The 7 Stages of Covid

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Old 09-22-2021, 07:07 AM
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
well it really not 100% safe now is it.

***no, just 99+% safe

"99%" is on both sides of this. 99.7% of people (without the mRNA shot) when exposed to covid will fully recover. The end result is natural immunity and no mRNA. People can choose which "99%" side they wish to be on. As a medical professional, your bias is obvious. If you're holding a hammer (ie prescription pad or scalpel), everything starts to look like a nail. Sometimes another tool is more appropriate as other doctors have demonstrated first hand ... HCQ with zinc works extremely well if started early instead of the medical industry's only treatment offer of "go home and isolate yourself ... allow the virus to run its course ... and come back via an ambulance when you are sicker". Not me. HCQ wiped this virus from me in just a few days. No side effects, no fear of this thing and no mRNA shot.

i go by what i know with true cases. I have a lot of people who have had and deal with side effects from vax and have come down with covid after being fully vax

***let's ignore the tens of thousands in the studies and the hundreds of millions vaccinated and go by "i have a lot of people"

can we just stop all the false info

***yes, you can

and i don’t care what fda, cdc and who and our president says.
They're shots (not vaccines).
They're experimental and the experiment is not over.
I'm not getting them (ever). About 90 million people agree (USA).
And, I'm not wearing the damn mask.
Majority doesn't rule here. My body, my choice. Get over it.
Old 09-22-2021, 07:12 AM
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Originally Posted by oneclickplus View Post
"99%" is on both sides of this. 99.7% of people (without the mRNA shot) when exposed to covid will fully recover. The end result is natural immunity and no mRNA. People can choose which "99%" side they wish to be on. As a medical professional, your bias is obvious. If you're holding a hammer (ie prescription pad or scalpel), everything starts to look like a nail. Sometimes another tool is more appropriate as other doctors have demonstrated first hand ... HCQ with zinc works extremely well if started early instead of the medical industry's only treatment offer of "go home and isolate yourself ... allow the virus to run its course ... and come back via an ambulance when you are sicker". Not me. HCQ wiped this virus from me in just a few days. No side effects, no fear of this thing and no mRNA shot.

So, please continue to "inform" me----WHO are these "doctors"---give me names. If you list the chiefs of medicine at Mass General, Johns Hopkins and Brigham and Women's, I'm all ears. If you list some chiropractor, holistician, or nutritionist on some wacko web site, well,,,,,,,,,
Old 09-22-2021, 07:20 AM
OrangeBlossomBaby OrangeBlossomBaby is offline
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Originally Posted by Swoop View Post
According to the vast majority of studies I’ve read, now I most likely have superior antibodies compared to those who have been vaccinated. My cough is gone and now I’m better protected from variants than you…
Actually no, you're not. I was exposed to COVID-19 for the better part of a year, on a regular basis. I got the vaccine only after people my age were authorized to get one, in April.

I was already immune. I got the vaccine anyway "just to make sure." I've been better protected than you all along. But I might have passed it to you at any time. I wouldn't know, because I haven't experienced any symptoms and didn't care enough to get tested. I masked, but masks aren't foolproof. I social distanced, but I might have sneezed once or twice in front of other people.

I did everything I felt was the right thing to do, and I stayed healthy throughout. If I got you sick because you chose not to do the right thing, well - woops.
Old 09-22-2021, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Velvet View Post
Boomer, my daughter considers the vaccine a “medical procedure”. She would rather leave the country if mandatory vaccinations, than get vaccinated. Both of her parents taught at university and she also attended. Both of her parents are even ready for the booster so it is not our example. I have learned to respect her choice … with a broken heart. I pray and hope I never have to face the day when she will say to me, “Mom, I’ve tested positive”. If you have any words of wisdom for me, I am really listening.
Your daughter is correct and it’s heartening to see some folks looking at research rather than greedy talking heads !! Fear fear fear - no more
Old 09-22-2021, 07:38 AM
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
The total population of Denmark does NOT MATTER in any way when you express the PERCENTAGE of the population that is vaccinated. That is why I bothered to put in %. The point is that Denmark is full of ROCKET SCIENTISTS compared to the US, which has a high % of illiterates that won't bother to study Medical Science, when foxy Loxcy and Qanon and other dark sites have STOLEN their minds!
.......And I agree that the southern border could cause a surge from UNvaccinated alien "tourists".

