Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
Talk of The Villages Florida - Rentals, Entertainment & More
I am almost phobic about roaches. I saw one in my hall the other day and called the exterminator. Now I saw another one today in the dining room. There is so much poison around this house and my TOTV friends will attest to my cleanliness. What's up with the bugs???? I'm ready to move back to Pa!!! Yuck. All those years in the house up there and never once did I have to have an exterminator. Since moving here, I think I should build on an addition for one. The yard and the house are filled with pesticides. The spiders coming off the lake are amazing in their sheer numbers. I can take those. But a coo-karacha???Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!! I can take the snakes and spiders, lizards and gators but not the coo-karachas. I think it's all the rain we have been having that is making them show up. If one crawls on me......that's it. I've warned Mr Sam....I'm outta here!!
The Villages, Florida |
SAM, You are not going anywhere!!! Coo-karachas do not want to be near you and never will you find one on you! They are more afraid of you, than you are of them! Snakes and spiders actually scare me more, because they can bite and be poisonous!! OUCH! A Coo-karacha was in my laundry room the other day, and he ran under the washer. I sprayed and hope I don't see him again! PS, DO NOT step on them, I hear you can release eggs and bring them in the house on your shoes?? eewwww
ARGHHHHHHHHHH!! I would never step on one. If I see one Mr Sam has to do the dirty deed. He knows I can't/won't. I keep a can of Raid just for the possible occasion.
The Villages, Florida |
I lived in tropical Miami-Dade for over 40 years where the palmetto bugs are ....... 2 inches long & they fly
![]() ![]() Since I don't like to breathe in pesticide and have the residue everywhere, I always preferred to use those Combat Roach Motels - they really work great - ya just have to remember to replace them per the instructions - every month, or 3 months ? (I forgot). I placed them under furniture, in closets, etc. and the only roaches I saw were occasional dead ones : ![]()
Born in Coney Island, Bklyn NY. My first apartment on my own was in The Village NYC. Now I live in The Village Walk, Sarasota FL ![]() |
Has anybody tried boric acid to control them? I've "heard" that it works and the following links seem to bear this out.
"Boric acid is a stomach poison that also adheres to the cockroach when it walks across the dust. The cockroach will then ingest the dust while grooming itself. " "Boric acid is generally considered to be safe to use in household kitchens to control cockroaches and ants." |
Why are palmetto bugs in the Pet Forum?? I thought I was going to read about palmetto bugs that were trained to do tricks. ;D
You're talking about killing them with boric acid .. definitely not pets. :yikes:
Barefoot At Last No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever. |
you are so funny,TRICKS? I have heard of some people actually having roaches for pets believe it or not. Sure wouldnt give me a warm and fuzzy feeling! :yikes:
Chicago, Il., Upstate, N.Y. Finally a snow FROG There is no difficulty on earth that enough love will not conquer. |
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