Why no discussions or concerns about N. Korea?

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Old 08-08-2017, 09:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I hope that is true and that some kind of discussions can take place.

These folks coming on here advocating using nukes are simply not aware of the human carnage that would ensue.....Has every one forgotten the long long time and suffering in Japan...the cost to our country to help rebuild....the wasteland and refugees, many with unbelievable injuries.

Not sure why anyone would want that except as a last resort.
Some of us view the situation as approaching the last resort. The choices do become limited; the one's that work will have collateral damage like Japan's.
The decision making is difficult at best. Does America take action before or after the nukes have killed hundreds of thousands of Americans....potentially here at home.
Old 08-08-2017, 09:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I hope that is true and that some kind of discussions can take place.

These folks coming on here advocating using nukes are simply not aware of the human carnage that would ensue.....Has every one forgotten the long long time and suffering in Japan...the cost to our country to help rebuild....the wasteland and refugees, many with unbelievable injuries.

Not sure why anyone would want that except as a last resort.
What carnage other than to those it's dropped upon?

Japan suffered? Nagasaki and Hiroshima are thriving vibrant cities. They started rebuilding soon after...within 4 years, 1949, they were well along rebuilding.

DO NOT believe the PROPAGANDA that a few nukes will destroy the world. OVER 500 air burst nukes have been detonated over the years...we're still here...we don't all have 3 arms.

You people live your lives surrounded by lies and propaganda...stop believing it!

If it's "in the news" it's probably false.
Old 08-08-2017, 01:13 PM
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Here is a NK fat boys response to diplomacy:

(2nd LD) N. Korea threatens 'physical' actions over new U.N. sanctions

We spend hours and hours and millions of dollars to thwart gun ownership here in the USA.

Yet we are worried we might upset a so far to date proven mad man that just happens to have nuclear weapons and who is also very outspoken how and where and when he will use them.

For me? Diplomacy has run it's course unsuccessfully. The only result to date is a mad man has done what he said he was going to do....be a nuclear power.
What have we accomplished? With our diplomacy we have allowed him to achieve his goals.

It is time to stop speaking softly and bring out the big stick.
Old 08-08-2017, 03:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It seems perhaps the chains of resistance around our ability to take action is the collateral damage to Soul and the surrounding area.

It is guesstimated there are "hundreds of thousands" of conventional NK artillery pieces in place with Soul as the target.

In any military action against NK and the artillery, it is estimated to take from 30 minutes to two hours to render the weapons useless. In that amount of time Soul and the surrounding areas would be decimated with millions killed.

There will have to be a decision made at some point going forward....no matter what the collateral result.
If we wait until the little fat man has his way he will kill hundreds of thousands some place in the world....probably American if the threats mean anything.
At that time NK most certainly would expect an all out response from the US......hence NK will pull the trigger as well on those artillery pieces aimed at Soul.

It seems Soul has the target on their back no matter the scenario.

We must surely have the ability to simultaneously go after the majority of that artillery while at the same time obliterating every known NK nuclear site.

Yes....collateral damage of significant magnitude North and South.

What we are faced with is the clock/calendar. The end result is inevitable......it seems......so why wait and give the little fat man more time to become capable to kill even more?[/QUOTE/]

There was collateral damage in Japan after they were nuked.......and they survived!
Well, scary language today from the President, with not much room to maneuver. Scary stuff.....human toll,would be horrendous...actually, perhaps a bit naive but though what appears to be an actual real threat of use of nuclear weapons as passé.

No room for any talk based on his comments...firm, but without any "out" it seems. His statement....

"North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States, "They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen. He has been very threatening ... and as I said they will be met with fire, fury and frankly power, the likes of which this world has never seen before.""

I suspect, as norm, we will hear more threats.
Old 08-08-2017, 03:35 PM
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As an aside on this story.

It appears that WHO gets the leak, and what media outlet uses it is the most important criteria....

