UCLA Study

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Old 09-25-2008, 06:31 PM
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Default UCLA Study


A study worth sharing with friends both male and female:

A study conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiatry has
revealed that
the kind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ
depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle. For
If she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged
and masculine features.

However, if she is menstruating, or
menopausal, she tends to be more attracted to a man with duct

tape over his mouth and a spear lodged in his chest while he
is on fire.

No further studies are expected.
What other people say about you is none of your business!
Old 10-02-2008, 06:33 PM
Hyacinth Bucket Hyacinth Bucket is offline
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Mint - if I understand this study correctly we can look at the face of a wife's husband to understand why she married him?

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