Why Progressives Are Attracted To Socialism

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Old 12-31-2016, 06:41 AM
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Default Why Progressives Are Attracted To Socialism

Has it ever occurred to you why progressives are attracted to socialism?

Well it all started with those radicals of the 60-70's who grew up upper middle class. Now some ideas are so absurd only intellectuals are seduced by them.

Hence these same radicals marched in the streets rallying against the very capitalistic system that elevated them in our society. There is also an underlying second reason which I will get to momentarily.

However these same radicals migrated to our educational institutes corrupting each successive generation of kids inundating them with distorted views on capitalism, religion, etc

Enter the millennial and their love of socialism and their hero Bernie Sanders. Like their forefathers before them this newest generation coming of age and ready to vote witnessed the wonders of socialism right here in the good US of A.

Those radicals of 60-70's also entered government, increasing welfare benefits at an alarming rate, which now segues us to the second reason progressives are drawn to socialism.

Socialism eliminates the risk of failure and responsibility. Socialism as the 47% non-Romney voters explain provides security with crutches. Hence the fear of failing is eliminated in life and God is dead because all progressives need can be had nursing at the government's breast. And it all free! free! free! It works something like the island of fun in the Pinocchio story. You know kids turning into donkeys as they devoured cotton candy and lollipops

Is it any wonder America's kids today are offended easily as defined by trigger warnings, micrco agressions cultural misappropriations and seeking safe spaces.

Is it any wonder why they broke down when an enterprising capitalist won the election . God forbid they have to go out and work for a living. I mean what if they fail at their job? And they recognize that in the corporate world you don't get a trophy just for showing up. Gosh, what's an enterprising socialist to do?

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Old 12-31-2016, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Has it ever occurred to you why progressives are attracted to socialism?

Well it all started with those radicals of the 60-70's who grew up upper middle class. Now some ideas are so absurd only intellectuals are seduced by them.

Hence these same radicals marched in the streets rallying against the very capitalistic system that elevated them in our society. There is also an underlying second reason which I will get to momentarily.

However these same radicals migrated to our educational institutes corrupting each successive generation of kids inundating them with distorted views on capitalism, religion, etc

Enter the millennial and their love of socialism and their hero Bernie Sanders. Like their forefathers before them this newest generation coming of age and ready to vote witnessed the wonders of socialism right here in the good US of A.

Those radicals of 60-70's also entered government, increasing welfare benefits at an alarming rate, which now segues us to the second reason progressives are drawn to socialism.

Socialism eliminates the risk of failure and responsibility. Socialism as the 47% non-Romney voters explain provides security with crutches. Hence the fear of failing is eliminated in life and God is dead because all progressives need can be had nursing at the government's breast. And it all free! free! free! It works something like the island of fun in the Pinocchio story. You know kids turning into donkeys as they devoured cotton candy and lollipops

Is it any wonder America's kids today are offended easily as defined by trigger warnings, micrco agressions cultural misappropriations and seeking safe spaces.

Is it any wonder why they broke down when an enterprising capitalist won the election . God forbid they have to go out and work for a living. I mean what if they fail at their job? And they recognize that in the corporate world you don't get a trophy just for showing up. Gosh, what's an enterprising socialist to do?

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Interesting and accurate.
Old 12-31-2016, 09:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Has it ever occurred to you why progressives are attracted to socialism?

Well it all started with those radicals of the 60-70's who grew up upper middle class. Now some ideas are so absurd only intellectuals are seduced by them.

Hence these same radicals marched in the streets rallying against the very capitalistic system that elevated them in our society. There is also an underlying second reason which I will get to momentarily.

However these same radicals migrated to our educational institutes corrupting each successive generation of kids inundating them with distorted views on capitalism, religion, etc

Enter the millennial and their love of socialism and their hero Bernie Sanders. Like their forefathers before them this newest generation coming of age and ready to vote witnessed the wonders of socialism right here in the good US of A.

Those radicals of 60-70's also entered government, increasing welfare benefits at an alarming rate, which now segues us to the second reason progressives are drawn to socialism.

Socialism eliminates the risk of failure and responsibility. Socialism as the 47% non-Romney voters explain provides security with crutches. Hence the fear of failing is eliminated in life and God is dead because all progressives need can be had nursing at the government's breast. And it all free! free! free! It works something like the island of fun in the Pinocchio story. You know kids turning into donkeys as they devoured cotton candy and lollipops

Is it any wonder America's kids today are offended easily as defined by trigger warnings, micrco agressions cultural misappropriations and seeking safe spaces.

Is it any wonder why they broke down when an enterprising capitalist won the election . God forbid they have to go out and work for a living. I mean what if they fail at their job? And they recognize that in the corporate world you don't get a trophy just for showing up. Gosh, what's an enterprising socialist to do?

