iTunes Gift Certificate Scam & Virus Warning

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Old 05-07-2010, 06:40 AM
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Default iTunes Gift Certificate Scam & Virus Warning

There is a new virus/trojan going around via e-mails from iTunes that is a scam and contains a virus/trojan. Delete the e-mail and DO NOT OPEN THE ATTACHMENT. At present not all antivirus programs are up to speed on catching the trojan.

The e-mail comes from iTunes Store [] and looks correct but this is a spoofed e-mail address. The trojan can establish a remote connection with the IP on port 80 and retrieve data. The end user site is in Russia. For more techie details take a look at

Here is a copy of the e-mail that is sent.

You have received an iTunes Gift Certificate in the amount of $50.00 You can find your certificate code in attachment below.

Then you need to open iTunes. Once you verify your account, $50.00 will be credited to your account, so you can start buying music, games, video right away.

iTunes Store.

I received the e-mail this morning and found it odd because I have never used iTunes so why are they giving me $50.00 and I deleted the e-mail without opening the attachment. I then started to investigate the e-mail and found out about the scam.

Last edited by Hawkwind; 05-07-2010 at 07:42 AM.
Old 05-07-2010, 07:29 AM
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Thank you for the warning!
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