Hottest September Ever Recorded by a LOT Don't listen to the deniers / liars

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Old 10-07-2023, 12:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Pugchief View Post
You disproved your own point. The Patriots stink once again as the cycle reverts.
Do you mean the system recovered when the abnormal influence was removed? That is exactly what those concerned about climate change would like to see happen: remove/limit/lessen the CO2 so that the cycle can revert.
Why do people insist on making claims without looking them up first, do they really think no one will check? Proof by emphatic assertion rarely works.
Confirmation bias is real; I can find any number of articles that say so.

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Old 10-07-2023, 12:45 PM
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Originally Posted by cjrjck View Post
Good points but I am still confused why it matters that some people don't believe in climate change. How is it important what someone else thinks or believes?
It is not terribly important what any of us believe - we are past the point of directing major efforts.

You seem to care about the motivation of others (why it matters), that's your thing. My thing is to care about misleading (or just plain wrong) statements, especially when based on junk science and bad analysis.
Why do people insist on making claims without looking them up first, do they really think no one will check? Proof by emphatic assertion rarely works.
Confirmation bias is real; I can find any number of articles that say so.

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Old 10-07-2023, 01:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Bill14564 View Post
Do you mean the system recovered when the abnormal influence was removed? That is exactly what those concerned about climate change would like to see happen: remove/limit/lessen the CO2 so that the cycle can revert.
You said maybe it was Brady, maybe it was Gronk. Maybe it was something else. Maybe the other teams were just not as good, and now they are better.
Old 10-07-2023, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
No idea, but logically if the Eurasian and African plates were moving closer to each other, the width of the Mediterranean would narrow and raise the water level. Of course, plates move quite slowly (except in earthquakes, but that is a release of tension and not continental drift), and can be measure in millions of years, so 2,000 years, appears, at least empirically, to be too short a time frame.
Not taking sides but remember that the Mediterranean is not self-contained.
Old 10-07-2023, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by blueash View Post
This graph uses as a zero point the temperature average over a 30 year period from 1991 to 2020. Of course this was a period when temps were already moving upward as you can see looking at how no years prior to 2002 were warmer than that average. So when a person who regularly posts that we are in a cooling trend selectively uses a single hot year as a baseline, know you are being manipulated and lied to.
People obviously cannot interpret data and facts or make distinctions between good data and and unbiased sources of data. Any old Joe Schmo on the internet is a good source for them, as long as it matches what their opinion already is.
Old 10-07-2023, 03:23 PM
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
Amazing. This has been explained by myself and others multiple times. I guess some things take longer to sink in than others.

First, the "deniers" are those that ignore the last 4.5 million years of climatology and instead embrace this false narrative of "climate change" being shoved down our throats by the media and government policies, all designed to spend up to 130 trillion on a fool's errand that will enrich very few.

Secondly, it does not require a "conspiracy", it only requires knowing which side your bread is buttered on. If you lived in N Korea and "dear leader" said the sky is yellow, you would also state the sky is yellow. If you are a climatologist at a university or working in government and your livelihood depends on grants and tenure, you know better than to oppose the false climate change agenda.

Third, where did anyone get "irate"?

And lastly, rather than cite a few articles, here is the opinion of 500 respected climatologists and scientists:

"The video above is from Friends of Science, a Canada-based “non-profit organization run by dedicated volunteers comprised mainly of active and retired earth and atmospheric scientists, engineers, and other professionals.” On the same day last week that Greta Thunberg made an impassioned speech to the United Nations about her fears of a climate emergency, a group of 500 prominent scientists and professionals, led by the CLINTEL co-founder Guus Berkhout, sent this registered letter to the United Nations Secretary-General stating that there is no climate emergency and climate policies should be designed to benefit the lives of people. Here’s the press release, here’ the list of 500 signees, and here’s the opening of the letter:

A global network of more than 500 knowledgeable and experienced scientists and professionals in climate and related fields have the honor to address to Your Excellencies the attached European Climate Declaration, for which the signatories to this letter are the national ambassadors. The general-circulation models of climate on which international policy is at present founded are unfit for their purpose.