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Before even reading your entire post, I first pondered the question you asked, and my thoughts went directly to the simple answer, "because it's easy". I then read your response and see that we agree. I appreciate your effort to put more thought and words to answering it than mine though. Would be interested in hearing any opposing thoughts with as much in-depth explanation.
Old 12-31-2016, 09:45 AM
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Explains exactly why republicans are so hell bent on getting rid of the single-payer socialized medicine, commonly known as Medicare. They've been trying to do this for over 50 years and finally have the stooge in the White House who will sign their bill into law.
Old 12-31-2016, 09:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Explains exactly why republicans are so hell bent on getting rid of the single-payer socialized medicine, commonly known as Medicare. They've been trying to do this for over 50 years and finally have the stooge in the White House who will sign their bill into law.
There are no Republicans attempting to ditch YOUR socialized Medicare program, so don't have a coronary. That is just a liberal, left wing talking point to get ignorant/stupid guppies to follow the liberal, do noting politicians so that the can make more money off of you while doing nothing more than campaigning.

Wow, some of you libtards have no self-respect, or self-reliance.

But, Medicare really is cr@p.
Old 12-31-2016, 10:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Explains exactly why republicans are so hell bent on getting rid of the single-payer socialized medicine, commonly known as Medicare. They've been trying to do this for over 50 years and finally have the stooge in the White House who will sign their bill into law.
Hey Jan - Is this the first time Republicans have had control of congress and the president in 50 years??

I would not worrty so much about medicare; how do you feel SS is going to survive with the weak necked Millennials that do not want to work (would rather go to school for ever) and will make little, if any, contribution?

The majority of these weak neck useless generation wear neck cushions in cars and planes...they can't even hold their own head up for a couple hours...who is going to pay the taxes???
Old 12-31-2016, 10:47 AM
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Somebody help me out...which one of the liberals on here has the pecker puffer son they asked us to make fun of?
I am curious if he had to choose between gay right initiatives or supporting the helpless, which would be more important to him?
Old 12-31-2016, 10:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Hey Jan - Is this the first time Republicans have had control of congress and the president in 50 years??

I would not worrty so much about medicare; how do you feel SS is going to survive with the weak necked Millennials that do not want to work (would rather go to school for ever) and will make little, if any, contribution?

The majority of these weak neck useless generation wear neck cushions in cars and planes...they can't even hold their own head up for a couple hours...who is going to pay the taxes???
It might help if they would quit giving SS to those that did not contribute to it. That would make it go a bit further.
Old 12-31-2016, 11:47 AM
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Default A bill of the vietnam war we are still paying

Originally Posted by Guest
Has it ever occurred to you why progressives are attracted to socialism?

Well it all started with those radicals of the 60-70's who grew up upper middle class. Now some ideas are so absurd only intellectuals are seduced by them.

Hence these same radicals marched in the streets rallying against the very capitalistic system that elevated them in our society. There is also an underlying second reason which I will get to momentarily.

However these same radicals migrated to our educational institutes corrupting each successive generation of kids inundating them with distorted views on capitalism, religion, etc

Enter the millennial and their love of socialism and their hero Bernie Sanders. Like their forefathers before them this newest generation coming of age and ready to vote witnessed the wonders of socialism right here in the good US of A.

Those radicals of 60-70's also entered government, increasing welfare benefits at an alarming rate, which now segues us to the second reason progressives are drawn to socialism.

Socialism eliminates the risk of failure and responsibility. Socialism as the 47% non-Romney voters explain provides security with crutches. Hence the fear of failing is eliminated in life and God is dead because all progressives need can be had nursing at the government's breast. And it all free! free! free! It works something like the island of fun in the Pinocchio story. You know kids turning into donkeys as they devoured cotton candy and lollipops

Is it any wonder America's kids today are offended easily as defined by trigger warnings, micrco agressions cultural misappropriations and seeking safe spaces.

Is it any wonder why they broke down when an enterprising capitalist won the election . God forbid they have to go out and work for a living. I mean what if they fail at their job? And they recognize that in the corporate world you don't get a trophy just for showing up. Gosh, what's an enterprising socialist to do?

Personal Best Regards:
In the 1960's you received a draft deferment for becoming a TEACHER. The number of male teachers exploded.

The students, were exposed to far too many teachers that became teachers to avoid the draft.
Old 12-31-2016, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Interesting and accurate.
Have you noticed the deafening silence from progressives on this topic . and wasn't it predictable that they would reach for the medicare social security gambit. the only reference to entitlement to either of these programs applies to greedy politicians who can't keep their hands off retirees monies

Trump connected with many in the black community with his honest assessment of how progressives failed them. it is one reason why Hillary could not garner the votes that Obama had in 200-2012. And I seriously doubt if Obama could run in 2016 he would have garner as many black votes as he did in previous years because false Democrat promises caught up with them.

My hope is that as people we move away from collective thinking and return to individual -independent thinkers.

