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Old 06-26-2009, 11:01 PM
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Talking My birthday present from Moi to ME !

Y'all have convinced me!! Thanks for all the responses which overwhelmingly approve of the Mac! I think I'll get the MacBookAir 1.86 GHz along with the photography software and the 3-year service contract.

bobfl mentioned which gives a rebate, making the price cheaper, but if I order from they download the software. Do I need to purchase any other necessary extras ????

Thanks again for all comments!
Born in Coney Island, Bklyn NY. My first apartment on my own was in The Village NYC. Now I live in The Village Walk, Sarasota FL

Last edited by ConeyIsBabe; 06-26-2009 at 11:03 PM.
Old 06-28-2009, 09:59 AM
ijusluvit ijusluvit is offline
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Purchase your Mac directly from Apple online or an Apple store. The discounts elsewhere are small. Apple is in the process of instituting new policies to limit support for machines bought elsewhere and increase support for those bought from them. It's a war out there and you can't blame them for tightening up in this area.
Old 06-28-2009, 01:36 PM
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First, I agree with everyone here. I switched to a Mac 8 years ago......and NEVER looked back. how could anyone trust something called "windows" not to break?

BTW, I still use that 8 year old 17" G4 Imac daily...still as perfect as the day I got it. It is also a thing of beauty. I also have a 12" G4 powerbook that I am using here at the firehouse right now. I run leopard on both with no problems.

I would not recommend the Macbook is nice, but you are paying a bit more for less, just to own the skinniest laptop. I'd get the NEW 13 or 15 inch macbook pro.

In fact, I plan on buying a new 13" macbook pro THIS WEEK. (Insert happy boy dance).

I'll buy direct from the apple store website, get my educational discount, get a FREE, (yes, FREE) ipod touch...(AMAZING !!!), $100 off any new printer, (i'll get the $150 one to get a bluetooth wireless printer for only $50.00)

I'l also buy applecare for only $181.00. (total protection for 3 years....) AND i'll spend only $9.95 and they will send me the next operating system called snow leopard when it comes out in September.

Let's see dell or Bill Gates do THAT.

Yeah, they cost a bit more then a disposable windoze laptop, but they hold their value, and have things the others don't like sudden motion sensor, Magsafe power adapter, etc.

You can buy iwork 09 for only $41.00, or (If you want it....) Microsoft office for mac for only $181.00

If you are close to an apple store, the "One to One" program for $99.00 gives you 52 one hour lessons.......imagine spending an hour a week with a Mac expert, teaching you anything you want to know for LESS then 2 bucks a week..........(like bill Gates is going to do THAT.)

The only thing that makes me more smug then my Macs is perhaps my new Prius.......hahahahaha.......

Forgive me for being punchy....I've been at work for over 34 hours straight and for over 40 hours overtime just this week......thank God I have my mac!!

Macs will never be the majority....there will always be more windoze users then Mac users......just like there will always be more Chevys then Rolls Royces.

In 8 years i've never gotten a virus or had a crash......and my "old" g4 powerbook here still easily gets over $500 on ebay......

Go to the apple website and search for the "switching to a Mac" page.

Run, don't walk to the happy side of computer ownership.....Macs rule!!

Frank D.
The Plantation in Leesburg, just south of you good people. Love being a Floridian!
Old 06-28-2009, 04:13 PM
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Default I went to see the apple/Mac !

After looking at the Macs in person, at an authorized dealer in Medford, I changed my mind from the Air to the MacBook 13" Pro with 2.53 GHz. Like Frank said.... more computer for same price! I'm not a student so I don't qualify for the freebie ipod, etc !

Again, thanks for all your advice; gonna buy it soon.