Therefore, it is cruel as well as imprudent to advocate the squandering of trillions of dollars on the basis of results from such immature models. Current climate policies pointlessly and grievously undermine the economic system, putting lives at risk in countries denied access to affordable, reliable electrical energy. We urge you to follow a climate policy based on sound science, realistic economics and genuine concern for those harmed by costly but unnecessary attempts at mitigation

Here are the specific points about climate change highlighted in the letter:

1 Natural as well as anthropogenic factors cause warming.
2. Warming is far slower than predicted.
3. Climate policy relies on inadequate models.
4. CO2 is not a pollutant. It is a plant food that is essential to all life on Earth. Photosynthesis is a blessing. More CO2 is beneficial for nature, greening the Earth: additional CO2 in the air has promoted growth in global plant biomass. It is also good for agriculture, increasing the yields of crops worldwide.
5. Global warming has not increased natural disasters.
6. Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities.
7. There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic.

MP: What about that “consensus” and “settled science” about climate change we always hear about? How can there be a consensus when there’s a global network of more than 500 knowledgeable and experienced scientists and professionals in climate and related fields who challenge the “settled science”?

Actually, challenging the consensus among the scientific community is nothing new, but those the voices of those challenging the consensus are always drowned out by the tsunami of climate hysteria from the climate alarmists. For example, in 2012 a group of more than 125 scientists sent an open letter to the United Nations warning that scientific evidence refuted UN Secretary-General’s Ban Ki-Moon repeated assertions on weather and climate. Those warnings of climate hysteria unsupported by the scientific evidence were ignored in 2012, just like the letter from the 500 prominent scientists and professionals will be ignored in 2019. In other words, it’s “deja vu all over again.”
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Old 10-07-2023, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Driller703 View Post
Terrible! I’m so amazed that they can tell all this, and they can’t predict the weather next week! It would be so easy to fix this if we just paid more taxes!! I feel bad for the people who live where the power grid will be so over loaded because of all the electric cars that they won’t be able to run their A/C in the 120 degree heat!! And then, the thermal shock of the following freezing winter! Lucky we weren’t around 15,000 years ago when this happened before.
It all started to go down hill when man first learned how to start a fire to cook their meals.
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Old 10-07-2023, 03:32 PM
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Originally Posted by sounding View Post
Correct. All data shows it was hotter during the Dust Bowl years - the 1930s. A primary driver was and is the AMO (Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation) - which shows it was hottest in the 30s and coolest in the 70s (when it snowed in Miami in '77). This year is warm due to the AMO, Tonga volcano, peaking sunspots, and increasing El Nino -- and yet we are still in a 9-year cooling trend.
Wait, your facts can't be valid, because they don't fit the narrative of "man made climate change that can be remedied by throwing trillions of bucks into the air.
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Old 10-07-2023, 03:52 PM
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I can't be charged with being a "denier" since I don't deny that the climate changes. It always has and it always will. I have doubts that anything that we do can change our climate from changing. Perhaps a giant bubble (like the one over the Villages?) situated over each populated area in the world, with a giant climate control like my car has, will make it all better?
First off, why should I agree that we should throw trillions of bucks into studies on how to fix the weather patterns; ie, man made climate control? When someone suggests that anyone that does not agree with them is ignorant and uneducated, it makes me wonder how idiotic some folks are to waste trillions on studies to find solutions for something that would take hundreds or thousands of years to prove and initiate. I doubt that man will exist in a thousand years, so I really don't care about the weather changes. Even if I was concerned about the weather, no matter what I do, I could not make any difference in my lifetime. If the younger generation feels it can improve it's future, let them handle it. Personally, I am retired and enjoy the hot weather. The only problem I have is the rising cost of utilities and insurance; oh, and the cost of food, and .....inflation. Take for instance, the great fuel tax holiday this month. Did anyone notice the lower price of gasoline at the pumps? Neither did I. The price went up so that they could discount it by 25 cents a gallon. Same price I paid for it the last fill up. Then, they have an excuse to have a high price after the tax holiday is over. But, I digress again.
Like I said, I am not a denier. I believe in climate change. But, I don't get all hysterical like a school girl (oops) and believe that by running out and purchasing a EV or stop eating beef and switching to mystery meat, that I am going to change the temperature in my lifetime. Sorry, if that hurts anyone's feelings. And by the way, if being a believer in the Almighty and His Son for salvation makes me a "denier" then, just add that to my other label if being a "deplorable."
