Can't Connect to Internet

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Old 04-14-2008, 05:31 PM
Sporty1 Sporty1 is offline
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Default Can't Connect to Internet

A few of us, in Tall Trees, could not connect to the internet, we all have different ISP's, we could call out, but not connect, my internet service said it had to be a problem with my phone service, it started Tuesday, April 8th, I called Embraq and they said it was not there problem, seeing that I could call out, Quess WHAT, it was there problem, they called me Thursday night, and asked me to try and connect to the internet, I got connected, so it was there problem. A service man came for my neighbor across the street today, and he said they found the problem, they just put in some new software and screwed up some of our modems around here, so if anyone is having a problem dialing out, it's not your internet service or computer that has the problem, call Embarq, 1-800-339-1811, and ask to talk to the manager they know about it.
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