Are You Smarter Than A 2nd Grader?

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Old 06-17-2008, 02:25 AM
Just Susan Just Susan is offline
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Default Re: Are You Smarter Than A 2nd Grader?

You know those brain tests that you can have done to test whether you are right brained or left? Turns out I am dead smack in the middle...I am both.

I am also dead smack in the middle for storing information and learning, which means I can learn just about anyway something is far everything sounds really good right? Of course right, makes me pretty smart, all these abilities....the downside...when you learn something a certain way you store it a certain corresponding way.

Me I learn every which way, therefore store it every which way and therefore can't retrieve anything when I need it...can't remember s---.

There is always a price to pay. But the puzzle was easy. So is architectural (spacial)design.
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