Computer Basics classes

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Old 06-17-2008, 04:02 PM
CTgolfer CTgolfer is offline
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Default Computer Basics classes

Let's not make fun of him, but my husband is willing to learn computer skills while we are renting in the Villages (Jan to March 2009). I've seen the brochure for the LifeLong Learning College, which has a Computer Basics I and II course. Any idea if renters are eligible to enroll in these courses, and if so, when they can? Also, if he is unable to get into these classes, any other suggestions on where he can go? Thanks for your help.
Old 06-17-2008, 04:21 PM
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Default Re: Computer Basics classes


LL College classes are open to all. Different fees for residents vs non-residents. If you are renting for 3 months, I assume you will pay the one time $50 fee for both of you to assume the owners' resident id/privileges during that time. By doing this you are treated just like a resident for movies, classes, pools, golf, etc.

For classes in prime snowbird season best advice is to register early. Popular classes do fill up fast.
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Old 06-19-2008, 04:00 AM
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Default Re: Computer Basics classes

My husband, 75 years young, took that beginner course. He's now doing email and I'm slowly showing him other stuff. I am so happy he's started! The course was very helpful to him.
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