Fibromyalgia Dr.

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Old 06-16-2010, 07:31 AM
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Default Fibromyalgia Dr.

My wife has fibromyalgia and is on some fairly high powered pain medications just so she can get around. She has found a Dr. in Richmond, VA., that has been great to work with her to help manage her pain. She has to see him every 3 months, at least. Does anyone know of a Dr. in TV area that specializes in FM pain management?

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Old 06-26-2010, 03:43 PM
FlaChic FlaChic is offline
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Default Fibromyalgia

Hi......I am a nurse and also had fibromyalgia. I went to a Neurologist and was treated. I took 300mg of Neuontin every night. On day #12 of taking the drug, it kicked in and I was virtually pain free!!! This drug is primarily used for seizures but it was found to work for fibromyalgia. I took it for a year then stopped and the fibromyalgia was gone! I might add, too, that I did not take any other pain medication durinhg that time. I would go to a Neurologist. Hope she has good luck like I did!
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