Columbia ParCar Service

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Old 08-13-2008, 04:23 PM
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Default Columbia ParCar Service

Has anyone had problems with service from Columbia ParCar? I bought mine new in 2006 and love the vechicle but am now experiencing problems with the factory service center in Leesburg. My cart was brought in 2 1/2 wks ago with an electrical problem. They picked it up on a fri and told me that it would be looked at the following tues. Here were are 2 1/2 weeks later and every time that I call I get a different story. Parts have been ordered, we have two technicians out, and yesterday a woman who answered the phone and told my wife that it hadn't even been looked at as of yet. Anyone who has had the same problems with them?
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Old 08-13-2008, 11:10 PM
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Default Re: Columbia ParCar Service

I'd take a trip down there and raise some hell
Old 08-14-2008, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: Columbia ParCar Service

I have a 2007 Columbia Par Car and haven't experienced any problems with it ... very happy. I had occasion twice to call the mechanics with questions. Both times they returned my calls within the hour and provided the information I needed.

I wish you luck, and please keep us updated.
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Old 08-14-2008, 07:26 PM
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Default Re: Columbia ParCar Service

sounds fishy to me!
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Old 08-18-2008, 07:52 PM
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Default Re: Columbia ParCar Service

I just talked to a parr Car salesman from leesburg and he said they have been having problems with getting parts from reliable suppliers and that certain cars have had big (and numerous) 2-3 motors replaced during the 3 year warranty while other cars have worked great. Unfortuantely it sounds like you have a car on the problem side!
Old 08-18-2008, 08:03 PM
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Default Re: Columbia ParCar Service

I would call the factory in Wisconsin. I had a friend that used to work there and they never had any problems getting parts. Their address and phone numbers are:

Columbia ParCar Corp.
1115 Commercial Ave
Reedsburg, Wi 53959

Ph 800-222-4653
Old 08-23-2008, 09:27 PM
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Default Re: Columbia ParCar Service

I'm having my first problem with our 2007 Columbia Par Car. The red fault tolerance light keeps coming on. Our house-watch people report to me about the red light. I'm in Canada and my cart is in The Villages. The cart is plugged in about 50% of the time, which is what Columbia mechanics recommended.

The owners manual says "A steady red fault LED confirms an internal electrical fault of the Delta Q, and requires charger to be replaced and return. It must be validated first by testing individual batteries with a voltmeter."

When I called the mechanics at Columbia Par Car, they gave me this explanation. The red fault tolerance light can come on from time to time and is nothing to worry about because the charger timed out and wasn't able to equalize. He said to just unplug the cart, wait a few minutes, and plug it back in. The battery will continue to charge and turn green. He said that it happens because there is a built-in timer on the charger. The light will come on if it wasn't able to charge or equalize the battery in the time allotted. Anyway, he said "no worries", it is just something that sometimes happens.

All of the above is Greek to me. But my house-watch people have unplugged it, left it, and plugged it back in. And the red light persists.
Anyone have any ideas? Or does anyone know an honest cart repairman in TV?
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Old 09-10-2008, 12:33 AM
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Default Re: Columbia ParCar Service

I don't know if I can help or not but I use to be the Operation Manager for Parcar until this new general Manager came in, but I can tell you that if the red light comes back on the second time something is differently wronge two things could be bad 1. the delta Q is not letting it go threw it cycle. 2. If the batteries are over two years old then there is a good possibility that you have one or more batteries bad and will need t5o be lookde at. Hope this helps.
Old 09-10-2008, 12:52 AM
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Default Re: Columbia ParCar Service

Originally Posted by boballen
I don't know if I can help or not but I use to be the Operation Manager for Parcar until this new general Manager came in, but I can tell you that if the red light comes back on the second time something is differently wronge two things could be bad 1. the delta Q is not letting it go threw it cycle. 2. If the batteries are over two years old then there is a good possibility that you have one or more batteries bad and will need t5o be lookde at. Hope this helps.
Bob, thanks so much for your response. The Par Car and its batteries are less than two years old so I don't think the battery should need replacing at this time. I only live in TV in the winter and really don't drive the cart much when I'm there. I don't golf. And I take my SUV to the dog park every day and do errands on the way home.

My house sitters tell me that the red fault light is currently off. It has been off and on for the past two months. The Par Car people have told me I probably need a new charger, at close to $1,000. I'm hoping now that the light stays off until I get to TV in October so my husband can deal with the problem.
Barefoot At Last
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Old 09-19-2008, 11:27 AM
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Default Problems with fault light

I sent a PM to Boballen (former operations manager for Par Car); but I'm afraid he didn't make it through the migration.

The mechanics at Par Car said if the fault light comes on ALL the time, and stays on steadily, I probably need a new charger. Even though the cart is less than two years old.

But the fault light doesn't come on all the time. It isn't a steady light, it flashes three times, pauses, and flashes three times.

Anyone out there have any ideas?

P.S. I'm in Canada, my Par Car is in TV.
Barefoot At Last
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Old 06-27-2011, 03:57 PM
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Originally Posted by collection6 View Post
Has anyone had problems with service from Columbia ParCar? I bought mine new in 2006 and love the vechicle but am now experiencing problems with the factory service center in Leesburg. My cart was brought in 2 1/2 wks ago with an electrical problem. They picked it up on a fri and told me that it would be looked at the following tues. Here were are 2 1/2 weeks later and every time that I call I get a different story. Parts have been ordered, we have two technicians out, and yesterday a woman who answered the phone and told my wife that it hadn't even been looked at as of yet. Anyone who has had the same problems with them?
I have had some problems with service also. And very, very expensive.
Old 06-27-2011, 08:33 PM
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Default Old fashion way

Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
The owners manual says "A steady red fault LED confirms an internal electrical fault of the Delta Q, and requires charger to be replaced and return. It must be validated first by testing individual batteries with a voltmeter."

My way is easier plug in the charger, then take a hammer or wrench and tap on the Delta Q charger. If it cycles through the leds it has a bad circuit board and the charger is bad.
Old 07-19-2011, 12:38 PM
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Unhappy Par Car battery life

I just had to replace all the batteries on my 2010 Par car after 20 months.(Batteries had only an 18 month warranty, so it cost me $1091.)

Initial symptom was red fault light flashing three times... Unplugged charger for a while, then plugged it in again - got yellow light after a couple of hours and an overheating charger and bubbling batteries. Columbia Par Car service picked up the cart a day later and after a couple of days testing, gave me the bad news.

Costly, but should be good for another 18 months. Makes a gas cart seem more appealing...
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