Trump to 'Free NASA'

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Old 11-15-2016, 07:28 AM
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Arrow Trump to 'Free NASA'

Trump to 'Free NASA' and Set Sights on Further Space Exploration

The Villages Florida

here's a surprise

Despite criticism from the media about his stance on space policy, President-elect Trump is set to focus NASA mainly on space exploration following his inauguration in January, revealing his interest to “free NASA” from logistics so that they can focus on “space exploration” in a speech last month.

“Over the last 8 years, the Obama-Clinton administration has undermined our space program tremendously. That will change,” proclaimed Trump. “So many good things come out of it, including great jobs. That will change very quickly under a Trump administration and it’ll change before it’s too late.”

“A cornerstone of my policy is we will substantially expand public private partnerships to maximize the amount of investment and funding that is available for space exploration and development. This means launching and operating major space assets, right here, that employ thousands and spur innovation and fuel economic growth,” he continued. “I will free NASA from the restriction of serving primarily as a logistics agency for low earth orbit activity.”
Old 11-15-2016, 08:07 AM
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Where does the money come from? We already go $1 trillion + in the hole every year. Where are you going to take it from? the $1 trillion + that goes to welfare? That would be my choice. Send the "illegals" and the anchor babies home, move the blacks off welfare into those jobs left behind. There you go...a $trillion a year saved.
Old 11-15-2016, 08:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest

“A cornerstone of my policy is we will substantially expand public private partnerships to maximize the amount of investment and funding that is available for space exploration and development.
I believe he states the funding will be garnered from private partnerships...

But, I do agree with your comment to deport the ILLEGAL immigrants.
Old 11-15-2016, 09:04 AM
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first let's get the criminals deported and stop the revolving door.

aka WALL
Old 11-15-2016, 10:05 AM
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The big question that we are all focused on, and worried about it ... will Trump maintain NASA's highest priority as "Muslim Outreach????"

For those of you why may not remember, here's a brief recap:

"It's not really surprising that President Obama told NASA administrator Charles Bolden that his highest priority should be "to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering." It fits with so much that we already knew about the president."

Read more: NASA's Muslim Outreach | RealClearPolitics
Old 11-15-2016, 10:40 AM
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I remember when Obama went to a radical mosque he could not mention one contribution Muslims have made to America other then having a few in military service.

Obama ignores evidence of Baltimore mosque’s ties to terror
Old 11-15-2016, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
first let's get the criminals deported and stop the revolving door.

aka WALL
ALL illegals are CRIMINALS. Which ones are you going to give a pass to?
Old 11-15-2016, 02:51 PM
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Accused or convicted of a crime other than simply being here.
Old 11-15-2016, 04:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Accused or convicted of a crime other than simply being here.
If you come home at night and someone who "let himself in" is sitting on your couch, watching your TV, eating your food...isn't he a criminal? Why isn't being in a country and taking their stuff the same?
Old 11-15-2016, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Accused or convicted of a crime other than simply being here.
Get real.

Even though the language has been corrupted (illegal alien = undocumented immigrant yadda) people with common sense still understand the reality.
Old 11-16-2016, 07:19 AM
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Originally Posted by Guest
Accused or convicted of a crime other than simply being here.
No offense meant but,,,,,WHAT A DUMB@SS answer! WOW!!

space, trump, nasa, exploration, free

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