Why has America become so partisan?

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Old 04-18-2017, 09:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
OK, I don't have a problem. I'm just trying to participate in a discussion about why America is so politically partisan, and if you don't like my opinions about that topic then that is your problem, not mine. If you think my questions are "silly" then ignore them, but someone needs to answer them. The questions were posed to demonstrate that there is partisanship on both sides of the political aisle and not just from the Democrats. If that is wrong, then answer the questions. I'm not attacking the POTUS, but I have every right to oppose his policies, and unlike you, I can do that without hating him or resorting to ridiculous accusations that have no basis in fact.
Sorry to call you out in your fragile state, but the fact is that you are showing only that you are partisan based on your dislike for the man, versus any of his policies. That is being disingenuous any way you look at it. Perhaps, in your grief of being a loser, you don't realize that you are not looking at the presidency but at a Hollywood celebrity style personal character preference. That IS your prerogative, but it has nothing to do with being politically partisan. It just means that you wish to be lead purely by your popularity preference.

Making a list of questions that are not pertinent to the subject does not mean you are astute enough to avoid criticism. My point is that according to your list, it would not matter if the person was Dem or Repub, you would rate by personality flaws over ideology. That is not a politically partisan trait, but a popularity trait. Of course, if you pointed out those particular flaws in Trump based on your political difference and could not find any policy flaws, I guess it would be a stretch to make the claim that this could be partisan.

So, to summarize......you don't know how to debate the partisan issue so you are talking out your @ss again. Forgive my rather frank manner of pointing this out to you.
Old 04-18-2017, 11:25 AM
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Default Fyi

Originally Posted by Guest
Maybe! Do you take huge tax write offs by hiding profits in off shore bank accounts, or pay yourself 500 times what your employees make, or ship jobs to foreign countries to take advantage of cheap labor, or manipulate stock prices with buy backs from company money so that your stock is more valuable? Is your product necessary to sustain the life of those who use it and knowing this you raise the price by 1700 percent?
If you do any of these things than you may be guilty of corporate greed. If not, then no. And BTW, I'm not Copuff.
Your reply indicates that you never established your own business
As to the head of a corporation making 500x what an employee makes. First of all it is obvious that YOU were not the head of a corporation. By the way, I was not either. THINK-your did not get an offer. I did not either.
REASON-you did not go after OR WORK your way up to that position. THE FACT IS YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED FOR THE POSITION. Or at least no one knew your wanted the position or had a reason to place their faith in you increasing the profitably of the corporation. YOUR SOCIALIST VIEWS PROVES YOU ARE UNQUALIFIED TO RUN A MAJOR CORPORATION.

Not only that, YOU are invested in the evil corporations that your criticize. If, you have a pension. If, you have an annuity. If, you have retirement funds-THEY ARE ALL INVESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE AS EVIL.
Old 04-18-2017, 12:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Maybe! Do you take huge tax write offs by hiding profits in off shore bank accounts, or pay yourself 500 times what your employees make, or ship jobs to foreign countries to take advantage of cheap labor, or manipulate stock prices with buy backs from company money so that your stock is more valuable? Is your product necessary to sustain the life of those who use it and knowing this you raise the price by 1700 percent?
If you do any of these things than you may be guilty of corporate greed. If not, then no. And BTW, I'm not Copuff.
You really need to take a class in economics or better yet get over how it is super to spend other people's money. The trouble with those "smart" people who live in Academia is that they lose touch with how the real world functions, although they continue to be dependent on people who operate legitimate businesses for profit. They teach because lots of times they can't "do".

This is not as good as the prior post in answer to you, but folks like you who live in some dream world are the reason that socialism fails. When you run out of other people's money socialism is on the ropes.
Old 04-18-2017, 01:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You really need to take a class in economics or better yet get over how it is super to spend other people's money. The trouble with those "smart" people who live in Academia is that they lose touch with how the real world functions, although they continue to be dependent on people who operate legitimate businesses for profit. They teach because lots of times they can't "do".

