Why Hillary Clinton is Clearly Qualfied to be President

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Old 02-16-2015, 06:02 PM
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Joe Scarborough ....... scarborough - isn't he one of those Cons who predicted a landslide win for Romney. His credibility is zero.

Scarborough is as politically astute as that failed 1/2 governor from Alaska.
Old 02-16-2015, 06:04 PM
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"I don’t normally like to comment on other people’s polls, but sometimes we all do things we don’t like to do. So today my attention is drawn to a Drudge Report headline that reads: SHOCK POLL: WARREN LEADS CLINTON IN IOWA AND NEW HAMPSHIRE. Remember the game, “Made Ya Look”? I did.

The polls in question were conducted by the very reputable online firm named YouGov, which polls for among others, The Economist. Having been engaged in online polling since 1999, I am a big fan of YouGov and the future of our industry. Their clients were two progressive groups, Democracy for America and MoveOn.org. The results actually show that if the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary were held today, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren would not defeat former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in either state. Instead, the poll reveals that certain traits and policy positions that Sen. Warren represents could defeat Clinton.

Is that news? Absolutely. Is it accurate? No doubt. This is a very legitimate form of polling. We do it all the time at Zogby Analytics. To be good at what we do, we not only seek to discover what presently exists, but what could happen under certain circumstances. Like Wayne Gretsky who once noted in an interview that his edge over others was because he not only followed where the puck actually was on the ice, but anticipated where it should be next.


"So the YouGov poll tells us a lot. As the poll sponsors tell us:

The results show that, after likely caucus goers and primary voters learn about Elizabeth Warren’s biography and issue positions, not only do a stunning 79 percent say they want her to run, but, in both states, Warren ends up leading all other potential Democratic candidates in a head-to-head ballot question.


After respondents hear about Warren’s positions and biography, without any negative information provided about other candidates, Elizabeth Warren leads all other candidates for the nomination in both states: 31 percent to 24 percent over Hillary Clinton in Iowa (with other potential candidates further behind) and 30 percent to 27 percent in New Hampshire.

Make no mistake, this is a big story. At the very least, Clinton is going to have to work for the nomination. At most, Democratic voters in these two key states may be already looking for an option. But the real story is that the challenger is going to have to execute a pitch perfect campaign – and that is the hard part."

Can Elizabeth Warren Beat Hillary Clinton? Beware Of 'Shock Polls' - Forbes

This is very relative and certainly interesting.
Old 02-16-2015, 07:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Joe Scarborough ....... scarborough - isn't he one of those Cons who predicted a landslide win for Romney. His credibility is zero.

Scarborough is as politically astute as that failed 1/2 governor from Alaska.
Old 02-16-2015, 08:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Most unintelligent thread on this forum, and that is a HUGE accomplishment.

I think the OP nailed it. I do not need to see Bitchy. I have seen enough retaliation from the POTUS since the November election.

When you are president of this great company you aren't supposed to plan revenge against the opposing party. You are supposed to take advice from your staff, consult with experts, take it to Congress, and keep calm and carry on.
Old 02-16-2015, 08:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I think the OP nailed it. I do not need to see Bitchy. I have seen enough retaliation from the POTUS since the November election.

When you are president of this great company you aren't supposed to plan revenge against the opposing party. You are supposed to take advice from your staff, consult with experts, take it to Congress, and keep calm and carry on.

Whoops. Meant president of this great country. Not being able to edit is a downer.
Old 02-17-2015, 05:05 PM
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"What difference does it make"?
Old 02-17-2015, 05:21 PM
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I will never forget the day I asked Hillary if she was all right! She looked exhausted!! If looks could kill, believe me, I would be dead! I was told later (by a reliable source that I trust) that there was probably another reason for it.
Old 02-17-2015, 07:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
Some on this board have asked for a summary of why Hillary Clinton is clearly the best qualified person in the Democrat Party to become President of the US. I accept the challenge.

Hillary has many qualifications… too numerous to list. I will simply give you five. No doubt others can provide many more.

1. People Skills. A President must be able to relate to people, especially the “little people”. Hillary’s skills are unsurpassed. Many examples can be found from people who know her best and as reported in Ron Kessler’s book “First Family Detail.” “She is so nasty to agents that being assigned to her detail is considered a form of punishment,” “She claims to be a champion of the little people, and she's going to help the middle class. And, in fact, she treats these people around her, [who] would lay down their lives for her like sub-humans; and I think voters need to consider that.” She also apparently shouts a lot, throws dishes when angry, and can not stand to see anyone in a military uniform around her.