That said, I have no problem with lowering my contribution to air pollution....IF it's a reasonable request. I like clean air as much as anyone else. I am very happy with how much cleaner our air has become, compared to what it was like when I was a kid.
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Old 10-07-2023, 04:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Byte1 View Post
I can't be charged with being a "denier" since I don't deny that the climate changes. It always has and it always will. I have doubts that anything that we do can change our climate from changing. Perhaps a giant bubble (like the one over the Villages?) situated over each populated area in the world, with a giant climate control like my car has, will make it all better?
First off, why should I agree that we should throw trillions of bucks into studies on how to fix the weather patterns; ie, man made climate control? When someone suggests that anyone that does not agree with them is ignorant and uneducated, it makes me wonder how idiotic some folks are to waste trillions on studies to find solutions for something that would take hundreds or thousands of years to prove and initiate. I doubt that man will exist in a thousand years, so I really don't care about the weather changes. Even if I was concerned about the weather, no matter what I do, I could not make any difference in my lifetime. If the younger generation feels it can improve it's future, let them handle it. Personally, I am retired and enjoy the hot weather. The only problem I have is the rising cost of utilities and insurance; oh, and the cost of food, and .....inflation. Take for instance, the great fuel tax holiday this month. Did anyone notice the lower price of gasoline at the pumps? Neither did I. The price went up so that they could discount it by 25 cents a gallon. Same price I paid for it the last fill up. Then, they have an excuse to have a high price after the tax holiday is over. But, I digress again.
Like I said, I am not a denier. I believe in climate change. But, I don't get all hysterical like a school girl (oops) and believe that by running out and purchasing a EV or stop eating beef and switching to mystery meat, that I am going to change the temperature in my lifetime. Sorry, if that hurts anyone's feelings. And by the way, if being a believer in the Almighty and His Son for salvation makes me a "denier" then, just add that to my other label if being a "deplorable."
That said, I have no problem with lowering my contribution to air pollution....IF it's a reasonable request. I like clean air as much as anyone else. I am very happy with how much cleaner our air has become, compared to what it was like when I was a kid.
Dittos. Spoken like a true climate realist. There is no climate emergency - plus the tiny warming and extra CO2 is actually benefiting our climate because all measures of severe weather are decreasing - or at a minimum non-changing. In other words - today's climate change is good news.
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Old 10-08-2023, 06:53 AM
JSRusso JSRusso is offline
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I’ve always been amazed at how important humans in general feel they are. To think that we are the ones to cause the earth to warm or cool is comical. The earth is a living planet and we are but microorganisms in comparison. There are under sea volcanoes with unprecedented activity that is naturally warming the oceans, the planet is doing its thing until it eventually will expire like the rest of the universe. Don’t pretend to know more than nature. We as a species can’t stop the forces of Mother Nature. We have all put faith in the science, and over the years science discovers something that it wasn’t previously aware of and we all realize how wrong we or the previous generations were. Don’t be so gullible as to believe with unshaken conviction that you are right. Live the best way that you currently believe and don’t force your beliefs on others. We are all a blip in the grand scheme of the universe. We can just as easily be taken out by an asteroid. Take care of yourself, those around you, and the wonderful planet we enjoy today. Stop worrying about what may or may not happen in a thousand years.
Old 10-08-2023, 06:56 AM
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Originally Posted by mtdjed View Post
Not taking sides but remember that the Mediterranean is not self-contained.
Yet. Plates still moving north.
Old 10-08-2023, 07:22 AM
oldtimes oldtimes is offline
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The real problem is conspicuous consumption. The earth’s resources are being depleted creating ever new cars and boats and private jets and huge mansions that are lived in sometimes for only weeks in a year. Pushing EVs and more efficient appliances is nothing but a bandaid. Instead of trying to change climate change we should be learning how to deal with it, like not building right on the water. The only thing I am denying is the proposed “solutions” which are not solving anything but just shifting it to different problem.
Old 10-08-2023, 10:07 AM
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Originally Posted by oldtimes View Post
The real problem is conspicuous consumption. The earth’s resources are being depleted creating ever new cars and boats and private jets and huge mansions that are lived in sometimes for only weeks in a year. Pushing EVs and more efficient appliances is nothing but a bandaid. Instead of trying to change climate change we should be learning how to deal with it, like not building right on the water. The only thing I am denying is the proposed “solutions” which are not solving anything but just shifting it to different problem.
Ditto. Conspicuous consumption - right on the water.
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