ok air cond co & Great Chuck Farrels Co.

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Old 04-22-2009, 02:01 PM
Herb Herb is offline
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Default ok air cond co & Great Chuck Farrels Co.

Some days ago I requested air cond co recomendations. Several folks replied with their opinions.
I called the first co. and they told me about their 80$ service charge, to which I agreed. They came out found a problem and without asking me added coolant and a bill for 180$. Furthermore the coolant could last a day or possibly a few weeks but no more. Then told me the piece I needed would take 3 weeks and cost 2200$ and if my air stopped in the meantime(likely they said) they could not add more coolant. They then suggested installing a new unit for just under 5 thousand which they could do within 10 days. With this information the deck was stacked for a decision to install a new unit.
I called a second recomended co and over the phone received a price for a new unit withina hundred dollars of the first company.
Then Chuck Farrell called me back and I told him my experience and asked for his price for a new unit. He said let me come look at what you have.
He came the next day told me that he could replace the defective part within a week for 1150$ (HALF OF WHAT THE FIRST CO. TOLD ME AND MUCH MORE TIMELY ) and didn't charge me for that visit. He did the work today and said he had made a mistake and it was only 900$. What a wonderful Honest man. I am proud to tell you about him. I also talked to him about servicing the unit and he said once a year was fine(other co had suggested twice a year). So that's my quick story. I hope to find more people of the caliber of Chuck Farrell!
Old 04-22-2009, 02:41 PM
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Good for you for continuing to check out the recommendations. Its too bad there are so many service vendors that try to take advantage of customers. It leads to much skepticism toward all service vendors. It think the names of those that take advantage should be published in this forum for others to see. That could help lead to a little more honesty by service vendors.
Old 04-22-2009, 06:13 PM
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Default recommendations

[It think the names of those that take advantage should be published in this forum for others to see. That could help lead to a little more honesty by service vendors.]

The car club I am in has a tab for recommended vendors. Perhaps the talk host might be interested in doing something like this for TOTV. What we do is post our good experiences with a breif description of what was done and we post the name of the company or person's name on our site.
We use to post the bad one also but it became an issue with people trying to resolve the issues with the vendor on the forum. I do not recommend the later. This would be a good thing for all of the forum users as it has really helped us in our club. It lets the person that had a good experience advertise if he feels it is warranted and help others avoid the same pitfalls that others may have experienced, and it also rewards the contractors that are honest and that treat the villagers well with more work. If the host is interested in something like this I can supply my car club link to see how this works.
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Old 07-10-2009, 07:50 PM
ijusluvit ijusluvit is offline
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It's a good feeling to hear others have the same terrific service I've had with Chuck Farrell.
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