Why Hillary Clinton is Clearly Qualfied to be President

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Old 03-16-2015, 07:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I think this is totally wrong (my opinion).
I think congress is stalling/taling it's time/call it what you will.....to assure we do not get another Holder/racist in the position.
It has nothning to do with the fact she is a woman.

And does anybody think Clinton is playing the gender card? It may be the only positive she has left in her dirty laundry bag of tricks.

So it's not a gender issue, it's a race issue? Do you really want to go there?

And who thinks women's health issues are a game of cards? Who will be more supportive of women's health issues and a woman's right to choose? Certainly not some republican man.

It's time for women to organize and march again like it is the 1960's all over again.
Old 03-16-2015, 07:53 PM
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Default Hillwery

Can't believe the voters could be so stubie.
Old 03-16-2015, 07:56 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Hillery

I cannot the voters could be so stupid. The other half will vote for their pocket and not is what is good for the countey.
Old 03-16-2015, 10:25 PM
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OK so March like they did in the 60'S.
But at a minimum find a leader who represents the women.

And that most certainly is not Hillary Clinton. She is in it for one woman......herself.

There are much, MUCH better choices than a self centered past her prime, past her time political business as usual .....did I mention self centered?
Old 03-18-2015, 06:51 AM
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Poll: Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

It's no exaggeration to say Hillary crushes every possible GOP opponent in this latest CNN poll, and the poll was taken after the email 'scandal'.
Old 03-18-2015, 07:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Poll: Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

It's no exaggeration to say Hillary crushes every possible GOP opponent in this latest CNN poll, and the poll was taken after the email 'scandal'.
Ah yes the polls games.

Some of us remember when she was also crushing all the other candidates in 2007? And then dethroned by a virtual unknown on the national political stage?

She is the poster child for yesterday (damaged goods). And the gold standard for politics as usual.

There will eventually be enough skeleton rattling from the past to dethrone her again.
Old 03-18-2015, 08:22 AM
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...and the Republican candidate of (insert any name) will be able to win the presidency over Sec. Clinton?
Old 03-18-2015, 08:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
...and the Republican candidate of (insert any name) will be able to win the presidency over Sec. Clinton?
That's only a possibility if she actually wins the nomination. And if she wins the nomination, all I have to say is, seriously, that's all you got?? How many years has this been going on and that's all you got?? There's actually no one else in the whole Democratic party that isn't as qualified or more qualified than her? Oh, I guess not, considering a virtual unknown, totally unqualified candidate beat her out the last time!! Now, either something is really messed up in the Democratic Party, or someone else is pulling all the strings.......which is it?
Old 03-18-2015, 09:26 AM
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I'm thinking that the perfect ticket for the dems, Clinton and Warren. That will set your pacemakers and tea party zealots a twitter!
Old 03-18-2015, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I'm thinking that the perfect ticket for the dems, Clinton and Warren. That will set your pacemakers and tea party zealots a twitter!
Too bad you can't respond to real questions, and offer real solutions or better ideas that will address ALL of America instead of your insular little circle.
Old 03-18-2015, 09:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
...and the Republican candidate of (insert any name) will be able to win the presidency over Sec. Clinton?
Changing subjects....again.
Reminder: the subject is Clinton crushing all other candidates.....NOT... about who could beat her.

All the current rhetoric from 2007 sounds like it is being replayed again now.
What I would like to hear from such a staunch, cock sure Clinton supporter is....how did she get bumped out of a similar shoe in candidate to losing the nomination in the 2008 election.

How and why did her loyal followers switch hats over night and choose a completely unqualified, unknown candidate and pass on all the hyped charisma, female, Clinton dynasty, Washington insider pre-ordained party choice????
Old 03-18-2015, 09:48 AM
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She certainly has not added anything of consequence to her resume' since 2008.
Quite the contrary only more shady dealings than ever.
Old 03-18-2015, 11:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Changing subjects....again.
Reminder: the subject is Clinton crushing all other candidates.....NOT... about who could beat her.

All the current rhetoric from 2007 sounds like it is being replayed again now.
What I would like to hear from such a staunch, cock sure Clinton supporter is....how did she get bumped out of a similar shoe in candidate to losing the nomination in the 2008 election.

How and why did her loyal followers switch hats over night and choose a completely unqualified, unknown candidate and pass on all the hyped charisma, female, Clinton dynasty, Washington insider pre-ordained party choice????

The tightly contested democratic primary of 2007/2008 went on from Feb 2007, when Barack Obama announced his candidacy, until June 2008, when Hilary Clinton conceded defeat as the democratic nominee. That's hardly what you would call 'switching hats over night'.

As you might recall, Hilary won all the big states ie: California, Pennsylvania, Ohio, etc etc. It is still hard to figure out how Barack Obama beat her except he just kept plugging away, especially in the caucus states which she essentially ignored.

The 2016 contest will be about issues and not about personalities, and the winner will be the one who supports a woman's right to choose, the one who supports healthcare for all, the one who supports the voting rights act, the one who doesn't think that employers should decide what type of birth control a woman uses (or if she should even use birth control), if state mandated vaginal-probes are used, if the minimum wage is raised, if equal pay for equal work is the law, if violence against women is allowed, and many other equal rights issues.

Until the GOP wants to embrace these issues, they are looking at obscurity.
Old 03-18-2015, 01:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
The tightly contested democratic primary of 2007/2008 went on from Feb 2007, when Barack Obama announced his candidacy, until June 2008, when Hilary Clinton conceded defeat as the democratic nominee. That's hardly what you would call 'switching hats over night'.

As you might recall, Hilary won all the big states ie: California, Pennsylvania, Ohio, etc etc. It is still hard to figure out how Barack Obama beat her except he just kept plugging away, especially in the caucus states which she essentially ignored.

The 2016 contest will be about issues and not about personalities, and the winner will be the one who supports a woman's right to choose, the one who supports healthcare for all, the one who supports the voting rights act, the one who doesn't think that employers should decide what type of birth control a woman uses (or if she should even use birth control), if state mandated vaginal-probes are used, if the minimum wage is raised, if equal pay for equal work is the law, if violence against women is allowed, and many other equal rights issues.

Until the GOP wants to embrace these issues, they are looking at obscurity.
The two things I take away from the above.
One. Hillary went from the presumed democratic nominee to getting beat by a near unknown, unqualified candidate that knew how to make speeches and promises.

Two. Only democrats have the issues identified and addressed.
Old 03-18-2015, 01:31 PM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Poll: Hillary Clinton still tops in 2016 - CNN.com

It's no exaggeration to say Hillary crushes every possible GOP opponent in this latest CNN poll, and the poll was taken after the email 'scandal'.
We will have to wait and see as 2016 approaches.

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