This is not as good as the prior post in answer to you, but folks like you who live in some dream world are the reason that socialism fails. When you run out of other people's money socialism is on the ropes.
Good answer!
Old 04-18-2017, 08:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Your reply indicates that you never established your own business
As to the head of a corporation making 500x what an employee makes. First of all it is obvious that YOU were not the head of a corporation. By the way, I was not either. THINK-your did not get an offer. I did not either.
REASON-you did not go after OR WORK your way up to that position. THE FACT IS YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED FOR THE POSITION. Or at least no one knew your wanted the position or had a reason to place their faith in you increasing the profitably of the corporation. YOUR SOCIALIST VIEWS PROVES YOU ARE UNQUALIFIED TO RUN A MAJOR CORPORATION.

Not only that, YOU are invested in the evil corporations that your criticize. If, you have a pension. If, you have an annuity. If, you have retirement funds-THEY ARE ALL INVESTED IN WHAT YOU SEE AS EVIL.
Just for the record, I do not consider free enterprise and capitalism to be evil. You are right, I've invested in many of them, and my return might have been greater but for the exorbitant salaries and bonuses paid to corporate leadership, and the lucrative stock buy back schemes of CEOs to enhance the value of their own stock at the detriment of dividends.

True enough, I've never been a CEO, though much to your surprise, I have worked many years in the private sector. So I'll plead guilty that I'm not qualified to run a major corporation. Those facts put me squarely in the vast majority of American citizens. I'm happy enough there, thank you very much.

As for democratic socialism as practiced in America, I can see you want nothing to do with that, so please stay off our roads and bridges, do not call our police, fire department, or EMS, don't expect our military to protect you if we are invaded, don't take your Social Security check, refuse Medicare, don't send your children to public school and universities, snowplow your own road to your own house, bury your own garbage in your back yard, keep out of the public library, put up your own streetlights, just to name a few. And by all means, don't vote. Thanks. That should relieve your conscience about being a socialist.
Old 04-18-2017, 08:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Sorry to call you out in your fragile state, but the fact is that you are showing only that you are partisan based on your dislike for the man, versus any of his policies. That is being disingenuous any way you look at it. Perhaps, in your grief of being a loser, you don't realize that you are not looking at the presidency but at a Hollywood celebrity style personal character preference. That IS your prerogative, but it has nothing to do with being politically partisan. It just means that you wish to be lead purely by your popularity preference.

Making a list of questions that are not pertinent to the subject does not mean you are astute enough to avoid criticism. My point is that according to your list, it would not matter if the person was Dem or Repub, you would rate by personality flaws over ideology. That is not a politically partisan trait, but a popularity trait. Of course, if you pointed out those particular flaws in Trump based on your political difference and could not find any policy flaws, I guess it would be a stretch to make the claim that this could be partisan.

So, to summarize......you don't know how to debate the partisan issue so you are talking out your @ss again. Forgive my rather frank manner of pointing this out to you.
Fragile state? I sure don't feel like I'm in a fragile state, but thank you Doctor Freud for your dimestore analysis.

I want to give my most humble apology. I feel so worthless and uninformed because I've never started a business. Clearly you are a far superior person because you claim that you have. You got me. I've never been a CEO, but I can read and understand economic statistics. You know nothing about me, nor I about you.

Now let me state the truth. Your pathetic schoolyard bully criticisms and playground taunts of me have absolutely no impact. Is that really all you've got? It simply demonstrates that you have no facts or rational argument to back up any of your opinions relative to the state of political partisanship in America today. Try some facts. Prove me wrong with data or reasoned opinions. Answer my questions about Trump, if you have the courage to be honest.
Old 04-18-2017, 08:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Cedwards38 View Post

...so please stay off our roads and bridges, do not call our police, fire department, or EMS, don't expect our military to protect you if we are invaded, don't take your Social Security check, refuse Medicare, don't send your children to public school and universities, snowplow your own road to your own house, bury your own garbage in your back yard, keep out of the public library, put up your own streetlights, just to name a few. And by all means, don't vote. Thanks. That should relieve your conscience about being a socialist.
Can you arrange for a refund for all the years I have paid for things I did not use? And please make arrangements for me to be able to stop paying any further...


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Old 04-18-2017, 09:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Just for the record, I do not consider free enterprise and capitalism to be evil. You are right, I've invested in many of them, and my return might have been greater but for the exorbitant salaries and bonuses paid to corporate leadership, and the lucrative stock buy back schemes of CEOs to enhance the value of their own stock at the detriment of dividends.

