brianherlihy's Profile

brianherlihy brianherlihy is offline

Senior Member

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. Dave L
    03-11-2023 01:22 PM
    Dave L
    Hi Brian. I am interested in the riding lawnmower you have for sale. Please call me If it is still available. I can come by tomorrow if that works for you.

    Thanks, Dave
    Village of DeLuna
  2. brianherlihy
    07-20-2021 11:32 AM
    i am having trubble with the new home i cant get the bilder or village realtor to fix what is wrong
  3. brianherlihy
    01-16-2021 02:56 PM
    i am looking for some info on bonds .??? chitty chatty and bradford and hawkins and ST.catherine i am looking at a Designer so please help us
  4. brianherlihy
    09-11-2020 06:55 AM
    what du i need to take to the dmv when we move her
  5. brianherlihy
    08-07-2019 03:37 PM
    we are moving to the villages and we would like to know it you moved by renting a truck and drove it to the villages


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 02-03-2025 10:06 AM
  • Join Date: 06-30-2019
  • Referrals: 0
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