Recommendation For Sod Installers?

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Old 07-08-2008, 03:19 AM
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Default Recommendation For Sod Installers?

We've got a few sections of ratty looking grass, maybe 30-40 square feet that's in the "swail" area between our lot and the neighbors on both sides. The rest of our Empire Zoysia looks magnificent, so I'm guessing the bad areas are the result of too much standing water when it rains.

Me and the neighbors would like to get someone to come in, raise the grade in the swail a bit with some fill, and plant new Empire Zoysia. It's not a big job--maybe a couple of hours the way I see the guys work on new construction. The landscape companies don't want to touch grass jobs.

Anyone have any suggestions for someone who can figure out how to get the "green side up" on a small job?
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Old 07-08-2008, 12:27 PM
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Default Re: Recommendation For Sod Installers?

VK - Do you have neighbors in the back? If so won't the raising of the area cause the drainage to go their way? If you live on a golf course or other I guess it won't be a concern. Just a thought.
Old 07-08-2008, 01:17 PM
MnGirl MnGirl is offline
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Default Re: Recommendation For Sod Installers?

Drain tile might be easier, and a landscaper might want that job.
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