United Nations Declares Guns Control Weather

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Old 01-22-2023, 11:49 AM
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
And of course, we need BUMP STOPS and silencers and military-style rifles to shoot quail and Bambies. The NRA WAS, I repeat WAS a great hunting magazine and association devoted to sportsmen, hunting, and outdoor activities before about 1970. All Good until................after about 1970 or 80 when people all live in cities and in the suburbs and they started to NOT want to shoot a turkey on Thanksgiving or go hunting in deer season. So........with FEWER people hunting the Arms manufacturers were getting less profits. Then they got the NRA to push paintball and propaganda about soldiers of fortune and the military. The gun magazines barely covered normal guns like bolt actions and double-barreled shotguns. It became all about silencers and semi-autos and MAN-killing guns and NOT animal-killing guns.
.....Personally, my last membership in the NRA was about 1970 and I became more interested in BOW hunting - there was more challenge involved and longer seasons, because for me it was more about walking around nature than killing animals anyway. Personally, I never owned a MAN-KILLING GUN and I never would. I refused to shoot at targets if there was an IMAGE of a man on it. I would ONLY shoot at bullseye-type targets!
First, they're called Bump STOCKS, not "Stops"...

Second, they're a novelty item. No one has used one in a crime and no serious hunter or anyone involved in self defense would used one for those purposes. So, spare me your red herrings...

Youcan achieve the same effect by using your belt loop or a rubber band (military grade, of course)...

It's just like the dreaded "100 round magazines". They are a range toy. Useless in actual battle. The Aurora shooter had one and it almost immediately jammed, spilling its rounds all over the floor. He did most of his damage with his shotgun and a pistol...

Since you stopped you subscription around 1970, how do you know what they publish today?

You never owned a "MAN-KILLING GUN"? So, I guess you've never owned ANY gun, since ANY gun is capable of KILLING A MAN...
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Last edited by JMintzer; 01-22-2023 at 12:03 PM.
Old 01-22-2023, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Kenswing View Post
When are you going to actually post with a hint of accuracy?

A Bump Stop? Energy Suspension 9.9101G All Purpose Bump Stop - Pack of 2 https://a.co/d/dLmjl0p
I’m sure you’re referring to Bump Stocks which are already illegal.

There’s no such thing as a gun silencer. There are sound suppressors which will reduce the report of a fired round but it doesn’t come even close to silencing it. A suppressor is more of a hearing protective device than some nefarious tool of death and destruction that you try to make them out to be. Show us some data on how many mass shootings involved a “silenced” weapon.

Please. I implore you to stop posting with your feelings and start using real easily verified information.
OOOPS, I missed his statement about the "silencers"... Thank you for catching that!

He (like waaay too many in Congress), thinks they work like what he see's in the movies. Just a "whisper quiet [i]pffft[//] when the gun fires...

Funny thing about "silencers"... You can buy them "over the counter" in much of Europe. It's considered "polite" to use them so you don't disturb your neighbors while hunting...
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Old 01-22-2023, 11:58 AM
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
Awwww. I am truly sorry that my expression of feelings and emotions would hurt someone else's feelings. I was merely trying to express myself in a TRUE freedom of speech manner. In the future, I will try to turn it down. And I DO know the difference between silencers and suppressors. The general reader here would NOT have a clue as to that distinction, only gun enthusiasts would. In 1956 my father show me how he attempted to make his own version of a silencer for a 22 rifle. It was able to neither silence nor suppress the shot report (nice technical word there for those ballistic aficionados) it was just as loud as originally. And I again apologize in advance because some may be offended by my mention of my father.
..........And "guilty as charged" that IS the 2nd time that I have written bump stop instead of the correct term bump stock..........but I do know what my general intent was ......to show that a person could easily and cheaply convert a semi-auto into effectively an automatic. And I believe that it WAS illegal, BUT (I think.....don't take it to the bank) that a JUDGE recently UNDID that law to make them back to LEGAL. And further, I believe that it was NRA membership money that provided the lawyers to make that CASE. Now, I am out on a limb on this one because I have NOT yet asked Mr Google if he/she would support my limited memory on that one. Please feel free to saw off that limb if that is the important thing to do when using a Forum.........try to shoot down (guns reference) any and ALL people that one has a difference of opinion about.