"UN Ambassador Nikki Haley on Tuesday slammed an apparent leak of classified details about US intelligence seeing North Korea load up anti-ship missiles onto a patrol boat.

"I can't talk about anything that's classified and if it's in the newspaper that's a shame," Haley said in an appearance on "Fox and Friends." "It's incredibly dangerous when things go out to the press like that."

"You're not just getting a scoop, you're playing with people's lives," said Haley.

But it looks like President Donald Trump had another reaction to the anonymous leak.

On Tuesday morning, the president retweeted the story before tweeting: "After many years of failure,countries are coming together to finally address the dangers posed by North Korea. We must be tough & decisive!"

Nikki Haley condemns Fox News leak on North Korea - Business Insider
Old 08-08-2017, 04:34 PM
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One cruise missile up the fat boy's arss when he is firing his pistol or rifle at the range or doing something else that makes him feel like a man, should do the job. We always have subs that can creep right up to the coast line and easily do the job. He's been warned. Why bother arguing with a nut case? Won't be too many little banana republics laughing at us then. They will be too busy looking over their shoulders.
Old 08-08-2017, 04:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
One cruise missile up the fat boy's arss when he is firing his pistol or rifle at the range or doing something else that makes him feel like a man, should do the job. We always have subs that can creep right up to the coast line and easily do the job. He's been warned. Why bother arguing with a nut case? Won't be too many little banana republics laughing at us then. They will be too busy looking over their shoulders.
Many countries will REAL beefs against the US could do the same...are you going to goad them on too?

"Nut case" is in the eye of the beholder...some here think I'm a nut case...I think many of you are a nut case...get it? Everything is relative...everything in context.
Old 08-08-2017, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Many countries will REAL beefs against the US could do the same...are you going to goad them on too?

"Nut case" is in the eye of the beholder...some here think I'm a nut case...I think many of you are a nut case...get it? Everything is relative...everything in context.
Well the NK fat boy nut case is not relative....and certainly in context. He said he will develop nuclear weapons and he has.....with China and USA help. USA help? The "strategic patience" of the Obama do nothing reign opened and held the door wide open for the fat boy.

How long would you be patient if your neighbor said some day when I get a gun I am going to shoot you. And what do you do when you see that he has a gun....legally. Going to the range every day for target practice.

Here is fat boys latest:

North Korea Threat Comes After Trump Vows ‘Fire and Fury’ - WSJ

Are we going to wait and see what he does? He is counting on it!!
Old 08-08-2017, 09:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
That's rich. Your failure to understand the seriousness of the North Korean threat is almost laughable were it not so outrageous.

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The liberal democrats don't think it's important. Obama had 8 years to do something and he didn't, bush had 8 years to do something and he corn feed them, Clinton probably the worse one feed them with corn and wheat, let china into pandora box in NM, and still got nothing done except let the fox in the hen house. The guy expect his Welfare commodities, it's how we trained his dad and him.
Old 08-09-2017, 04:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
It must be there is not enough anti Trump bait in the subject.

Or even more profound, this could be a common point of concern for all regardless party affiliation. That being the case there is no wonder then for the lack of dialogue.

Where is the anger or the rage that none of our representatives see enough threat to the USA.....more likely to their political position....hence no dialogue.

Not until there is substantial loss of American lives here at home will the political BS and posturing abate.

Sinfully disgusting.
Because N Koreans don't vote...Er maybe with the rigged elections here some actually do vote in blue (sanctuary) states.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 08-09-2017, 06:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
The liberal democrats don't think it's important. Obama had 8 years to do something and he didn't, bush had 8 years to do something and he corn feed them, Clinton probably the worse one feed them with corn and wheat, let china into pandora box in NM, and still got nothing done except let the fox in the hen house. The guy expect his Welfare commodities, it's how we trained his dad and him.
It's Harry S' fault when he fired Dougout Doug.


political, position

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