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Old 05-18-2009, 04:58 PM
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Boomer, I'm picturing you falling into the fountain and chuckling with you. At one time I was svelt and considered a very good dancer. Now I'm fat and have vertigo. Not a pretty picture ... when tipsy from the vertigo I sometimes look drunk even when I'm totally sober. When I move to TV, I'm just gonna sit on the sidelines for a while and watch the others dance.
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Old 05-18-2009, 06:36 PM
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Originally Posted by bestmickey View Post
At one time I was svelt and considered a very good dancer. Now I'm fat and have vertigo. Not a pretty picture ... when tipsy from the vertigo I sometimes look drunk even when I'm totally sober.
Awww Mickey, don't feel bad. We've all seen better days. The wonderful thing in TV is that everyone is growing old together. And when the eyesight starts going, we all look pretty darn good.
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Old 05-18-2009, 10:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
Awww Mickey, don't feel bad. We've all seen better days. The wonderful thing in TV is that everyone is growing old together. And when the eyesight starts going, we all look pretty darn good.
Thanks Bare. I don't really feel bad. Just don't like to tip over when I dance.
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Old 05-18-2009, 10:27 PM
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Falling into that fountain at the mall was so ridiculous that all I could do was laugh. I was walking along, looking into my shopping bag, instead of paying attention to where I was going. The sides of the fountain were just like a ramp. I walked right up. Sat right down. I was a drippy, soppy mess and I ruined my cell phone when it was immersed.

There was a craft show going on at the mall and there were booths all around so a lot of people saw me. Some pretended not to notice. I think they thought I was a boozer or a burnout or both.

It was a really hot day and so I walked outside. Dried out. (uh, off) And then went to the mall office to inquire as to whether there was a security camera focused on that fountain. I figured that if there had been a tape, it could have made some money on "Funniest Home Videos."

Well, they swore there was no camera.

But you know, I have always had the feeling that out there, somewhere, there are a bunch of mall cops, eating lunch in the backroom, and running a tape of me falling in that fountain. And I bet they run it forward and then hit rewind so I have to fall in and out and in and out.

So promise me, if ever you see such a video on television winning money that you will let me know. But if it is on the internet, just do not tell me.


Last edited by Boomer; 05-18-2009 at 10:50 PM.
Old 05-19-2009, 02:28 AM
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Cool I got my white streak at age 18

and I stopped coloring it at about age 40. But people do kind of stare sometimes. probably because its long below my waist.
Old 05-19-2009, 02:07 PM
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Angry Creepo Drew Peterson...

Just a quick note in case you gals are interested in the nut Drew Peterson. I just came in for a bit of lunch and turned on news...and Dr. Phil is having a special on the Drew Peterson case. Makes me ill to type his name lol.
Just thought I would let ya know, gonna go tape it and get back to work.
Hope they put him away for life!
Old 05-19-2009, 03:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Boomer View Post

Falling into that fountain at the mall was so ridiculous that all I could do was laugh. I was walking along, looking into my shopping bag, instead of paying attention to where I was going. The sides of the fountain were just like a ramp. I walked right up. Sat right down. I was a drippy, soppy mess and I ruined my cell phone when it was immersed.

There was a craft show going on at the mall and there were booths all around so a lot of people saw me. Some pretended not to notice. I think they thought I was a boozer or a burnout or both.

It was a really hot day and so I walked outside. Dried out. (uh, off) And then went to the mall office to inquire as to whether there was a security camera focused on that fountain. I figured that if there had been a tape, it could have made some money on "Funniest Home Videos."

Well, they swore there was no camera.

But you know, I have always had the feeling that out there, somewhere, there are a bunch of mall cops, eating lunch in the backroom, and running a tape of me falling in that fountain. And I bet they run it forward and then hit rewind so I have to fall in and out and in and out.

So promise me, if ever you see such a video on television winning money that you will let me know. But if it is on the internet, just do not tell me.

