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Old 07-08-2012, 05:19 PM
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I'm a big DIY guy, I looked up the MSD, sounds like a set of overalls & mask is good idea.

Do U use any precautions?

I assume U want to do it when there is little wind.
Nova Water filters
Old 07-08-2012, 07:00 PM
PandG PandG is offline
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Default Eco-friendly pest control companies

I saw the thread on this Bug Spraying topic, and noted someone posted a question back in 2007 about eco-friendly pest control. I just searched for recent information on this topic, and could not find anything.

Are there any pest control companies who do work in The Villages that use eco-friendly chemicals?

Paul (NJ, NY, NJ, MO) &
Gail (MO, NY, NJ, MO)
... and now Frogs in the Village of Fernandina!
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