As women age, what is the thing they miss most about their youth?

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Old 02-16-2008, 04:23 AM
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Default Re: As women age, what is the thing they miss most about their youth?

What do I miss most? This may be shocking but it is what I'm known for doing in my 3rd grade classroom and the kids love it....

Being able to climb upon a table and stand up in full glory to catch the attention of all the teach something that is vitally important to their capture their attention

to actually climb up there without fear of falling...and without wobbling as I get my balance...

I could do that only a few years ago but now I find myself not as secure or as well balanced.

However, I still do it because the kids have heard about it and wait for me to do it!

I'm gonna kill myself soon!!!!!
Old 02-17-2008, 12:17 PM
Susi1356 Susi1356 is offline
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Default Re: As women age, what is the thing they miss most about their youth?

Amen to all, Ladies. Beady, I relate to your answer about the mirror...and Redwitch (may I call you Red???)...oh, the neck wrinkles. I wholeheartedly agree that they are worse than the face...but why on earth do we feel that way? :dontknow: And Bright Spot--BRAVO! When I taught middle school, I survived through such antics, but I don't know that I could have kept them up. Has anyone caught this in a video???

All in all though, I'm joining Linda in La La Land. I didn't ask the "what do we miss LEAST" question here, but I'm curious--started a new thread on this forum, so please look for it...
TV FINALLY--have lived in Colorado, California, Kansas, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Virginia, France, Taiwan, Ivory Coast--visited many wonderful places across the map and around the globe
Old 02-17-2008, 12:31 PM
TVQueen TVQueen is offline
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Default Re: As women age, what is the thing they miss most about their youth?

I had a great time then and I'm happy now. So it's all good. Although I miss spending my parents money instead of my own now. All stages of life are great.
Old 02-17-2008, 12:57 PM
richman richman is offline
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Default Re: As women age, what is the thing they miss most about their youth?

I miss friends and family. Now we're scattered all over the continent it seems. I miss having the time to waste time.

I love my life now too, so I'm not complaining about what I can't do anything about anymore. My Mom looks great at her age, so I'm not fretting about aging either. Good genes.
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