2. Courage Under Fire. Hillary came under heavy sniper fire as First Lady, but she showed courage and was an inspiration to those who were with her. Here’s a video which captured the moment.
Hillary Clinton dodges sniper fire in Bosnia - raw footage - Video Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire - CNN.com

3. Foreign Policy. Any President must be able to defend the Country. As Secretary of State, Hillary excelled. She managed to get an Ambassador killed during a predictable terrorist attack, and then through a series of further bungles, caused the formation of ISIS (with some credit to her boss at the time.) which increasingly dominates the Middle East. In any event, even Rube Republicans will quickly agree the world is a much safer place thanks to her service.

4. Feminist. Hillary sets the bar high for young girls to emulate. She is loathe to benefit from a “man’s” (such as a husband) power or reputation, and we all know she would still be a contender even if she had never married Bill Clinton. Hillary loves her fellow women which is why she hunted down and destroyed scores of women who slept with her husband … all of whom were put up to it by Right Wing fanatics.

5. Anti-Wall Street. It’s important to keep the big money out of the White House, and Hillary is a known foe of the bankers on Wall Street, even putting Elizabeth Warren to shame in this regard. She is also loathe to profit off the Clinton name and refuses to accept extortionate fees for speaking at universities or engage in unseemly campaign fund raising. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/15/op...dogs.html?_r=0
I met the Secret Service Agent who is referenced in point #1 and mentioned in the referenced book . As he said to me while standing in his driveway : " You have to be willing to lay down your life and make your wife a widow and your children fatherless . I quickly concluded that I could not do so for this person but I would have done so for anyone of the Bush family " .

Also I had dealings directly with Sen. Clinton and members of her senior staff . I`ll just leave it at that . On the other hand I also had many dealings directly with Sen. Schumer and his staff .
I never met a harder working public servant and a better staff than Sen. Schumer and his staff .
Old 02-17-2015, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
I met the Secret Service Agent who is referenced in point #1 and mentioned in the referenced book . As he said to me while standing in his driveway : " You have to be willing to lay down your life and make your wife a widow and your children fatherless . I quickly concluded that I could not do so for this person but I would have done so for anyone of the Bush family " .

Also I had dealings directly with Sen. Clinton and members of her senior staff . I`ll just leave it at that . On the other hand I also had many dealings directly with Sen. Schumer and his staff .
I never met a harder working public servant and a better staff than Sen. Schumer and his staff .

This is the biggest bunch of BS yet. Secret Service agents don't get to choose who they want to protect based on politics or personality. They either do the job they were hired to do or find other employment.
Old 02-17-2015, 08:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
This is the biggest bunch of BS yet. Secret Service agents don't get to choose who they want to protect based on politics or personality. They either do the job they were hired to do or find other employment.
I'm afraid you are missing the point again... Read the book and open your eyes about Hillary. She is apparently a genuine shrew, and in my opinion, actually somewhat imbalanced based on the reports of the people who see her up close and personal, vs the polished media version.

The agents are also quite complimentary about Obama on a personal level (ie decent guy) and especially so regarding the two girls being polite and well mannered.

Here's a link to the book on Amazon: (click the icon)

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/First-Family-Detail-Service-Presidents/dp/0804139210/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1424223540&sr=1-1&keywords=first+family+detail]The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents: Ronald Kessler: 9780804139212: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
Old 02-18-2015, 05:20 PM
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One big qualification was left out: She can support and promote the entitlement mentality as well or better than any other candidate.
Old 02-18-2015, 07:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
One big qualification was left out: She can support and promote the entitlement mentality as well or better than any other candidate.
Yesiree I can see it now....if you think you have had it good the last 8 years () wait until I get in office....then you will know you are being taken care of every day........
Old 02-18-2015, 08:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
One big qualification was left out: She can support and promote the entitlement mentality as well or better than any other candidate.
If by entitlement mentality you mean Hilary will protect Social Security and Medicare, I say bring it on. This is so much better than the republican plan to privatize social security and turn medicare into a voucher plan; see Ryan budget.
Old 02-18-2015, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest View Post
If by entitlement mentality you mean Hilary will protect Social Security and Medicare, I say bring it on. This is so much better than the republican plan to privatize social security and turn medicare into a voucher plan; see Ryan budget.
No one is opposed to SS or Medicare so stop waving that bogeyman flag.

However, food stamps doubling on Obama's watch, giving benefits and even tax rebates to illegal aliens etc ... maybe even a liberal can begin to recognize excess?

We're broke ... wake up and try to be adult about it. We need a balanced budget amendment ... with an emphasis on spending reductions.
Old 02-19-2015, 09:39 AM
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Some day those who view SS as an entitlement need to please tell us why they think that.

When I draw money from my savings at the bank would that be called an entitlement as well?

Of course not. They both contain my money.

I suppose there is an stretch ambiguity.......it is my money and I am entitled to it.....very, VERY strectch

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