Sorry but I have to call BS on that.

The Villages has YOUR 86% or more vaccination rate. Still don't know why you hate your own country so much that you consistently cut it down and brag about how great all the other countries that you have never lived in is. Ever heard of the saying that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. I don't see such a great migration of Americans moving to those "other" countries that you incessantly brag about.
Some folks on here serve nothing more than to prove they are UN-convincing know it alls.
Old 09-22-2021, 07:49 AM
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Originally Posted by KRMACK55 View Post
Your daughter is correct and it’s heartening to see some folks looking at research rather than greedy talking heads !! Fear fear fear - no more
Originally Posted by KRMACK55 View Post
Do you run this forum ? There is a group here of people who are on everyday ! Mostly the east coast, aggressive judgemental and petty. Villages Florida friendliest home town is not friendly and it’s too crowded with more like you every day.
No, her daughter is 100% wrong, as are you

As far as the second post goes, HOW DARE YOU? Not only did you insult a very nice and wise lady who has dealt with a special needs child for 50+ years, you managed to insult everyone from the "east coast". Give me the East Coast over the nut jobs on the West Coast any time.
Old 09-22-2021, 07:53 AM
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
Actually no, you're not. I was exposed to COVID-19 for the better part of a year, on a regular basis. I got the vaccine only after people my age were authorized to get one, in April.

I was already immune. I got the vaccine anyway "just to make sure." I've been better protected than you all along. But I might have passed it to you at any time. I wouldn't know, because I haven't experienced any symptoms and didn't care enough to get tested. I masked, but masks aren't foolproof. I social distanced, but I might have sneezed once or twice in front of other people.

I did everything I felt was the right thing to do, and I stayed healthy throughout. If I got you sick because you chose not to do the right thing, well - woops.
So glad I've finally found that one superior person that knows what is the right thing to do. Perhaps you should post more moral imperatives on multiple subjects so all can know they are doing the right thing.

I don't think any of us should be condescending to others that, for valid personal reasons, make different medical decisions that we chose to make. Nor should we be cavalier in our sympathies if something goes wrong. But that's just me.....
Old 09-22-2021, 07:55 AM
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Originally Posted by golfing eagles View Post
No, her daughter is 100% wrong, as are you

As far as the second post goes, HOW DARE YOU? Not only did you insult a very nice and wise lady who has dealt with a special needs child for 50+ years, you managed to insult everyone from the "east coast". Give me the East Coast over the nut jobs on the West Coast any time.
"Give me the East Coast over the nut jobs on the West Coast any time."

Taking issue with insulting those from the East Coast is totally understandable, but then doing the same exact thing to those on the West Coast - seems pretty hypocritical to me.
Old 09-22-2021, 07:57 AM
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Originally Posted by jimjamuser View Post
They hurt me because I do NOT live in Denmark or New Zealand or any other low UNvacinated country, which have returned to NORMAL. The US is desperately NOT NORMAL because of the anti-vaxxers. That's why!!!!!!!!

Not really Jim. Perhaps you need to look elsewhere to see why your life today is Not Normal. Once again, the science shows that you run as much a risk from the unvaccinated as you do the vaccinated.
Old 09-22-2021, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by KRMACK55 View Post
Your daughter is correct and it’s heartening to see some folks looking at research rather than greedy talking heads !! Fear fear fear - no more
I think it is fear that is causing a lot of reluctance of people to get vaccinated against Covid.

I am thinking that not everyone has the same life experiences. Some of us have faced illness more than others and hospitalizations more than others and surgeries more than others either personally or with a family member.

Some people have been very fortunate not to need to have a lot of interaction with the medical community.

