Are Villagers using Microsoft 7?

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Old 12-14-2009, 08:44 PM
downeaster downeaster is offline
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Default Are Villagers using Microsoft 7?

Anyone have any experience with this new OS?

I have a desk top with Win XP and a laptop with Vista.

I am thinking of doing a "clean" install on the laptop (haven't really liked Vista) and holding off any changes on the desk top for a while.

Any thoughts and/or advice to share?
Old 12-14-2009, 10:06 PM
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Default I Installed Windows 7

I bought Windows 7 for a laptop that came with Vista. I had some issues with Vista. Windows 7 has been running fine since I installed it in October sometime.
I also have a netbook that I purchased with W-7 on it, and it runs fine.
Old 12-15-2009, 11:17 AM
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I used the beta release candidate before it was released to the public on a netbook - error free no problems. Put it on the same netbook and my desktop when it was released in October with same results, except for problem getting a driver for a Brother Label Printer - have that now. Bottom line - you can not beat Windows 7, especially if you are replacing Vista and they do recommend that you back your data up and do a clean install. Enjoy.
Old 12-15-2009, 06:49 PM
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I am running Windows 7 Premium on my desktop at home and Windows 7 Home Premium on my lap top. I am currently in TV until Jan 1.
Old 12-15-2009, 09:29 PM
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Default Thumbs up for Windows 7

My husband clean installed Windows 7 on his Vista notebook and had no issues. As for me, my new Windows 7 desktop PC arrived today and it was very easy to set up! It recognized my home network by itself with no setup required by me at all, other than inputting my security code. It configured outlook for my email without me having to manually input the settings, as I had had to do in XP. Old keyboard and mouse worked fine-- just plug and play. I transferred files from my old XP computer to Windows 7 with just a transfer cable. All files I've tried so far run fine. I'm very happy with it. I didn't like Vista at all, which is why, like you, I had kept my old PC running on XP.
Best of luck to you in making the transition.

Last edited by Pturner; 12-16-2009 at 09:50 PM.
Old 12-15-2009, 10:18 PM
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I have been using PCs way back since the beginning. I like to wait until a year goes by fir a new O/S or at least 'till service pack 1. Windows software is very complex. There are sooooo many lines of code that it takes time to get the bugs out.

Just my opinion

Old 12-16-2009, 07:01 PM
earickis earickis is offline
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I bought a new laptop in November when Windows 7 came out. Love it. I also have a older laptop (bought in 2008) with Vista on it. I have not had any real problems with the Vista Operating System, but the Windows 7 system boots up extremely fast compared to Vista. I'll probably wait at lest 6 months before I upgrade my Vista system to Windows 7, to make sure most of the Windows 7 bugs have been identified and fixed.
Old 12-16-2009, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Yoda View Post
I have been using PCs way back since the beginning. I like to wait until a year goes by fir a new O/S or at least 'till service pack 1. Windows software is very complex. There are sooooo many lines of code that it takes time to get the bugs out.

Just my opinion

Yoda makes an excellent point. My first computer was a Mac Plus back in the 80s. I've used numerous versions of PC windows software since and have always waited for the operating systems to be de-bugged. I was always glad I did.

My new Windows 7 machine was a gift, replacing my 7 year old XP machine, which was getting cranky. While I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, there were other reasons I felt comfortable taking the plunge: (1) Windows 7 is more a fix of Vista (which certainly needed fixing) than a new OS; (2) beta testing lasted longer and was open to millions-- all users who dared-- rather than just to elite geeks who know how to work around bugs.

If memory serves-- it may not -- reports of bugs have always been immediate following the release of previous versions of windows. But this time, I've seen nothing but praise. (Of course, there could have been negative reports I haven't seen.)

So, while Yoda's advice is excellent, if you're looking for justification for making the switch, I'm giving you mine.
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