How do you find a good doctor? It's a crap shoot.

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Old 11-16-2007, 01:32 PM
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Default Re: How do you find a good doctor? It's a crap shoot.

I also like to see where a doctor went to medical school and did residency.
I like to find a physician who had done a residency in a large hospital preferably with a level one trauma status. I think that perhaps they have seen a larger patient population. I don't think that you necessarily need the trauma training but it helps. Just my two cents.
Old 11-16-2007, 02:15 PM
efrahin efrahin is offline
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Default Re: How do you find a good doctor? It's a crap shoot.

I think they stop making GOOD DOCTORS, only a few left from the old guard. If you get one stick with him/her. Unfortunately there are a lot of imported now, difficult to track their record. I found out that the most important thing with doctors is that they will listen what you are telling them, but must of the time they are thinking about their investments and golf games.
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