I do believe that some people fear medicine of any kind and some have a fear of shots too. (nobody likes shots, but some get light headed and dizzy)

The vaccine for Covid from Pfizer and Moderna are using MRNA technology rather than using weakened or dead cells. Many are frightened that this will somehow alter their own DNA and cause frightening and unwanted side effects and possibly cause people to give birth to children who will be damaged. Some fear long term effects from the vaccine itself and true reports from many showing people getting very strong effects of fatigue and even mental fog and pain have aided those fears.

Many people are comfortable enough to get the vaccine but there are those who truly are uncomfortable and afraid. Being ridiculed and criticized isn't going to help at all.

Not at all.

We are not all born alike with exactly the same way to approach problems. We all have different skill sets and different life experiences. Now many do not have the benefit of being raised by a parent who is extremely interested in educating them from the moment they are born and who imparts the wisdom they have accumulated and the small child will trust the source. Many small children are being raised by people that their parents would not trust with their car keys.

We have a different world. Little ones are not getting a lot of information the same way that we did.

I am sick of all the anonymous people putting others down on this forum and in many online places.

You cannot make anyone more aware or help them by insulting them.
It is better to laugh than to cry.
Old 09-22-2021, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by OrangeBlossomBaby View Post
Actually no, you're not. I was exposed to COVID-19 for the better part of a year, on a regular basis. I got the vaccine only after people my age were authorized to get one, in April.

I was already immune. I got the vaccine anyway "just to make sure." I've been better protected than you all along. But I might have passed it to you at any time. I wouldn't know, because I haven't experienced any symptoms and didn't care enough to get tested. I masked, but masks aren't foolproof. I social distanced, but I might have sneezed once or twice in front of other people.

I did everything I felt was the right thing to do, and I stayed healthy throughout. If I got you sick because you chose not to do the right thing, well - woops.
You carry similar viral loads of covid as does a non vaccinated person. I am as likely to get the delta variant from a vaccinated person as I am a non vaccinated person. Ut is beyond time we must do what we need that is best for us, and stop trying to force people to do what we want.
Old 09-22-2021, 08:07 AM
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Originally Posted by tvbound View Post
"Give me the East Coast over the nut jobs on the West Coast any time."

Taking issue with insulting those from the East Coast is totally understandable, but then doing the same exact thing to those on the West Coast - seems pretty hypocritical to me.
Agree. I find it rude and very condescending to insult someone simply based on the part of the country they are from. I grew up in the south and was always sensitive to the insulting comments that others made because they evidently felt superior being from someplace other than the south. Since college, I have lived all over the US and have found no region better or worse than others.
Old 09-22-2021, 08:11 AM
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Originally Posted by graciegirl View Post
Again, I applaud Boomer's post. It has really placed this in perspective. So needed. Excellent.

But Boomer is a woman. She is a retired teacher from Cincinnati. She is a very smart woman.

Apparently, in today's world a "king" can be a male or female........
Old 09-22-2021, 08:13 AM
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Originally Posted by tvbound View Post
"Give me the East Coast over the nut jobs on the West Coast any time."

Taking issue with insulting those from the East Coast is totally understandable, but then doing the same exact thing to those on the West Coast - seems pretty hypocritical to me.
It was----intentionally so that poster might get the point.
Old 09-22-2021, 08:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Wyseguy View Post
You carry similar viral loads of covid as does a non vaccinated person. I am as likely to get the delta variant from a vaccinated person as I am a non vaccinated person. Ut is beyond time we must do what we need that is best for us, and stop trying to force people to do what we want.
I'm sorry, but 6 pages ago on this thread you posted the same ridiculous claim regarding "viral loads" and chances of getting COVID from a vaccinated person. So now, 6 pages later, you will get the same response:

Point of clarification before that post misinforms even more people:

Vaccinated people who have breakthrough and carry the virus can have viral loads equal to the unvaccinated. HOWEVER, the percentage of those vaccinated people carrying the virus is very, very low. A number of posts that refer to "viral load" are making it sound like just as many vaccinated people are running around with the same viral load as the unvaccinated. That is far, far from true. It's sort of like stating that fully clothed people who contract poison ivy in the woods have exactly the same lesions as naked people who ran through the woods without stating that 95% of the naked people got poison ivy while only 0.1% of the clothed did. Which group do you think will need the most calamine lotion?
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