What doctor do you go to? Are you a human being or "the next patient"

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Old 08-23-2007, 12:18 PM
jjdees jjdees is offline
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Default Re: What doctor do you go to? Are you a human being or "the next patient"

I tryed to figure out from the previuos posts which MD had a vote of 1 for, 2 against and couldn't do it. Any better hints Kahuna?
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Old 08-23-2007, 12:24 PM
kar guy kar guy is offline
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Default Re: What doctor do you go to? Are you a human being or "the next patient"

i agree with jjdees. it is too hard to figure out which doctor you are referring to. please, please, please just tell us. take care the kar guy
Old 08-24-2007, 05:08 PM
Happy Villager Happy Villager is offline
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Default Re: What doctor do you go to? Are you a human being or "the next patient"

Sorry you had such a bad experience Kahuna. Guess we will all have to be proactive and make sure we ask the Dr's more questions. The problem is it isn't just the medical care in Fl because when I lived in NY I had a bad sinus infection that the Dr. gave me a prescription for. My legs swelled so much I could barely walk. I went back to the Dr. and he sent me to a Dermatologist who asked me if my Dr had ordered blood work for me. I said no he sent me to you! He just shook his head, ordered the blood test and told me I was allergic to the penicillin that was prescribed. I ended up seeing a Nephrologist for a year because it affected my kidneys. I use the internet for researching anything medical just to try and double check what I'm told by a Dr. now.
Old 08-24-2007, 10:06 PM
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Default Same First Name As "........, The Cable Guy"...

...does that get you close enough?
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Old 08-25-2007, 10:41 AM
jjdees jjdees is offline
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Default Re: What doctor do you go to? Are you a human being or "the next patient"

Kahuna, ever drink an Australian beer?
Cleveland Ohio, Detroit Michigan, Syracuse New York, Atlanta Georgia
Old 08-31-2007, 11:31 AM
JohnFurey JohnFurey is offline
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Default Re: What doctor do you go to? Are you a human being or "the next patient"

Most of the recommendations I get from neighbors are based upon the doctor's personality and the neighbors gut feel. So I treat these recommendations (to use or to avoid the doctor) with a large grain of salt.

Researching the internet is also a"crap shoot" as so nicely outlined in the original post to this discussion.

What's left? Maybe we could create a Consumer's Medical Rating score card. Rating to be based upon facts only and not feelings. I envision things like:

Diagnosed disease other doctor(s) missed.

Missed diagnosing a disease other doctor caught.

Prescribed wrong medication

Starts session late (how often - how late)

Office performance should be as follows: (records up to date and correct- billing smoothly-only authorized individuals in the office are allowed to say anything that relates to your medical condition - appointments are not cancelled frequently- etc)

Credentials - these are readily available but the person who fills out the score card should include credentials if possible. Credentials should include universities attended, degrees attained, internship location, years of practice, published works, advance education, special seminars, board certifications (distinguish between certified and certifiable). Wouldn't it be nice if they were required to publish their grades.

Maybe each category should be graded either satisfactory, unsatisfactory or unknown. If unsatisfactory, an explanation would be given.

Perhaps a doctor with poor performance record should be offered a chance to refute the score card. I would guess no doctor would bother to do that unless there was a large distribution of the score card in his market area. (I know what market area the doctors I see wish to serve. )

I wonder about the legal aspects of this. Can one be sued for publishing a list like this?

Anyone have any thoughts on this.

Old 09-02-2007, 10:45 PM
cy418 cy418 is offline
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Default Re: What doctor do you go to? Are you a human being or "the next patient"

Originally Posted by janice
Dr Sampong is the greatest heart Dr. around Very kind and caring he is with the heart institute in Lessburg he also has an office in the villages
We agree, Dr. Sampong is the best as are the surgeon's at the Leasburg Heart Institute.
Old 03-10-2009, 04:19 PM
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This is EXACTLY why I got onto this thread today!!! I have a serious thyroid condition and I cannot find anyone to listen to me...much less treat me like a human being and not someone who has one foot in the grave!! I am soooooo sick of being treated badly and getting bills for hundreds of dollars and having no more information than I started out with. Is it because we're in FL and there are LOTS of old people or is it just a sign of the times???? I REALLY need a GOOD Internist or Endocrinologist...one that will LISTEN to me, care about me, and that I can understand (ie: English). I'm interested in learning more about this Dr. Eub.... that I think is in Mulberry? Please, folks, if you have any ideas or experiences with this Dr. Eub...e-mail me at jkpowlison@embarqmail.com
Thank you.
Old 03-10-2009, 05:54 PM
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Default Internist

Patches -
Please let me know if you find a good Internist - Next month, I will have been here three years and on my third internist -
still not pleased at all.
I've thought about commuting to Gainsville because there is a teaching hospital, but..what happens in an emergency?
Please keep me posted on your responses. - Thanks.

- I think your idea is an excellent but can't see how it would work.
Some of my background research that sounds impressive has not been at all - in person.

I think if everyone could regularly post on here a NEGATIVE or POSITIVE experience or general information (revealing names) to keep us up to date would be very helpful to all.
Richmond,VA - Martinsville, VA - Hilton Head Island, SC - Mallory Square

Rescuing one cat may not change the world, BUT for that one cat, the whole world will change.

