Why Progressives Are Attracted To Socialism

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Old 12-31-2016, 07:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
You thought who served 4 years in the military? None of the Trump family was in the military.

Waiting to hear from Rubicon since he brought up military service.

How about some of the others on Political Forum - Don Baldwin, MDLBQ, Buffalo Jim? Military service? How long and when?
Yep rubicon joined the military at the age of 17 and served for four years.

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Old 12-31-2016, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Sandtrap328 View Post
No, I was in the US Army. Served from 1966-69. Vietnam vet.

How about all of you Regressives?
Thank you for your service Sandy. I don't consider myself a regressive but I did register for the draft when I turned 18 and never got called

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Old 12-31-2016, 09:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Excellent post, that will be quickly dismissed by Regressives.

They aren't even smart enough to know, that calling someone 'progressive'...is a huge compliment.

Given that this country became great because of 'progress/progressive thinking'...it's unfathomable why they take such delight in being known as 'regressive.'
You've CHANGED the definition of "progressive" it USED to mean...progress...making something better.

Now...it just means diversity...making things worse.

Just like you changed the definition of marriage, equality, and "normal" to name a few.
Old 01-01-2017, 05:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Thank you for your service Sandy. I don't consider myself a regressive but I did register for the draft when I turned 18 and never got called

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Was having breakfast outside with a couple on veteran's day when a woman passed our table and asked if any of us had been in the military. The question sort of surprised me but after a pause I said yes I had been in the military. she then replied "well thank you for your service" A thoughtful gesture indeed.

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Old 01-01-2017, 06:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Janmcn, what branch of the military did you serve in?
Originally Posted by JANCNM
Jan and CNM were with Kerry and Fonda throwing some Vet's (not Kerry's) medals over the fence of the White House. That was the extent of their sacrifice and patriotic service.
Real patriots
Old 01-01-2017, 08:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Yeah half that $hit is on my property tax bill, what does that have to do with the federal government

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Yeah, it's all on your local, state, or federal tax bill because it's part of public services, that you use, provided by socialism. And the question was not about the federal government, but about socialism.
Old 01-01-2017, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Hey Jan - Is this the first time Republicans have had control of congress and the president in 50 years??

I would not worrty so much about medicare; how do you feel SS is going to survive with the weak necked Millennials that do not want to work (would rather go to school for ever) and will make little, if any, contribution?

The majority of these weak neck useless generation wear neck cushions in cars and planes...they can't even hold their own head up for a couple hours...who is going to pay the taxes???

"Is this the first time Republicans have had control of congress and the presidency in 50 years?"

No but Nixon was too smart to end Medicare, Ford was smart enough, Reagan smart enough until he lost his mind, HW Bush smart enough and W Bush nobody told him to do it, enter Trump the stooge will sign anything put in front of him.

What do all of the above have in common? They all left office either in defeat or disgrace, except for Reagan who left not in his right mind.
Old 01-01-2017, 01:42 PM
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Washington has no stomach to deal with medicare or social security
But the news media know how to stir up voters

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Old 01-01-2017, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Washington has no stomach to deal with medicare or social security
But the news media know how to stir up voters

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Tell that to Speaker Paul Ryan who has made this his primary goal, something he has been so passionate about ever since losing the election in 2012.
Old 01-01-2017, 04:00 PM
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Default Sadly a typical liberal

Originally Posted by Guest
Explains exactly why republicans are so hell bent on getting rid of the single-payer socialized medicine, commonly known as Medicare. They've been trying to do this for over 50 years and finally have the stooge in the White House who will sign their bill into law.
I do not see anyone but LIBERALS with the name calling,"stooge in the white house."
While people who earn a living or in case of the villages have earned a living surely, if they did some reading, did not vote for OBAMA yet, there were no protests. George Bush left office AND DID NOT BERATE OBAMA. So far we have seen SOROS paid for anti TRUMP protests. Obama is doing everything in his power to MESS UP OUR/MY COUNTRY. So far Obama has fanned sparks of RACE ISSUES into forest fires, he has made hard work and SUCCESS evil, he has made SAVING FOR RETIREMENT evil, he has made SELF RELIANCE evil, he has made the you o meeeeee gimmmmmmeeeeeeeee the view of far too many americans. Obama has bowed to MUSLIMS-the only president in history to so STOOP, Obama has shafted our ONLY ally in the middle east-ISRAEL. Obama has STICK HIS NOSE INTO BREXIT-England to the European that they demand their INDEPENDENCE, TRUMP won because his view AMERICA FIRST. oBAMA thinks we should pay for all the ills of the world while our country goes further and further into debt to pay for it

RE: PROFITS and Medicare.
Medicare DICTATES the price which is far below what a person without medicare and or medical insurance would pay. The patient has no reason to control costs


Old 01-01-2017, 04:15 PM
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Default Sadly you do not control the numbers

Originally Posted by Guest
Hey Jan - Is this the first time Republicans have had control of congress and the president in 50 years??

