Some of these are quite clever.

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Old 12-23-2010, 12:43 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Some of these are quite clever.

I have never seen signs like these among the beggars I have seen in my various travels. You do not see that many homeless out with signs in the winters of Minneapolis-St Paul though.

All of these are a lot better than the pitch I had to listen to on Tuesday while trying to get out of the CVS parking lot in Summerfield, FL. I crossed pathes with a rather frustrated but also aggressive highway sign holder. "People look at you funny because you have a sign...why won't anyone hire me...I used to work a $12.00 hour job....but no one will hire me."

Last edited by Taltarzac725; 12-23-2010 at 12:48 PM.
Old 12-23-2010, 12:53 PM
tony tony is offline
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There was a guy at an interstate highway off ramp traffic light.

His sign said, "Homeless and stranded."

It was my turn to be first at the light one day, and when he came to the window and pushed the sign toward me, I asked him, "If you're homeless how can you be stranded?"

The next time I was first in line at the light he just walked past me. Did't even look at me.
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