM
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What the hell. Do they lie about everything.

"Michael Flynn and other advisers to Donald Trump’s campaign were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the exchanges told Reuters.

The previously undisclosed interactions form part of the record now being reviewed by FBI and congressional investigators probing Russian interference in the U.S. presidential election and contacts between Trump’s campaign and Russia.

Six of the previously undisclosed contacts described to Reuters were phone calls between Sergei Kislyak, Russia's ambassador to the United States, and Trump advisers, including Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser, three current and former officials said.

In January, the Trump White House initially denied any contacts with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign. The White House and advisers to the campaign have since confirmed four meetings between Kislyak and Trump advisers during that time."

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources
| Reuters

Old 05-18-2017, 10:52 AM
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For all those who feel required to come on here and totally demean Comey, please note.......

He is not lying

AND most importantly his testimony is simply ONE brick in the building. This testimony will be because press reports imply nefarious things were said.

I think it is somewhere between......it DOES matter, but will not knock Trump out of the box.

So, all Trump supporters who must be very tired defending your hero, save trying to denigrate Comey...you will need all that hate for anyone opposed to your hero...believe me.
Old 05-18-2017, 04:25 PM
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When does this stop ? Seriously, if we had a serious problem in this country how in the world could you believe this man in the White House.

First, he fired Comey based on the recommendation of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Said that pretty clearly.

Then, while still saying that he says he fired Comey and had the Russian investigation in his mind and was going to fire him without any recommendation.

Today, we hear from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that he knew at least a day before the memo was written that Comey would be fired. (keep in mind the memo in question was criticizing Comey for the Clinton press conference)

"So Rosenstein just told senators he knew Comey would be fired before he wrote the memo.

WH cover story was a lie from the start."



Oh, just as an after thought...this reported today from a leak FROM THE WHITE HOUSE AND TRUMP GROUP....

"A senior official in the Trump administration, who previously worked on the president’s campaign, offered a candid and brief assessment of the fallout from that string of bad press: “I don’t see how Trump isn’t completely fu$ked.”

Trump Officials on Comey Memo: ‘Don’t See How Trump Isn’t Completely F*cked’

Old 05-18-2017, 04:48 PM
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Every time Trump opens his mouth or uses his thumbs to tweet...he digs his hole deeper.

Just listening to him today...he's whining like a two year old.
Old 05-18-2017, 05:20 PM
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Trump has zero credibility. We all know that, not even a point of discussion any more. Comey is an avowed Republican, and those leanings "may" have had ramifications regarding his treatment of candidate Clinton, but as far as honesty, most people see him as telling the truth.
Old 05-18-2017, 06:17 PM
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For many of us Comey tarnished his reputation and his ability to be objective in the job when he admitted Clinton broke the law; that she was reckless with national security; was incapable of comprehending the technology required for national security;

and then went on to say he could not see fit to prosecute.

He prostituted his reputation and the law of the land......like a bonafide politician playing the game instead of doing what was right by the law and right for the country.

So, no he is not any more trustworthy than any other politician, play the political game of self!
Old 05-18-2017, 08:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
For many of us Comey tarnished his reputation and his ability to be objective in the job when he admitted Clinton broke the law; that she was reckless with national security; was incapable of comprehending the technology required for national security;

and then went on to say he could not see fit to prosecute.

He prostituted his reputation and the law of the land......like a bonafide politician playing the game instead of doing what was right by the law and right for the country.

So, no he is not any more trustworthy than any other politician, play the political game of self!
I think you better reread his entire statement that he made.
This is a link to the entire thing.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI

Having said that, I would ask what one has to do with the other.

Comey is not on trial, nor does he stand accused of anything, nor is he under investigation for anything.

Nobody doubts the president may fire him.

Not sure what you think the issue is on Comeys reputation or anything. The issues are....

.....the President has told AT LEAST 3 different reasons for the firing, and told and tells different story than those who represent him.

....He admitted on camera, one reason was the investigation of HIS campaign and possible collusion with Russia.

....What did he say to Comey regarding Flynn.

....did Trump ask for a pledge of loyalty.

