Photos of consequences of "no staking" policy

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Old 08-22-2008, 01:41 AM
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Default PLease report

So how did the staking work out after this mild wind/ rain storm we are having??
Old 08-23-2008, 04:33 AM
candelandscape candelandscape is offline
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Default Re: Photos of consequences of "no staking" policy

The queens palms did still lean which considering the winds was expected. The crew will be there monday to staighten them up
Old 08-24-2008, 02:21 PM
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Default Re: Photos of consequences of "no staking" policy

Very interesting thread.
I have much to learn about Florida landscaping and gardening......Going from zone 4 to zone 9 is a big step.
I'm glad things worked out here. Up north here, I've always staked my trees at least for the first year, then removed them so the tree can get stronger and not be dependent on the stakes, which are best meant for a temporary solution as the tree establishes it's roots.

I keep a box of cut up old hose pieces and stake with aluminum wire and 2x2' least 3 per tree. I use the pieces of hose to insure the tree bark does not get damaged from chaffing.

I hope some good lessons were learned here. I feel everything I do kind of has my name on just "do it right" or "make it right". Bad press costs a lot more then a few stakes and a few minutes time. "Call backs" are costly and should be avoided if possible by going the extra mile and doing it right the first time. I'm not being critical here, but when you are a "professional", you incur stricter judgement.

I guess one can not assume anything. I would have assumed that staking is just part of planting a new tying your shoes is part of putting them's the way you insure they stay where you put them. Staking is certainly easier then trying to re-set a leaning tree........IMHO.

Frank D.
The Plantation in Leesburg, just south of you good people. Love being a Floridian!
Old 08-24-2008, 06:13 PM
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Default Re: Photos of consequences of "no staking" policy

Jessica, BRAVO FOR A WISE DECISION and prompt action. Based on this I would not be afraid to use your services when I get to the villages.
:bigthumbsup: :bigthumbsup:
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Old 08-25-2008, 10:39 PM
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Default Re: Photos of consequences of "no staking" policy

Originally Posted by samhass
I think I would have given my crew overtime so that Mr Mucci's trees were staked last week.
In your shoes, I'd have been out there with a flashlight doing the job myself if that's what it took. "You are only as good as your last job". That was my motto.

Great quote " You are only as good as your last job". They should paint it on their trucks so they never forget.

Lick the lollipop of mediocrity once, and you'll suck forever.
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