Why are democrats and liberals so upset?

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Old 05-09-2017, 05:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
A BILLIONAIRE CLOWN. A WINNING CLOWN. The one that beat the falling down, two time loser, tramp. Does that work for you? Rhetorical question. No answer necessary when I am stating the obvious.
Election is over. He won.

Start measuring him as a President. Start KNOWING his lying is on YOUR behalf. His EO's, which are basically a series of ordered studies on subjects does not make him a leader.

When does he talk to the nation off prompter ?

When does HE step up and explain what our foreign policy is and where it is headed(obviously not what he said while campaigning) ?

When does he understand that he continues to demean citizens of this country that actually have done something for that country ?

Someday, this will all shake out.....I had hope, but have totally lost it.

I am sick of hearing from you idiots about Clinton and Obama. Step up.....listen without him telling you what to think.
Old 05-10-2017, 04:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Election is over. He won.

Start measuring him as a President. Start KNOWING his lying is on YOUR behalf. His EO's, which are basically a series of ordered studies on subjects does not make him a leader.

When does he talk to the nation off prompter ?

When does HE step up and explain what our foreign policy is and where it is headed(obviously not what he said while campaigning) ?

When does he understand that he continues to demean citizens of this country that actually have done something for that country ?

Someday, this will all shake out.....I had hope, but have totally lost it.

I am sick of hearing from you idiots about Clinton and Obama. Step up.....listen without him telling you what to think.
It's a shame to see you despondent like this. Why can't you get over Trump's win?
You're right, E.O.s do not make the leader. Obama signed a bunch of them, and proved not to be a leader. On the other hand, Trump's actions have shown he is a leader, whether or not you approve. He's made some difficult decisions, and half believe they were good decisions and half (YOU) believe they were bad. Oh well, you can't satisfy those that are not looking to be satisfied.
Why should he speak to the nation off prompter? Perhaps he does not wish to sound like he is lecturing children, like Obama did consistently. Perhaps, he feels that his many interviews by supposed news reporters is sufficient. I have not seen a mandate for the president to make so many appearances to discuss his job.
His foreign policy is flexible and "evolving" like Obama's many views. Why did you give Obama a pass and not Trump. Are you racist?
Demean our country? So far, Trump has not made an "apology tour" to other countries. Perhaps those that are supposedly demeaned deserve his non-PC view?
You are sick? I am sorry to hear that and hope you get well soon.

You asked the question, and you received answers. I doubt you wanted answers, and I doubt you will be satisfied, but HEY, that's life.

days, golf, president, upset, liberals

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