Owner of dogs shot in Orlando need our help - -!

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Old 06-06-2008, 02:24 AM
hotrodgary hotrodgary is offline
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Default Owner of dogs shot in Orlando need our help - -!

This story was on Sunday and Monday's local 6 TV news.
The link to the shooting video is : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtYKvnSGqJU

The link to the TV's story and petition is : http://thepetitionsite.com/50/justic...county-florida

Surprisingly, the 49 year old shooter has not been detained, charged, or arrested. I was told that he is " a politically connected businessman. He buys land like where this took place, and leases it to someone with cattle to get a farm tax rate until he gets ready to develop it. " Of course, none of this is relevant - -. Owning property doesn't allow you to make your own laws. or does it ??

As a lifelong dog owner and a Siberian Husky owner, I was appalled. I thought we have animal control to attend to loose animals and policemen to prevent violence. I don't care who he is or thinks he is, this is neither "right", nor excuseable !
Please help Mr. Butler get some degree of justice. Gary Lovell Mallory Square
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