Now I have to find a wireless service so I can cancel Qwest DSL (cuz it has been a great disappointment!)
Born in Coney Island, Bklyn NY. My first apartment on my own was in The Village NYC. Now I live in The Village Walk, Sarasota FL
Old 06-28-2009, 04:56 PM
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I'll buy direct from the apple store website, get my educational discount, get a FREE, (yes, FREE) ipod touch...(AMAZING !!!), $100 off any new printer, (i'll get the $150 one to get a bluetooth wireless printer for only $50.00)

Can you tell me please what you have to show to get an educational discount? My husband was a teacher in the UK (still has his teacher's registration number) and is still involved in education in that he now marks the Cambridge University GCSE examinations which are held every year - currently marking IT papers for foreign students. He has been wanting to change from our Toshiba on Windows XP to a Mac for a long time. Would he be eligible for this discount in the United States?

We bought our Toshiba in The Villages and just use it in the UK with an adaptor to change from the usual U.S. 2 pin flat plug to our 3 pin round plug and it works fine, so presumably a Mac would work OK over here too.

Hope you are going to tell me that he would qualify!
Old 06-28-2009, 06:23 PM
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I would think the UK also has the educational discount.
I was told by an employee at the apple store last week that when you buy at the Apple Store, you must give them some proof of enrollment or proof of being a teacher.

He then leaned over and told me in hushed tones that " Now I didn't tell you this, but when you buy from the educational store part of the apple store online, they do not and have no way of actually checking weather you qualify or not".

Now, for me, I am enrolled at a NY state college and I'm a NYS instructor, so i qualify anyway.......but it seems like anyone can buy from the educational part online without having to submit proof, etc. I'm not saying that is right, but i'm just passing along what the apple store employee told me.

You should be able to easily buy it that way, and always show proof after the fact if ever needed. The savings buying from the educational store is that you get at least $100 off the Mac, you get the $229 ipod for FREE, and you can buy Applecare for much cheaper.....$183 for the 13" macbook pro laptop.......totaling about a $400 savings.........

Frank D.
The Plantation in Leesburg, just south of you good people. Love being a Floridian!
Old 06-29-2009, 05:45 AM
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We have been Dell users for awhile, but will be making the move to the IMac. Those things are nice. The applications they have seem to run alot better and alot easier to operate. There seems to be so much more to them. We went to the Apple Store at the Florida Mall. Seems you cant go wrong with it.
Remember: Improvise, Adapt and Overcome !!!!

Money out
Old 06-29-2009, 11:14 AM
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Talking THANKS FaithfulFrank!!!

Guess what? I AM a student and didn't realize it !

I've taken lots of computer classes sponsored by the local Community College and am going into town today to sign up for three more!! Maybe that will qualify me for the educational discount ????? If it does .... but even if it doesn't -- gonna buy the Mac anyway !
Born in Coney Island, Bklyn NY. My first apartment on my own was in The Village NYC. Now I live in The Village Walk, Sarasota FL
Old 01-19-2010, 11:35 AM
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Talking Mac Update ~

I qualified for the educational discount ~ bought the 13" MackBookPro and LOVE IT ~ LOVE IT

Can we share some sources for Mac users support, tips, forums, etc. I tried the Apple online Community and would like to find others.
Born in Coney Island, Bklyn NY. My first apartment on my own was in The Village NYC. Now I live in The Village Walk, Sarasota FL
Old 01-19-2010, 12:02 PM
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Try and welcome to the carefree world of the Apple!
Old 01-19-2010, 04:04 PM
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Congrats! I am typing from my 13"MBP right now......

There is also and

There are also many others....ENJOY!

The Plantation in Leesburg, just south of you good people. Love being a Floridian!
Old 01-20-2010, 09:50 AM
Ohiogirl Ohiogirl is offline
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Default mac websites

Thank you Frank! I'm a new Mac User - just bought a Macbook end of December. I found this site very helpful. Fortunately, I have 2 sons-in-law who are Mac users who can also help me out, and once I move to The Villages this fall will probably be at the Mac users group whenever I get stuck. I'm hoping that will be less often with a Mac!
Old 01-20-2010, 09:56 AM
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I too look forward to joining the "MUG" there once we move to Florida. I'm told that the MUG group there is not inclusive to just Villagers like most of the other groups, so I as an outsider, owning in The Plantation I would still be welcome. I appreciate that.

The Plantation in Leesburg, just south of you good people. Love being a Floridian!
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