How Does the Wind Resistance of Queen Palms Compare with Other Palms?

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Old 08-18-2008, 03:29 PM
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Default How Does the Wind Resistance of Queen Palms Compare with Other Palms?

The premise was made on another thread that Queen Palms are more susceptible to wind damage than other varieties.* Here is an interesting article that compares the wind tolerance of a number of different types of Palms.* Potential damage to Queens increases when they are planted too deep, stunting the root structure.* And of course, proper staking for the first year is appropriate while the tree is firmly rooting itself.

Brockton, MA 1946-49 * Fort Lauderdale 1950-66 * Northern Virginia (Army) 1967-69 * North Lauderdale 1970-72 * Coconut Creek 1973-87 * St. Louis 1988-89 # Northern Virginia (again) 1990-2000 * Destin, FL 2001-08 * The Villages - Amelia/Hadley
Old 08-18-2008, 08:49 PM
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Default Re: How Does the Wind Resistance of Queen Palms Compare with Other Palms?

interesting site, thanks
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