Golf cart tires

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Old 09-15-2010, 10:20 AM
frankmac frankmac is offline
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Question Golf cart tires

Got a $650 quote from local dealer for a set of four mounted 10x7" golf cart tires. That's more than I paid for a set of Michelins for my car. Any other local sources?
Old 09-15-2010, 10:31 AM
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Check Steve's Golf Carts.
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Old 09-15-2010, 10:53 AM
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Many thanks!
Old 09-15-2010, 01:42 PM
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I am not sure what a 10x7 tire is, but I bought my 205-65-10 tires on Predator wheels at a place called Golf Cart Guy. Here is the thread that helped me:

Golf Cart Tires

If you read that thread you will see that EdVinMA paid $375. When I went to the shop, to get the same tires I was told $425. I spent some time in the shop, talking about various wheels and how I heard someone paid $375 for the ones I wanted, but he never moved from $425. Finally I was about to leave and said, these look great, but I am not sure why someone else paid $375. To that he said.......... I can sell them to you for $375.

So beware of that, but I could not find a better price.

Last edited by ajbrown; 09-15-2010 at 02:03 PM.
Old 09-15-2010, 02:11 PM
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Probably not on subject, but this is a small-town story. I have an EZgo electric cart with whatever the standard tires are. This April I had one tire go flat and tried to remove it and in doing so stripped the lug. I called a local cart guy who sells and works on used carts and he said he would pick it up at the local golf club. I met him at the cart shed where I keep my cart and he loaded it on his trailer and took it to his shop. The next day he called and said he had delivered it back to the club (about 2 miles from his shop) and put it back in the shed. I went to pay him and he charged me $35 for the tire, cutting off and replacing the lug, pick-up and delivery of the cart. I gave him 2 $20s and told him to keep the change, but still felt I had taken advantage of the guy. The tire looks new, but even if it is used the whole process was worth more than he charged IMO. Needless to say I have told everyone at the club how he treated me and recommended him for any trouble they have.
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Old 09-15-2010, 02:18 PM
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Don't buy until you check with Joe's, he is across the side street from Club Cart of lady lake, near 466 and
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Old 09-15-2010, 07:27 PM
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Just out of curiosity what kind of rims are we talking about - plain black utility rims or chrome rims?

I have seen carts with the 10 inch tires and the chrome looks better but I figure they cost more.

Also do they get rid of your old tires for you?
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Old 09-15-2010, 09:05 PM
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I just need 10'' tires. I already have the wheels. Any suggestions On where I can get the best price?
Old 09-16-2010, 05:59 AM
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Default Wrong information about wheel

Originally Posted by ajbrown View Post
I am not sure what a 10x7 tire is, but I bought my 205-65-10 tires on Predator wheels at a place called Golf Cart Guy. Here is the thread that helped me:

Golf Cart Tires

If you read that thread you will see that EdVinMA paid $375. When I went to the shop, to get the same tires I was told $425. I spent some time in the shop, talking about various wheels and how I heard someone paid $375 for the ones I wanted, but he never moved from $425. Finally I was about to leave and said, these look great, but I am not sure why someone else paid $375. To that he said.......... I can sell them to you for $375.

So beware of that, but I could not find a better price.
I was wrong in my original post and wanted to correct in case you are doing comparable price shopping. I did not get my tires on Predator wheels, they were on Interceptor wheels as in this link:

Last edited by ajbrown; 09-16-2010 at 06:03 AM. Reason: spelling
Old 09-16-2010, 08:27 AM
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Originally Posted by beartrack View Post
I just need 10'' tires. I already have the wheels. Any suggestions On where I can get the best price?
I don't know about best price, but Tire Choice on Wedgewood (behind Golden Corral) has 10" tires. The 205 65 10" are $59.95 each and installation is another $9.95.
They also have the low profile 10" but I am not sure of the price. They should be about the same or a little lower. I was there this morning and checked on them while getting an oil change.
Old 09-18-2010, 03:35 PM
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Thanks aj -- looks like there's quite a markup on these tires.
Old 09-20-2010, 05:17 PM
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$59.95 is too high (IMHO tire choice is too high on their prices for any tires), check with the tire store on 441 just south of 466 on the left side, i've used them in the past and have been very
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Old 09-23-2010, 05:40 PM
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Originally Posted by beartrack View Post
I just need 10'' tires. I already have the wheels. Any suggestions On where I can get the best price?
Beartrack I would check with Vaughn at Lady Lake Quality tire. They're located about 2 blocks before the 466-27/441 intersection.

I bought an EZ-GO last year that was equipped with 205/50-10 tires. I wanted to upgrade to larger 205/65-10 tires because of the slight increase in speed and better ride the 205/65-10s provides. I contacted several cart dealers around the Villages to see if I could trade-in my new 205/50-10s for larger tires and of course pay a reasonable amount of cash for the upgrade. Every cart dealer said they would be happy to sell me 4 new 205/65-10 tires for $275.00, but my new 205/50-10s had no trade-in value. I then contacted Lady Lake Quality tire and Vaughn said he would install 205/65-10s on my rims and take my smaller tires in trade. It cost me $50.00 for the upgrade.

Talk to Vaughn, I'm sure he will give you the best price you'll find in the area. IMO he's the most honest and lowest price dealer I've ever dealt with.
Old 09-24-2010, 01:55 PM
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Originally Posted by frankmac View Post
Got a $650 quote from local dealer for a set of four mounted 10x7" golf cart tires. That's more than I paid for a set of Michelins for my car. Any other local sources?
That price you got was probably for snow tires. LOL
Old 09-30-2010, 09:51 AM
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Many thanks for the info on Lady Lake Quality Tire.
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