Realtor recommendations

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Old 02-03-2008, 12:59 PM
Gary S Gary S is offline
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Default Realtor recommendations

We are planning on selling our 2 bedroom, 2 bath home in El Cortez. What real estate agent would you use and why? Thanks in advance for you input.

Old 02-03-2008, 06:45 PM
jjdees jjdees is offline
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Default Re: Realtor recommendations


Since you're not getting much activity with your post, I'll throw my recommendation in. We've worked with Michele Halloy for at least 3 visits and she doesn't fit the not so great description some on TOTV have had with other TV sales people. She showed us what matched our desires, new and resales, didn't push either, and was very helpful as we learned the ropes. She's quite knowledgeable and I wouldn't hesitate to use her if I were selling rather than buying. She'd represent you well.
Cleveland Ohio, Detroit Michigan, Syracuse New York, Atlanta Georgia
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