Guilty as charged!

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Old 05-28-2010, 06:00 AM
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ceejay ceejay is offline
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Default Guilty as charged!

Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and thinking, surely i can't look that old.
Well . . . You'll love this one;

My name is alice , and I was sitting in the waiting room for my first appointment with a new dentist.

I noticed his dds diploma on the wall, which bore his full name.
Suddenly, i remembered a tall, handsome, dark-haired boy with the same name had been in my high school class some 30-odd years ago.

Could he be the same guy that i had a secret crush on, way back then?

Upon seeing him, however, i quickly discarded any such thought.

This balding, gray-haired man with the deeply lined face was way too old to have been my classmate.

After he examined my teeth, i asked him if he had attended morgan park high school ..

'Yes. Yes, i did. I'm a mustang,' he gleamed with pride.

When did you graduate?' I asked.

He answered, 'In 1975. Why do you ask?'

You were in my class!', I exclaimed.

He looked at me closely.

Then, that ugly, old, bald, wrinkled faced, fat-assed, gray-haired, decrepit

son-of-a-pup asked, "What did you teach"???
Buffalo...Staten Island...New Jersey...The Village of Amelia!
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