kittylecroix's Profile

kittylecroix kittylecroix is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. babs1199
    02-03-2012 10:27 PM
    Hi Kitty, Darrin's number is 352-303-8559. He is a great landscaper...
  2. Chief X
    10-31-2011 12:44 PM
    Chief X
    hi, i was born and raised in the fingerlakes region, seneca county. my law enforcement career started in seneca co, but the majority of my years was in monroe co. rochester area and wayne county, on lake ontario, sodus point. thanks for the message.
  3. kittylecroix
    04-04-2011 07:23 PM
    Has anyone noticed how many sirens-ambulances, fire trucks there have been this past month? I have heard at least one every single day, sometimes more. I see them going up St. Charles Place toward Pennecamp and Buttonwood. Just curious, It doesn't seem like there could be that many emergencies all of a sudden.
  4. kittylecroix
    10-11-2010 11:35 AM
    Has anyone with a Gardenia added an island in the kitchen after the house was built? How did it work out?
  5. katezbox
    10-03-2009 10:13 AM
    Kitty, I planned to call you yesterday about the shutters, but cam down with some bug I really hope is not swine flu. If you can wait a few days, I'll give you a ring.
  6. kittylecroix
    09-06-2009 11:08 AM
    We bought a house! It's in the Village of St. Charles. We're so excited. This went much faster than we expected, but we're here permanently now.
  7. kittylecroix
    07-23-2009 06:39 PM
    We will be renting a patio villa for 4 months while we look for a house. We will have 2 cars with us. The garage will only accomodate one car and the golf cart. Is there any restriction for leaving our second car parked in the driveway?
  8. kittylecroix
    06-27-2009 11:29 AM
    Tile Floor vs carpet or wood: Can anyone tell me why they prefer one over the other? My husband and I think we would like ceramic tile in the main living areas and perhaps carpet for the bedrooms, or even the whole house tiled. My sister tells me that it will "kill my back " Is hard wood out of the question in FL?
  9. JeanneBeannie
    05-26-2009 05:10 PM
    Oh Kitty!!!! That is wonderful news!!! I am so happy for you!!! Wow this summer will fly by cause you will be so busy, but it will be a "happy busy" cause you have so much to look forward to in September! That will be lots of fun looking for a home! I think I might be going down in July....whewww its going to be hot! But will be fun looking at homes. I am still sitting here waiting and praying to sell. Congratulations again, thank you for sharing your good news with me!
  10. kittylecroix
    05-14-2009 05:31 PM
    Hi Jeanne,
    Do you know people in TV? Interested to know how you got interested in living there.
    I talked to many people when we were there, and they all loved it.

About Me

  • About kittylecroix
    Married to Lee, 10 siblings, 2 children , 2 step-children, 3 grand children
    Village of St. Charles,Binghamton, Conklin, Syracuse, and Tully, NY
    reading, cooking, yoga, gardening
    Retired Contracting Officer DOD


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  • Last Activity: 02-11-2025 04:17 AM
  • Join Date: 04-28-2009
  • Referrals: 0


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