True enough, I've never been a CEO, though much to your surprise, I have worked many years in the private sector. So I'll plead guilty that I'm not qualified to run a major corporation. Those facts put me squarely in the vast majority of American citizens. I'm happy enough there, thank you very much.

As for democratic socialism as practiced in America, I can see you want nothing to do with that, so please stay off our roads and bridges, do not call our police, fire department, or EMS, don't expect our military to protect you if we are invaded, don't take your Social Security check, refuse Medicare, don't send your children to public school and universities, snowplow your own road to your own house, bury your own garbage in your back yard, keep out of the public library, put up your own streetlights, just to name a few. And by all means, don't vote. Thanks. That should relieve your conscience about being a socialist.

Old 04-18-2017, 09:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I know you did not ask me but I thought you had some good questions and wanted to offer my answers.

1. The alleged Russian connections to the Trump Campaign? I think it is bull$hit political chatter to undermine his win. I feel our own media tried to influence the election!!

2. The flip flopping on issues from the Trump Campaign to the Trump Presidency? (like who pays for the wall, NATO, China as a currency manipulator, healthcare will be better and cheaper, Muslim ban, prosecuting Hillary Clinton, Janet Yellin, etc) I sometime change my mind on large expenditures and sometimes it is not financially feasible , It would be hypocritical of me to have a problem with a change in plans.

3. The late night tweeting? I don't stay up late and I don't tweet. If you or Trump are into that - have at it.

4. The accusations of Trump Tower being wire tapped? The fat lady has not sung on this. My initial thoughts were he was misinformed by someone that works for him or we are being misinformed from someone that worked for Obamma (Rice).

5. The narcissism? That's your diagnosis, not sure you are qualified to make it...if you are, I suspect you might be your best client.

6. The bashing of Goldman Sachs and then hiring so many former GS execs to serve in the cabinet? It must not be as easy to find financially talented people as Trump thought it was and you think it is?

7. The outright lies that Trump tells, which his staff calls "alternative facts" and refuses to address in press briefings, and tells us that we can not take him literally? I have no confidence in the media today, if you do - have at it. I think the media got egg on their face trying to make Crooked Hillary president and they are upset about his ability to cut them out of the process

So, I get your partisanship, but could any of these issues actually change your mind about our current POTUS? I really doubt it. I felt Obamma was a POS and Crooked Hillary would be more Obamma...I was not going to waste my vote on a person that could not garner more than 1% of the nation's votes...so Trump is the best option we had. I am happy with his progress and disapointed with the anti Trump crap.

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Old 04-18-2017, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Excellent post! There is no use for me to answer those questions, when you have pretty much covered them with answers that I concur with.

The left still insists on attacking the person rather than the agenda or any policies. They still don't seem to understand that their party is circling the drain and they are simply paddling the boat to speed it up.
So true!
Old 04-19-2017, 04:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Fragile state? I sure don't feel like I'm in a fragile state, but thank you Doctor Freud for your dimestore analysis.

I want to give my most humble apology. I feel so worthless and uninformed because I've never started a business. Clearly you are a far superior person because you claim that you have. You got me. I've never been a CEO, but I can read and understand economic statistics. You know nothing about me, nor I about you.

Now let me state the truth. Your pathetic schoolyard bully criticisms and playground taunts of me have absolutely no impact. Is that really all you've got? It simply demonstrates that you have no facts or rational argument to back up any of your opinions relative to the state of political partisanship in America today. Try some facts. Prove me wrong with data or reasoned opinions. Answer my questions about Trump, if you have the courage to be honest.
Better work on your reading comprehension, OR control your hysteria. You have mixed your reply to my comment with the content of someone else's comment. That must be embarrassing for you, considering all the effort you put into working up what you must think is a witty response.

And your saying: "Your pathetic schoolyard bully criticisms and playground taunts of me have absolutely no impact." simply proves the opposite.

Don't worry, I am sure that you are secure in your "safe room" so "bullying" shouldn't harm you there.
Old 04-19-2017, 06:43 AM
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I think that it starts with the politicians at the top. Instead of simply agreeing that we have differences, politicians attach motives to the other side.

This has been going on for decades and the more it was done, the more the people actually believed what they were saying.

Paul Ryan made a wonderful speech after the police officers were gunned down in Dallas last year. This represents the way that we should be thinking of each other and our opposition.