I keep making the mistake of believing that the IDEA of a public forum is for members to COOPERATE by voicing BOTH facts and OPINIONS so as, to come to a BETTER understanding of local, state, national, and world news and situations. I, myself, read posts with plenty of spelling errors, many, many punctuation errors (some just run everything together without a comma or a period), and EVEN some posts that are barely intelligible (as if written by a 3rd grader). But, I RESIST the temptation to JUMP on them and criticize them.
Opinions based on facts are fine. Opinions made of whole cloth are not...

And yes, your attempt at snark was duly noted...
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Old 01-22-2023, 12:13 PM
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Originally Posted by JMintzer View Post
Opinions based on facts are fine. Opinions made of whole cloth are not...

And yes, your attempt at snark was duly noted...
Duly and doubly noted.
Old 01-22-2023, 01:16 PM
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Originally Posted by sounding View Post
If sea level rise is significant, then how come I have to drive so far to get to the sea shore?
Actually, your drive is "much" less. With the "significant"() rise in ocean levels of 3.9 mm, and assuming a 3% grade as the beach meets the sea, you now have to drive 0.073 mm less. The reduced consumption of gasoline to drive that much less should warm the cockles of the heart of the global warming alarmists.
Old 01-22-2023, 07:14 PM
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A silencer/suppressor are the same thing. You cannot just walk into a gun shop and buy one over the counter. You have to fill out forms, provide a picture of yourself and fingerprint cards, then submit them to the ATF for approval to own one. This involves a background check and a very lengthy waiting time for approval. The same procedure if a person wants to obtain a tax stamp to buy a legal machine gun. Silencers/suppressors are not cheap. The cheapest one I've seen was for a .22 long rifle firearm and was in the neighborhood of $300. Larger caliber suppressors can cost as much as a couple thousand. Most gun owners can't or won't pay that much for one.

Every firearm, a gun that uses gun powder to propel a projectile, will kill a person. Even an air rifle can kill. Lewis and Clark had an air rifle that had a magazine capacity of 20 rounds. If I remember correctly they used it to kill a deer. Every firearm ever made has been used as a weapon of war at some time. Even the lowly .22 long rifle rimfire has been used by special operations operatives as an assassination weapon.

As far as converting a semi-auto firearm to full auto, it is difficult to do and get a functional automatic weapon. Not something the average individual can accomplish. It is just another anti-gun claim that is not true. You can mess with the sear and it will fire full auto but when you let off the trigger it will keep on shooting until the magazine is empty. Also semi-auto firearms are not built to handle full auto fire. It will eventually have a mechanical failure. I have heard of no court rulings legalizing new full automatic weapons. The gun control act of 1986 required all people who owned a machine gun to register it with the ATF by a certain date. After that date any machine gun that was not registered was illegal to own. The act also banned the manufacture of new automatic firearms for the general public. Naturally there is an exception for the military and law enforcement agencies. The guns registered in 1986 are the only ones that are legal to own.

Bump stocks are a joke. You cannot accurately shoot a firearm with that stock. Take some time and watch YouTube videos of them being fired. Bullets go all over the place except where aimed. Go to a gun range and start shooting with one and you will be told to leave and never return. They are nothing but a range toy for the wannabe "Special Ops". Like the guys in the movie Wild Hogs.
Old 01-22-2023, 07:43 PM
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That is what happens when you drive in circles. And sometimes that can happen with thought patterns........like about a thousand posts and an ugly 6th-grade graph.
Old 01-22-2023, 07:49 PM
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Originally Posted by JMintzer View Post
First, they're called Bump STOCKS, not "Stops"...

Second, they're a novelty item. No one has used one in a crime and no serious hunter or anyone involved in self defense would used one for those purposes. So, spare me your red herrings...