Old 05-19-2009, 03:31 PM
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Does anyone know of a good website that shows women's hair styles? (Especially styles for "mature" women). I've got a hankering for a new look and I want to take a picture to the stylist.

Or maybe I'll just buy a wig. I haven't had much success lately with hair salons.
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Old 05-19-2009, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
Does anyone know of a good website that shows women's hair styles? (Especially styles for "mature" women). I've got a hankering for a new look and I want to take a picture to the stylist.

Or maybe I'll just buy a wig. I haven't had much success lately with hair salons.

There are a couple of "virtual hairstyle" sites out there. We played around with one when my daughter was getting married. I think one is called or something like that. I'm sure Google will find one.

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Old 05-19-2009, 09:29 PM
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Bare, if you want to see some good quality wigs (the majority are) at a great price, go to

Another place to try is

Even if you don't purchase a wig, you may like a style to show your salon.
Good luck!
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Old 05-20-2009, 11:27 AM
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Originally Posted by bestmickey View Post
Boomer, I'm picturing you falling into the fountain and chuckling with you. At one time I was svelt and considered a very good dancer. Now I'm fat and have vertigo. Not a pretty picture ... when tipsy from the vertigo I sometimes look drunk even when I'm totally sober. When I move to TV, I'm just gonna sit on the sidelines for a while and watch the others dance.
Hi Mickey,


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Old 05-20-2009, 11:34 AM
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Kate, can you tell us the story of your rescue kitty here? It is such a great story. Heartwarming.
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Old 05-20-2009, 02:34 PM
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Default The story of Miss Claudie and how she found us...

Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
Kate, can you tell us the story of your rescue kitty here? It is such a great story. Heartwarming.
Jim (Mr. Katezbox) and I rented a house in St Martin for a week to celebrate my son's graduation from art school. Our daughter and her soon-to-be fiance (now husband) joined us.

On our first afternoon there a skinny, but very friendly marmalade cat strolled onto our lanai. I, of course, fed him - with Jim protesting loudly. The biggest purr you could imagine - I was in love.

The next morning we all woke to hear a kitty meowing VERY loudly. We looked to find him so the kids wouldn't wake up, but had no luck. Turns out he had climbed in through the window into the kids bathroom and was stuck in there as the door was closed. He spent all his time with us and always purred intense gratitude. There were two black and white feral cats nearby, but we offered him some protection.

Greg (the graduate) and I wanted to bring him home. Jim said no way. So we sadly went home at the end of a great vacation.

The next week our daughter sent us a CD of pictures from our trip. And there was Claude sitting on a table, grooming with the Caribbean in the background.

Are you now thinking, is this post EVER going to end?

Well, I was so worried about that cat that I started investigating how to bring him into the US - actually very simple. So Jim, using my frequent flier miles and a timeshare swap, flew to St Martin to bring Claude home. :q42:

Of course, we then found out from the vet in St Martin that he was a she. Jim left one day ahead of a tropical storm that would have stranded him - with the cat in a no pets timeshare.
We definitely think of Miss Claudie (aka Lady Marmalade) as a person with all the "airs" of a sophisticated French Lady. She looks down her nose at the other pets and walks as if the world is her oyster - and of course it is. She is a jet setter.

When we moved to TV she ran to a (fake) palm tree on the lanai and started to purr.


I will put a picture in an album as I can't seem to add it to this post.
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Old 05-20-2009, 05:04 PM
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Thanks Kate .. I love that story. What a wonderful act of kindness.

I'll use the story as a nightly bedtime story for my 17 year old Himalayan.
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Old 05-20-2009, 06:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Barefoot View Post
Thanks Kate .. I love that story. What a wonderful act of kindness.

I'll use the story as a nightly bedtime story for my 17 year old Himalayan.
awwww, You'll make me cry.....
Holyoke, Mass; East Granby, Monroe, Madison and Branford, Conn; Port Clyde, Maine; North Myrtle Beach, SC; The Village of Bonita (April 2009 - )
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