Flying Club with aircraft

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Old 06-18-2007, 04:06 PM
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Default Flying Club with aircraft

Looking to meet up with a current flying club or if enough intrest, starting a flying club.
Old 10-28-2007, 09:59 PM
hunt9791 hunt9791 is offline
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Default Re: Flying Club with aircraft

I am looking to buy in the Villages and want to bring my RV-6A down from Georgia. Any info on a place to keep it?

Old 11-06-2007, 03:27 PM
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Default Re: Flying Club with aircraft

There are so many private strips within 20 miles of here, some with hanger space most with just tie downs, that they are too many to mention. Also public airstrips such as Leesburg, Inverness. I am sure you can contact the local Leesburg or Ocala EAA chapter for much more info.

Barry K.
Old 12-02-2007, 12:29 AM
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Default Re: Flying Club with aircraft

Thanks Barry. I'll check around some more. I asked at Leesburg and they had a two year wait.
Old 12-13-2007, 06:39 AM
deltasierra deltasierra is offline
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Default Re: Flying Club with aircraft

I will be in the Villages Jan. thru April and I am looking for flying buddies. Call Don,anytime, at 1-513-235-9027
Old 12-13-2007, 01:26 PM
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Default Re: Flying Club with aircraft

Originally Posted by hunt9791
Thanks Barry. I'll check around some more. I asked at Leesburg and they had a two year wait.
What is the two year wait for at Leesburg??? Don..what type of flying do you do?? Helicopters?? My husband John has a flight school here in Pa and was thinking about doing something near TV..
What is every one looking to do regarding planes, Helicopters, etc???The Villages Florida

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Old 12-14-2007, 05:39 AM
deltasierra deltasierra is offline
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Default Re: Flying Club with aircraft

I am a 64 year old high time single engine instrument rated PP, looking for people to share the joy of flying. Call anytime cell # 1-513-235-9027
Old 12-19-2007, 06:43 PM
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Default Re: Flying Club with aircraft

Very interested if their is enough folks that want to start a club

X F111 pilot with many hours in many small planes as well. However not current at the moment. Belonged to a great flying club in Nashua NH for many years. We had 12 members, a Cessna 182, and an excellent set of bylaws that made it an outstanding club. Each member owned one share and that share could be bought or sold with other members approval. We had monthly dues and paid for the plane wet using hobs meter. Dues covered 100% of all cost to have the plane ready to fly but never fly. (paid by all 12 members) Annual inspections, insurance, hangar rent, answering service to reserve plane, licenses, and any expense not directly related to flying. Then for each hour flown, was all costs to operate. (paid only by those who used the place) 100 hour inspections, oil changes, fuel, 1/1800th of the cost of an engine overhaul, jepsen charts, avionic maintenance, ADC compliance, tires, etc. Dues and rates were adjusted every 6 months, share price once a year. Now this was many many years ago, but at that time 1 share was $2200, dues were $28 a month and hobs time was $18 an hour wet. With this structure the value of the plane was always maintained so share price usually went up every year. I am sure these costs have increased many fold, but still a low cost way to fly. Most clubs that fail do so because they try to fly really cheap. They don't money away for a new engine, or don't do the 100 hour inspections etc. We had a flight instructor in the club who gave members discounted lessons and we could also take new pilots as members. Bylaws required the clubs instructor do all training. anyway enough information for now, but am interested as you can tell.
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Old 02-24-2008, 04:57 PM
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Default Re: Flying Club with aircraft

Okay fly folks check this out. Just strap an engine on and go. I received this video from my old outfit that said due to budget cuts they were reducing the number of aircraft. ;D
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