Youcan achieve the same effect by using your belt loop or a rubber band (military grade, of course)...

It's just like the dreaded "100 round magazines". They are a range toy. Useless in actual battle. The Aurora shooter had one and it almost immediately jammed, spilling its rounds all over the floor. He did most of his damage with his shotgun and a pistol...

Since you stopped you subscription around 1970, how do you know what they publish today?

You never owned a "MAN-KILLING GUN"? So, I guess you've never owned ANY gun, since ANY gun is capable of KILLING A MAN...
"No one has used a bump stock in a crime" HHHYYYYMMMMNNNN I will allow you to retract that statement.......remember the guy in Las Vegas that rained down DEATH on about 50 innocent people. HE used various guns........one WAS a bump-stock. Apology accepted in advance. Thank me very much !!!!!!!
Old 01-22-2023, 07:52 PM
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Originally Posted by JMintzer View Post
Opinions based on facts are fine. Opinions made of whole cloth are not...

And yes, your attempt at snark was duly noted...
No snark intended.......truly!
Old 01-22-2023, 07:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Number 10 GI View Post
A silencer/suppressor are the same thing. You cannot just walk into a gun shop and buy one over the counter. You have to fill out forms, provide a picture of yourself and fingerprint cards, then submit them to the ATF for approval to own one. This involves a background check and a very lengthy waiting time for approval. The same procedure if a person wants to obtain a tax stamp to buy a legal machine gun. Silencers/suppressors are not cheap. The cheapest one I've seen was for a .22 long rifle firearm and was in the neighborhood of $300. Larger caliber suppressors can cost as much as a couple thousand. Most gun owners can't or won't pay that much for one.

Every firearm, a gun that uses gun powder to propel a projectile, will kill a person. Even an air rifle can kill. Lewis and Clark had an air rifle that had a magazine capacity of 20 rounds. If I remember correctly they used it to kill a deer. Every firearm ever made has been used as a weapon of war at some time. Even the lowly .22 long rifle rimfire has been used by special operations operatives as an assassination weapon.

As far as converting a semi-auto firearm to full auto, it is difficult to do and get a functional automatic weapon. Not something the average individual can accomplish. It is just another anti-gun claim that is not true. You can mess with the sear and it will fire full auto but when you let off the trigger it will keep on shooting until the magazine is empty. Also semi-auto firearms are not built to handle full auto fire. It will eventually have a mechanical failure. I have heard of no court rulings legalizing new full automatic weapons. The gun control act of 1986 required all people who owned a machine gun to register it with the ATF by a certain date. After that date any machine gun that was not registered was illegal to own. The act also banned the manufacture of new automatic firearms for the general public. Naturally there is an exception for the military and law enforcement agencies. The guns registered in 1986 are the only ones that are legal to own.

Bump stocks are a joke. You cannot accurately shoot a firearm with that stock. Take some time and watch YouTube videos of them being fired. Bullets go all over the place except where aimed. Go to a gun range and start shooting with one and you will be told to leave and never return. They are nothing but a range toy for the wannabe "Special Ops". Like the guys in the movie Wild Hogs.
Good informative post.....thanks.
Old 01-22-2023, 08:18 PM
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
That is what happens when you drive in circles. And sometimes that can happen with thought patterns........like about a thousand posts and an ugly 6th-grade graph.
There's nothing circular about a linear trend line -- it's a straight line -- and it's going down -- in other words, it shows slight 7-year cooling. Here is another report showing similar results ... https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/10/...ns-to-8-years/
Old 01-22-2023, 09:00 PM
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
"No one has used a bump stock in a crime" HHHYYYYMMMMNNNN I will allow you to retract that statement.......remember the guy in Las Vegas that rained down DEATH on about 50 innocent people. HE used various guns........one WAS a bump-stock. Apology accepted in advance. Thank me very much !!!!!!!
Okay, ONE was a bump stock... You got me... Whoopdee freakin doo...

And why are you singing a "Hymn"?
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