I would not worrty so much about medicare; how do you feel SS is going to survive with the weak necked Millennials that do not want to work (would rather go to school for ever) and will make little, if any, contribution?

The majority of these weak neck useless generation wear neck cushions in cars and planes...they can't even hold their own head up for a couple hours...who is going to pay the taxes???
When social security was launched there were, if, I recall what I had read, 11 people working to pay for each person retired. Today, it is 1 1/2. To make it even worse politicians on both sides added more benefits, to BUY VOTES, without adequate funding. Most recently Bush added prescription coverage followed by Obama adding OBAMACARE to the tab.

In case anyone has missed my previous posts- We have heard over and over again that Obama has added TEN TRILLION BUCKS to our national debt. FOR THE SHOCKING NEWS THAT THE LIBERAL CONTROLLED PRESS DOES NOT THINK YOU NEED TO KNOW. We hear over and over that China is our largest creditor. First of all that is not true, we owe slightly more to Japan then to China. THE SHOCK IS that together Japan and China hold 20% of our national debt. SOCIAL SECURITY HOLDS 42% OF THE NATIONAL DEBT. If, a company ran it's bookkeeping the way our country does, THEY WOULD BE SHUT DOWN.
Old 01-01-2017, 07:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Tell that to Speaker Paul Ryan who has made this his primary goal, something he has been so passionate about ever since losing the election in 2012.
Ryan's is a long term transitional plan and if implemented might hit a portion of Gen X.

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Old 01-02-2017, 07:20 AM
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Originally Posted by janmcn View Post
"Is this the first time Republicans have had control of congress and the presidency in 50 years?"

No but Nixon was too smart to end Medicare, Ford was smart enough, Reagan smart enough until he lost his mind, HW Bush smart enough and W Bush nobody told him to do it, enter Trump the stooge will sign anything put in front of him.

What do all of the above have in common? They all left office either in defeat or disgrace, except for Reagan who left not in his right mind.
You seem to have a grudge against Republican presidents, that have not ended medicare...

There was 2 other questions that you did not even attempt to offer answer or opinion, maybe because they lacked an opportunity to pass judgment on a past Republican.

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Old 01-02-2017, 07:44 AM
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To answer the subject question:

Progressives are attracted to socialism because the two words are synonymous. The left loves Ponzi schemes and believe that as long as they take care of today, someone else will deal with tomorrow. They still do not comprehend that once they spend all of someone elses money, socialism does not work. If socialism worked, then everyone would be equally wealthy forever. It is a left wing, liberal fantasy that fits perfectly with Obie's socialist Utopia. They still do not understand that the reason they have such a great lifestyle here in the U.S. is because of two ideas, trickle down and supply and demand. The more the rich make the better lifestyle the middle and lower class enjoy. That is fact that cannot be disputed, but can be proven. Take for example, the middle class in many other countries that enjoy socialism. Our lower class live as well as the middle class in other socialist countries. You cannot dispute that statement. I have lived much of my life overseas and have seen it personally. The reason the middle class is suffering right now is because of all the attempts by this administration to have the government interfere with private business and mandate everything other than themselves. That puts a governor on the economic engine, period.
Old 01-02-2017, 07:44 AM
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A quick study of basic economics will reveal that in a society such as ours, capitalism works best for most things. But, there are some things the need to be run on a socialist basis. Police and fire for example. I don't know that there is anything more socialist than the military. In fact I think that problems have been created when the military began to become less self sufficient and capitalist companies were hirer to perform certain functions. But that's another discussion entirely.

Although it was fought as a horrible socialist program, I think that social security has worked out pretty well. of course it, and it's sister program, Medicare would work a lot better if our politicians would stop "borrowing" from them. But again, another discussion.

I don't think that the argument should be socialism or capitalism as both need to exist in this country. The question needs to be where to apply each of these economic models.

Certainly the things I mentioned, police, fire, military have to be paid for and serve all of us. Do we want to extend to health care? Should we share equally in the food supply? Should we pool all of our money and have the government provide housing for all of us. That's what socialism truly is. It is a system where everyone contributes and shares equally.

It's pretty apparent that countries where socialism and communism were the norm are adding more and more capitalism into the mix and becoming better off because of it. China and Russia are the two most obvious examples. An example of a country that has tried to be strictly socialist is Cuba. Obviously that system doesn't work if it is the only way.

We have always had and will always need a mix of capitalism and socialism. The debate is over how much of each should be in the mix. What should the government do for us and what should be left to private industry?

free, socialism, attracted, progressives

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