Dad at mall (By a Teenager)

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Old 08-18-2008, 11:19 PM
Rokinronda Rokinronda is offline
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Default Dad at mall (By a Teenager)


I took my dad to the mall the other day to
buy some new shoes.
We decided to grab a bite at the food court.
I noticed he was watching
a teenager sitting next to him. The teenager
had spiked hair in all
different colors: green, red, orange, and blue. My dad kept staring at

The teenager would look and find him staring
every time. When
the teenager had enough, he sarcastically
asked, 'What's the matter old
man, never done anything wild in your life?'

Knowing my Dad, I quickly swallowed my food
so that I would not
choke on his response
knowing he would
have a good one. And in classic
style he did not bat an eye in his

'Got drunk once and had sex with a peacock.
I was just wondering if
you were my kid.'
Old 08-18-2008, 11:55 PM
superuke superuke is offline
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Default Re: Dad at mall (By a Teenager)


Superuke from Canada
Old 08-19-2008, 12:36 AM
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Default Re: Dad at mall (By a Teenager)

Good one Ronda!
Barefoot At Last
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