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Old 08-13-2009, 06:04 PM
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blueeagle65 blueeagle65 is offline
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Question Alamandas?

Has anyone had any positive experience with keeping an alamanda alive? We're on our second one and I think it is fading fast. Initially we added some 'Soil Sulpher' to the hole where we planted it at the suggestion of the plant man at Porters and for several months it bloomed and looked like it might survive. Last month its leaves took on a yellow tint and the leaves started thinning along with decreased blooms. The man at Porters suggested spraying the leaves with Miracle Gro Blue, so we tried that. Well, it looks pretty bad. Any suggestions or should we just pull the plug on it and plant something else?
West Virginia
North Carolina
Old 08-15-2009, 08:36 AM
kofficer kofficer is offline
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Default Alamanda

We live outside Tampa, pretty much same climate. We have an alamanda (yellow) outside our garage. We did NOTHING when we planted and and the only love and care it gets is cut back if it looks bad, it always comes back and now is quite tall and bushy, we have had the same one for 6 years. Cut it back and see what happens. It may not be getting enough water?? or too much.

Lee in Tampa
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