Password issue

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Old 06-06-2010, 07:52 PM
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Default Password issue

I have a new laptop with windows 7. It will not remember any of my passwords even when I check the box that some sites like this forum have. Can anybody tell me how to remedy that? Also, it seems like I have a password for every company and organization I know of. Are those online password saving web sites safe? Any suggestions on how to organize and keep passwords safe would be appreciated.
Old 06-06-2010, 08:24 PM
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Default Computer Help

Originally Posted by LB2848 View Post
I have a new laptop with windows 7. It will not remember any of my passwords even when I check the box that some sites like this forum have. Can anybody tell me how to remedy that? Also, it seems like I have a password for every company and organization I know of. Are those online password saving web sites safe? Any suggestions on how to organize and keep passwords safe would be appreciated.
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Old 07-11-2010, 01:59 AM
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Originally Posted by LB2848 View Post
I have a new laptop with windows 7. It will not remember any of my passwords even when I check the box that some sites like this forum have. Can anybody tell me how to remedy that? Also, it seems like I have a password for every company and organization I know of. Are those online password saving web sites safe? Any suggestions on how to organize and keep passwords safe would be appreciated.

I also have recently added a laptop to my collection of 4 computers and keeping track of what seems like hundreds of userids and passwords started to be a real pain. I was using a free product called KeePass but I had to keep it on a USB drive so I could use it on whatever computer I was using at the time. KeePass is a fine product and I can recommend it but I wanted more freedom from having to carry a USB drive, especially when traveling.

The solution that I found is another free product called LastPass. I have recently started using the product and so far I like it much better than KeePass. The big advantage to LastPass is that no matter where you are or what computer you're using, you have access to your userid/password file. It basically encrypts your data, uploads the info to the LastPass server using an SSL connection, and makes it available to you when you sign on to your LastPass account. LastPass also keeps a local copy on your PC in case you have no internet connection.

It would be much better for you to read about it on their web site than have me try to explain all the ins and outs of how it works here. It's actually pretty slick and seems to be secure... and did I mention it's FREE.

Anyway, good luck. Here is their web site:

Cheers... Dan
Old 07-11-2010, 07:36 AM
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Dan - I may be asking a stupid question. Why would you need to know IDs and passwords if you don't have internet connection?

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Old 07-11-2010, 09:15 AM
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Originally Posted by getdul981 View Post
Dan - I may be asking a stupid question. Why would you need to know IDs and passwords if you don't have internet connection?

That is a very good question.

LastPass allows you to also securely store other things in the database such as safe combination, alarm system code, passwords to password protected documents, and various notes such as phone numbers, etc.

But you're right, if the internet is down then you won't be needing many web site passwords.
Old 07-11-2010, 09:21 AM
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OK - Thanks.

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Old 07-14-2010, 06:43 PM
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Originally Posted by LB2848 View Post
I have a new laptop with windows 7. It will not remember any of my passwords even when I check the box that some sites like this forum have. Can anybody tell me how to remedy that? Also, it seems like I have a password for every company and organization I know of. Are those online password saving web sites safe? Any suggestions on how to organize and keep passwords safe would be appreciated.
Do you have Microsoft works or Office installed on your computer? If so, this is how I keep track of my passwords and user names. I set up a simple soread sheet in Microsoft Excel - listed all the common websites that I log on to - then listed my user name and password for each. You don't have to complete the sheet all at once, but just add to it as your need to access the web site arises. Then, you can password protect the spread sheet and save it on your computer in your document file. This way, you only need to remember one password.
Old 07-14-2010, 06:44 PM
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Originally Posted by TomH View Post
Do you have Microsoft works or Office installed on your computer? If so, this is how I keep track of my passwords and user names. I set up a simple soread sheet in Microsoft Excel - listed all the common websites that I log on to - then listed my user name and password for each. You don't have to complete the sheet all at once, but just add to it as your need to access the web site arises. Then, you can password protect the spread sheet and save it on your computer in your document file. This way, you only need to remember one password.
Correction - soread sheet should say spread sheet.
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