Trump has his problems to be sure. However in addition to Democrat resistance he has to deal with some Republican recalcitrants which is going to make his job that much harder.
I don't mind and even agree that Republican need to challenge him. I just wish they stop playing to the crowd to garner voters.
Hope Trump is successful with his plans to introduce a plan for term limits not only for congress but also the Supreme Court.

Personal Best Regards:
Old 12-31-2016, 12:08 PM
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Default Re: Medicare

Originally Posted by Guest
There are no Republicans attempting to ditch YOUR socialized Medicare program, so don't have a coronary. That is just a liberal, left wing talking point to get ignorant/stupid guppies to follow the liberal, do noting politicians so that the can make more money off of you while doing nothing more than campaigning.

Wow, some of you libtards have no self-respect, or self-reliance.

But, Medicare really is cr@p.
When, the Clintons brought up a national health care insurance plan. I had a German friend and customer and I asked about hwo national healthcare works in Germany.

Short summary-He told me that people who can afford to do so buy private healthcare TO GET BETTER CARE. Under our LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE SYSTEM-you cannot buy better care. I pay almost twice minimum and am not eligible for inflation protection because I do not have a pension and am living on PERSONAL SAVINGS.

At the time, they had come up with meds that would keep a patient with aids alive cost was over 200,000 a year.
I asked my German friend if there was some sort of cap where the state stops paying. His reply was that, you know our history-GERMANY WILL NOT EUTHANIZE ANYONE.
According to my friend there are wards of people who are brain dead and are kept alive by machines at government cost.


Better solution. ????????? Perhaps, FEES for service should be CLEAR AND POSTED. Perhaps, success rates should be public record. ASIDE: publishing success rates can backfire. Doctors would avoid patients with a higher risk profile.
Old 12-31-2016, 12:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
In the 1960's you received a draft deferment for becoming a TEACHER. The number of male teachers exploded.

The students, were exposed to far too many teachers that became teachers to avoid the draft.
I happen to agree . There were a number of draft dodgers, Bill Clinton among them. On the other hand there were guys like my cousin Tommy who served 4 years in the Air Force was discharged and re-up'd in the Army and did two tours of duty Viet Nam

I personally believe the nation made a mistake by moving from the draft to an all volunteer military. I wish it were reinstated but with less room for exceptions to equalize that the draft apply fairly across all socio-economic lines. I say this because too many young people have no skin in the game and hence seem almost oblivious to the nature and dangers of a failed foreign policy. I also say so because a volunteer military could well become cost prohibited. and as we are witnessing now criteria for selection continues to be lowered. I also say so because as many of us learned the military experience coming right out of high school was indeed helpful.

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Old 12-31-2016, 12:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
I happen to agree . There were a number of draft dodgers, Bill Clinton among them. On the other hand there were guys like my cousin Tommy who served 4 years in the Air Force was discharged and re-up'd in the Army and did two tours of duty Viet Nam

I personally believe the nation made a mistake by moving from the draft to an all volunteer military. I wish it were reinstated but with less room for exceptions to equalize that the draft apply fairly across all socio-economic lines. I say this because too many young people have no skin in the game and hence seem almost oblivious to the nature and dangers of a failed foreign policy. I also say so because a volunteer military could well become cost prohibited. and as we are witnessing now criteria for selection continues to be lowered. I also say so because as many of us learned the military experience coming right out of high school was indeed helpful.

Personal Best Regards:
Your cousin sounds like a stand-up guy. How about yourself? Did you enlist or get drafted? How about your kids? Did they enlist? How about Trump or his kids?

Yes, I enlisted and served my 3 years.
Old 12-31-2016, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Have you noticed the deafening silence from progressives on this topic . and wasn't it predictable that they would reach for the medicare social security gambit. the only reference to entitlement to either of these programs applies to greedy politicians who can't keep their hands off retirees monies

Trump connected with many in the black community with his honest assessment of how progressives failed them. it is one reason why Hillary could not garner the votes that Obama had in 200-2012. And I seriously doubt if Obama could run in 2016 he would have garner as many black votes as he did in previous years because false Democrat promises caught up with them.

My hope is that as people we move away from collective thinking and return to individual -independent thinkers.

Trump has his problems to be sure. However in addition to Democrat resistance he has to deal with some Republican recalcitrants which is going to make his job that much harder.
I don't mind and even agree that Republican need to challenge him. I just wish they stop playing to the crowd to garner voters.
Hope Trump is successful with his plans to introduce a plan for term limits not only for congress but also the Supreme Court.

Personal Best Regards:

Ha ha ha, do you and Trump think that congress is ever going to vote in term limits and put themselves out of work?
Old 12-31-2016, 01:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Your cousin sounds like a stand-up guy. How about yourself? Did you enlist or get drafted? How about your kids? Did they enlist? How about Trump or his kids?

Yes, I enlisted and served my 3 years.

Trump got six deferments because of bone spurs in his foot. Now he can't remember which foot it was. He equates his time spent in military school to actually serving in the military. Don Jr and Eric have never served.

free, socialism, attracted, progressives

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