Last edited by islandgal; 03-10-2009 at 05:58 PM.
Old 03-10-2009, 06:23 PM
Carla B Carla B is offline
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Unfortunately, I can't steer you toward a good internist...wish I knew one. But I can comment on the reason for everyone's frustrations. It may be that we're in Florida, but more likely it's a sign of the times.

I used to go to a husband/wife practice in South FL. She is an internist; he's a gastroenterologist. I'll quote from a letter they sent when they converted their practice to "concierge" status in late 2007:

"The pressures of our patient volume, decreasing reimbursements from Medicare and private insurance companies, sky-rocketing expenses and high malpractice insurance premiums, have taken away from the satisfaction of practicing medicine and considerably limits the amount of time needed to provide the highest quality care to our patients...we can no longer absorb the fee cuts and meet our obligations."

The fee to sign on as a concierge patient was $1,800 per year. In return they promised to limit their practice to 450 patients each in a "smaller, nonchaotic" environment.

So I think the main problem, is the Medicare/insurance co. rate of reimbursement. Also, it's probably more difficult to have an organized practice as an internist as people are calling in sick and have to be squeeze in.

I didn't sign up for the $1,800 fee as I knew we'd be moving. But neither have I found an internist. Your problems sound serious, so I hope you are able to solve your dilemma satisfactorily and soon.
Old 03-10-2009, 10:09 PM
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I would highly reccommend Dr. Dinesh Khanna. He is a very wonderfull doctor and I know that from personal experience. He was my physician for almost 8 years before I moved to Georgia and I miss him very much. He speaks very good English and is a very well educated doctor. I first met him in 1996 when he was the E.R doctor at Leesburg Medical Center and when he went into private practise I signed up with him right away. He is a very kind person and listens to you and has a wonderfull bedside manner. I am sure if you call his office he will make an appointment to visit with you and then you can decide. I have never known anyone who has ever gone to him to say anything but wonderfull things about him
Old 03-11-2009, 07:47 PM
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First of all, let me explain that I think IslandGirl's request for "positive and negative" reports is genuine and sincere and not in the least inflammatory.

We want open and frank talk here on Talk of The Villages, but we ask that you be cautious with posting harmful material about those who cannot respond. I have to confess this was brought to my attention right here on this forum. I had never thought previously about medical professional not being able to respond until I read a post here on Talk of The Villages.

I will quote from a post by serenityseeker in another thread.
Defaming a physician, even if its only your "opinion" is hurtful and dangerous, and potentially damaging to professionals that deal with difficult people in some of the most difficult circumstances life has to offer. Many of these patients may in fact have emotional problems that affect their ability to give or receive communication normally, or to honestly and accurately portray the situations they deal with. Who is going to be able to tell the difference?
You can see the entire post and thread at the following link.

serenityseeker's comments

I know Jan and Darrel agree with me and want you to express yourself, but we also want you to carefully consider what you are posting. Read the excellent post by serenityseeker before you post.
Old 03-12-2009, 06:44 PM
musicman musicman is offline
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Regarding "foreign" doctors and wanting one that "speaks English"...

First, all doctors who practice in the US speak English. Some are just difficult to understand.

Second, unless you are American Indian, we are ALL foreigners at some point in our family history. That is how this country was built. Amazing how quickly some people forget. Just two generations ago, my family tree had NO branches here in America.

Finally, a good friend of mine was a practicing surgeon in Brazil. He decided to come to the US for the great oportunities that this country has to offer. Even though he had gone to medical school (4 years), completed residency (5 years) and was a practicing physician in his country (2 years), he had to go through the entire residency process again to be licensed in the US (another 5 years). He is FAR better educated than most US trained physicians. And, though we tend to think that the US has the greatest of everything, there are many countries that have education systems that far exceed ours.

So, if you're concerned about being able to understand what your doctor is saying, I understand. If you're concerned about your "foreign" doctors training, you are probably getting a better educated doctor. And believe me, I've gone to some US educated doctors that spoke perfect English but couldn't diagnose to save their...I mean my life. I'll take my foreign educated docs any day of the week.

By the way, I recommend Dr. Balingit, a foreign trained doctor. He is a pulmonologist, but I see him for all my routine care. Unforunately, I don't think he is taking on any patient's for routine care anymore, since he is so busy with his pulmonology specialty. You can always give it a try, though.

Last edited by musicman; 03-12-2009 at 06:47 PM. Reason: spelling
Old 03-19-2009, 10:31 AM
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Default Family Care Center-Old Camp Rd.???

Ani info on Dr Alain B.Smolarski at Family Care Center of TV???? His hours are 8 to 5 Mom.thru Fri which seems pretty good. Jus need more info on the Dr. Thanks Mary
Safe Home Watch
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Old 03-19-2009, 10:46 AM
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I have had 3 major surgeries in the last year & 1/2. After 9 years here, I am finally blessed with great Doctors.

Patches, I'm not sure if you are the one I answered back about an Endocrinologist a while ago.
Dr. Fish in Leesburg is the smartest one I have ever been to. He is in Leesburg.
I recently had thyroid cancer & needed my thyroid taken out.
Dr Judith Milstead at Lake Ear, Nose & Throat did my surgery. She is fabulous.

Dr. Burress is who I've been going to for 5 years as my GP. He also has a wonderful PA, Sylvia. He is at Lake Family Medicine in front of Recreation Plantation. I just love them there. They take all the time they need to when you are there. Never rush you out.

Like many others, Dr. Burress was my 4th. Dr. here. A couple of them are mentioned on this thread. Hmmmm. I guess we all see things a little different.
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