Why has America become so partisan?

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Old 04-25-2017, 09:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The people on TOTV are no where near what most people I have talked to here in the Villages are like. And I have been here since July 2005 with a few trips to Palm Harbor, FL and the DC area.
I think you are absolutely right. The ranting, racism, and raving that occurs on this website is not a reflection of this community as a whole, nor of America. I still wonder if a third party is one, if not "the," solution to partisanship.
Old 04-25-2017, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The people on TOTV are no where near what most people I have talked to here in the Villages are like. And I have been here since July 2005 with a few trips to Palm Harbor, FL and the DC area.
Please don't judge an entire forum by the idiotic rants of a few. There are already too many blanket judgments going around.
Old 04-25-2017, 09:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I think you are absolutely right. The ranting, racism, and raving that occurs on this website is not a reflection of this community as a whole, nor of America. I still wonder if a third party is one, if not "the," solution to partisanship.
We're being invaded...your country and culture are gone within 30 years...I show you the numbers...and you STILL deny it...call it ranting and raving...?

You're a foolish woman C.

Betcha didn't believe Ross Perot when he showed you his numbers about NAFTA...he was right too.

Originally Posted by Guest
Please don't judge an entire forum by the idiotic rants of a few. There are already too many blanket judgments going around.
And I bet you've "blanket judged" me too...

Another who shouldn't be allowed a vote. Living in denial. Living in delusion.

When will you finally believe me? When you turn on the TV and MOST of the stations are in Spanish with English subtitles? The new newspaper/magazine you ordered default to the Spanish version and you have to call because you forgot? Spanish is the default at the supermarket with English in the small type? Your great-grandkids keep speaking Spanish to you? You don't know what anyone is saying as everyone defaults to Spanish?

WE probably won't see this...but your kids and their kids will. I give it 30 years...it's mathematics...it's inevitable.
Old 04-25-2017, 04:11 PM
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Paranoia refers to the perception or suspicion that others have hostile or aggressive motives in interacting with them (for example, "they are out to get me"), when in fact there is no reason for these suspicions. People experiencing paranoia believe that others are persecuting them and have delusional ideas about themselves as central figures in scenarios that in reality have little relevance to them. They may mistrust others and remain often in a state of suspicion. Minor feelings of paranoia are common, but severe paranoia can cause significant fear and anxiety and can have a pronounced effect on social functioning. Feelings of paranoia can be observed with many psychological disorders, including schizophrenia, as well as with a number of medical diseases that can affect brain function, ranging from Alzheimer's disease to multiple sclerosis. Intoxication from alcohol or drug abuse may also lead to feelings of paranoia.
Old 04-25-2017, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest

Paranoia refers to the perception or suspicion that others have hostile or aggressive motives in interacting with them (for example, "they are out to get me"), when in fact there is no reason for these suspicions. People experiencing paranoia believe that others are persecuting them and have delusional ideas about themselves as central figures in scenarios that in reality have little relevance to them. They may mistrust others and remain often in a state of suspicion. Minor feelings of paranoia are common, but severe paranoia can cause significant fear and anxiety and can have a pronounced effect on social functioning. Feelings of paranoia can be observed with many psychological disorders, including schizophrenia, as well as with a number of medical diseases that can affect brain function, ranging from Alzheimer's disease to multiple sclerosis. Intoxication from alcohol or drug abuse may also lead to feelings of paranoia.

Someone who refuses to see the inevitable and is unwilling to TRY to stop it. Hispanics ARE taking over...their culture will grow stronger as ours weakens...until one day...we ARE Mexico II.

You're a foolish woman C...a VERY foolish woman. You're letting them take away your great grandchildren's future. You letting them take back America and turn it into Mexico II.

How can you deny it? Minorities are already half (50%) of the population. Hispanics are already the majority of babies born. Minorities are already the majority of kids below age 7. White are dying faster than they're being replaced. America's demographics are changing. Becoming a majority 3rd world. Most of the immigrants are from 3rd world black/brown places and not white european. We have 30 years before the math wins and Hispanics have gained the numbers to be a true 51% majority.

This is fact...not paranoia.

Look at how ALL American towns have changed, the cities, look at the violence, poverty...it keeps getting worse...BECAUSE their numbers keep rising.

It's not paranoia that causes the record numbers of shootings in Chicago...it's more and more poor black people. The same with East St Louis...Detroit...EVERYWHERE the minorities live is dirty and dangerous...disagree? PROVE IT.

You suffer from "Anti-paranoia"...you DON'T fear that which you should.

HAVE you visited MLK Blvd in a major city? Why not? Too dangerous for you? THAT IS our future as the minority population increases and the slums expand. We see the increased violence and thievery here now as the minority population increases the other slime moves in with them. There IS white slime, all whites aren't upstanding citizens but the ratio is MUCH better than with blacks where almost ALL of them have brushes with the law.

real, partisan, america

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