X ray and blood test?

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Old 07-22-2010, 10:08 AM
starflyte1 starflyte1 is offline
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Default X ray and blood test?

My husband is having a procedure done at an out of town location, and his doctor has given him orders for an x-ray and blood tests.

Does anyone have a special, professional place for blood tests?

And, where is there a place to have an x-ray? I looked in the phone book that I have, and the one listed is in Belleview. Any place closer?


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Old 07-22-2010, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by starflyte1 View Post
My husband is having a procedure done at an out of town location, and his doctor has given him orders for an x-ray and blood tests.

Does anyone have a special, professional place for blood tests?

And, where is there a place to have an x-ray? I looked in the phone book that I have, and the one listed is in Belleview. Any place closer?


You can get a blood test at Alliance which is located in Lake Sumter Landing by Citrus Cardiology. You can also get a blood test at any Quest location. I know of 2 in the Villages, one in the shopping center across from Crispers and the other on the east side of 441 by the Lady Lake post office annex. Don't know the name of the street. As far as X-rays are concerned I would check with Lake Medical Imaging which is also in Lake Sumter Landing near Alliance and Citrus Cardiology.

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Old 07-22-2010, 05:15 PM
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