Here's the speech.

“We are all stunned by the events last night in Dallas. We are all outraged. An attack on the people who protect us is an attack on all of us.
“Our hearts are with the Dallas Police Department. Our hearts are with the victims, and especially with their loved ones. They wear the badge too. I know that to be a cop's wife or a cop's husband is to prepare for the worst, but who could fathom such horror as this.
“There is no cause or context in which this violence—this kind of terror—is justified. None at all.
“There will be a temptation to let our anger harden our divisions. Let’s not let that happen. There’s going to be a temptation to let our anger send us further into our corners. Let’s not let that happen. That script is just easy to write—it’s too predictable. Let’s defy those predictions.
“A few perpetrators of evil do not represent us. They do not control us. The blame lies with the people who committed these vicious acts, and no one else. And as the president rightfully said, justice will be done.
“We also have to let the healing be done as well. This has been a long week for our country. It’s been a long month for America. We have seen terrible, terrible senseless things.
“Every member of this body—every Republican and every Democrat—wants to see less gun violence. Every member of this body wants a world in which people feel safe regardless of the color of their skin. And that’s not how people are feeling these days.
“Sometimes we disagree on how to get there. Sometimes we disagree passionately on how to get there. But in having this debate, let’s not lose sight of the values that unite us. Let’s not lose sight in our common humanity.
“The values that brought those protesters to the streets in Dallas, the values that brought those protesters to the streets in Washington last night—respect, decency, compassion, humanity. If we lose these fundamental things, what’s left?
“We need to take a moment here. For reflection, for thought, for prayer, for justice, for action. Right now, let’s let justice be done, and let’s also let some healing occur, too.”
I think that unfortunately most people running for office, don't believe that this kind of attitude will help the get elected and they may be right. When Bob Dole was running against Bill Clinton, he said, "He is not my enemy, he is my opponent." When John McCain ran against President Obama, he said, "We shouldn't be afraid if Obama wins. He's a good man."

Both of these people lost and most candidates who take this kind of attitude toward their opponents also lose.

The problem is that most of the politicians understand that this is just politics and they are friendly afterward. Look at the nice things that President Trump said about Hillary at his inauguration luncheon.

Most of the people actually believe that the opposition party are enemies of the country.

I don't have an answer as to how to stop it. I only fear that it is going to get worse.
Old 04-19-2017, 07:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I think that it starts with the politicians at the top. Instead of simply agreeing that we have differences, politicians attach motives to the other side.

This has been going on for decades and the more it was done, the more the people actually believed what they were saying.

Paul Ryan made a wonderful speech after the police officers were gunned down in Dallas last year. This represents the way that we should be thinking of each other and our opposition.

Here's the speech.

I think that unfortunately most people running for office, don't believe that this kind of attitude will help the get elected and they may be right. When Bob Dole was running against Bill Clinton, he said, "He is not my enemy, he is my opponent." When John McCain ran against President Obama, he said, "We shouldn't be afraid if Obama wins. He's a good man."

Both of these people lost and most candidates who take this kind of attitude toward their opponents also lose.

The problem is that most of the politicians understand that this is just politics and they are friendly afterward. Look at the nice things that President Trump said about Hillary at his inauguration luncheon.

Most of the people actually believe that the opposition party are enemies of the country.

I don't have an answer as to how to stop it. I only fear that it is going to get worse.
Good post. Thank you. And I agree that partisanship is probably going to get even worse. I think term limits and laws to reduce the influx of so much money into the electoral process might help.
Old 04-19-2017, 08:03 AM
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Probably depends on what happens with Donald John Trump over the next year or so. And if the politicians can start looking again at the US Constitution and the vision of some of them for this country. It was not for someone who thinks he is another King or has the makings of a King. How Donald Trump's Presidency Will Be Similar to the Tudor Reign of King Henry VIII
Old 04-19-2017, 08:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Probably depends on what happens with Donald John Trump over the next year or so. And if the politicians can start looking again at the US Constitution and the vision of some of them for this country. It was not for someone who thinks he is another King or has the makings of a King. How Donald Trump's Presidency Will Be Similar to the Tudor Reign of King Henry VIII
After Obama trampled on the Constitution for 8 years, the left is going to complain NOW? WOW!

real, partisan, america

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