Dr Winston O Boogie jr's Profile

Dr Winston O Boogie jr Dr Winston O Boogie jr is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
  1. ScentsyGirl
    05-20-2016 02:24 PM
    Hi there! I saw your thread from last year inquiring about Scentsy products. I am a current consultant for Scentsy located just outside of The Villages and was wondering if you are still interested in the products and if you would like a current catalog? Please let me know. Thanks!
  2. jimjones
    08-21-2015 04:43 PM
    Rick Gonzalez 352 232 9371
  3. Grand Poobah
    06-23-2015 03:35 PM
    Grand Poobah
    Your 'aggressive egret' deserves kudos.
  4. Danceoffaith
    05-17-2015 03:29 PM
    Dr. Boogie
    Hey I got the notice about your informal musicans & acoustical instruments (sunday 5/17) at 4:15 PM, subsequently missed out. Are you planning another one anywhere in the near future? ( Or just desperate to jam with somebody) I'was raised on PP&M. Lightfoot, Denver, Kingston trio, Chad Mitchel and Tom Paxton but mostly write my own. Thanks
    Phil Julian Danceoffaith@Juno.com
  5. darrellkelly
    01-23-2015 03:13 PM
    Im a HUGE Beatlemaniac! yours will be first club I join once I arrive!
  6. ValerieJo
    01-10-2015 04:41 PM
    Hello Dr. Boogie, thank you for your informative post regarding The Orange Blossom section of the Villages. We made our first visit to The Villages over the holiday break and fell in love with it. However, most home prices are a bit out of our reach as we want to buy a place mortgage free.

    We did take a ride through the Orange Blossom side and also visited the Country Club there. I think we should be able to find something affordable.

    I hope you can answer a couple of questions for me.

    If we paid cash for a place there (100,000 - 125,000) range, what would a rough idea of our monthly costs be? Taxes, amenities, utilities, etc.

    Is there a better time of year to come down and purchase a place? Not a prime time (less competition). Hopefully, we can get our house sold and finances in order by spring. I am debating on coming down either around Memorial Day time or around 4th of July time.

    Thank you again for you helpful post. I appreciate your time.

    Regards, Valerie
  7. Buckeye
    10-20-2014 03:04 PM
    Beatles Xmas sounds like fun!
  8. blue72
    04-21-2014 03:53 PM
    Thanks for having me at the band practice this past Saturday. I really, really enjoyed it. On my way to purchase two tickets for May 17th this evening.
    Also, I appreciate the work you do each week with the BeatleManiacs. Your bring great pleasure and joy to so many.
    Be well,
  9. PaulaW
    04-12-2014 12:50 PM
    Hi......having the same problem. Please let me know what you found out about removing the oak tree. Is there a fine or penalty for just removing it. Thanks so much.
  10. LynnDeb
    10-26-2013 08:40 PM
    Hi, You did mean Feb. 9,2014??? Where is the Odell Rec center?
    Thanx, Lynn

About Me

  • Signature
    The Beatlemaniacs of The Villages meet every Friday 10:00am at the O'Dell Recreation Center.

    "I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend." - Thomas Jefferson to William Hamilton, April 22, 1800.


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  • Last Activity: 10-01-2024 07:39 AM
  • Join Date: 05-15-2012
  • Referrals: 0


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