bxmt54's Profile

bxmt54 bxmt54 is offline

Senior Member

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. bxmt54
    09-14-2024 10:41 AM
    I am trying to post a classified ad and paid to feature the item. However, I cannot get it to load or show pictures. Can someone please help me?
  2. Wildwood Cyclery
    01-26-2014 07:11 AM
    Wildwood Cyclery
    We recumbent trikes in stock but do not rent them. We do offer "try it before you buy it" program. If you're interested in buying we rent it to you for 3 days, if you decide you want to buy it the rental fee goes towards the purchase price. Thanks & have a great day!
  3. mrbill
    07-12-2012 08:11 AM
    This unit is sold

About Me

  • About bxmt54
    Very happy to be both retired and living the good life here in TV
    East Alton, IL (near St. Louis, Mo), Duval, St. James and hopefully lastly Collier
    Travelling, flowers, shopping, cooking
    Retired at last!


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 01-15-2025 11:05 AM
  • Join Date: 12-22-2009
  • Referrals: 1
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