ALL of these issues relate to Trump, NOT COMEY. It is reported Comey has notes, heretofore considered admissible. Trump impliedvthere were tapes.

Bottom line...this is a side story. But attacking Comey means nothing. This is simply a small piece of the puzzle.

Collusion, if they find it.....laundering Russian money, if proven, etc are the important part.

I do suspect when it comes to honor and honesty, Comey wins hands down. You can question judgement or a decision, but there is NO..NONE...evidence of lying or deceit. On the other hand, Trump has wagons full.

I get your statement on "self", but gotta tell you...Trump was the exact opposite of who you need to keep everyone honest. And frankly, this is such a disaster, chances of another "Trump" is minimal. Trump is basically one of the most dishonest men in the planet. He was called that before politics and nothing has changed. He is the definition of being for "self".
Old 05-19-2017, 09:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I think you better reread his entire statement that he made.
This is a link to the entire thing.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System — FBI

Having said that, I would ask what one has to do with the other.

Comey is not on trial, nor does he stand accused of anything, nor is he under investigation for anything.

Nobody doubts the president may fire him.

Not sure what you think the issue is on Comeys reputation or anything. The issues are....

.....the President has told AT LEAST 3 different reasons for the firing, and told and tells different story than those who represent him.

....He admitted on camera, one reason was the investigation of HIS campaign and possible collusion with Russia.

....What did he say to Comey regarding Flynn.

....did Trump ask for a pledge of loyalty.

ALL of these issues relate to Trump, NOT COMEY. It is reported Comey has notes, heretofore considered admissible. Trump impliedvthere were tapes.

Bottom line...this is a side story. But attacking Comey means nothing. This is simply a small piece of the puzzle.

Collusion, if they find it.....laundering Russian money, if proven, etc are the important part.

I do suspect when it comes to honor and honesty, Comey wins hands down. You can question judgement or a decision, but there is NO..NONE...evidence of lying or deceit. On the other hand, Trump has wagons full.

I get your statement on "self", but gotta tell you...Trump was the exact opposite of who you need to keep everyone honest. And frankly, this is such a disaster, chances of another "Trump" is minimal. Trump is basically one of the most dishonest men in the planet. He was called that before politics and nothing has changed. He is the definition of being for "self".
For the highlight above....hence he was/is more of a politician than initially claimed......
Old 05-19-2017, 12:22 PM
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[QUOTE=Guest]Trump vs. Comey: Who will America trust? - CNNPolitics.com

Let's see. Campaigner Donald Trump lied pretty much constantly on the campaign trail and now as President he continues to lie. Comey is often way too honest for his own good.[/QUOte

No contest, Comey is an amateur compared to Trump.
Old 05-19-2017, 03:20 PM
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This is beginning to sound like a SNL skit, but real.

This was during the meeting, without US media and with one party representing Russian spying.

"WASHINGTON — President Trump told Russian officials in the Oval Office this month that firing the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, had relieved “great pressure” on him, according to a document summarizing the meeting.

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”

Mr. Trump added, “I’m not under investigation.”

The conversation, during a May 10 meeting — the day after he fired Mr. Comey — reinforces the notion that Mr. Trump dismissed him primarily because of the bureau’s investigation into possible collusion between his campaign and Russian operatives. Mr. Trump said as much in one televised interview, but the White House has offered changing justifications for the firing."

Old 05-19-2017, 07:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
For the highlight above....hence he was/is more of a politician than initially claimed......
They're ALL politicians...that's what it takes to get into those positions.

When will you get that through your heads?

ALL high level government positions are filled with corrupt politicians. If you believe one of them is honest...it just means he a better liar.
Old 05-19-2017, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
They're ALL politicians...that's what it takes to get into those positions.

When will you get that through your heads?

ALL high level government positions are filled with corrupt politicians. If you believe one of them is honest...it just means he a better liar.
That is total crap. This country has been blessed up to now with many fine people who are honest and patriotic.

There are exceptions, of course, but never have we had this lack of morals in our White House.

But, I think we can be very proud of most that have served us, both Democrat and Republican.

You not agreeing does not make it wrong. The dishonesty, open lying and deceit make everything tainted.

president, trump, comey, believe--

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