rxatkin's Profile

rxatkin rxatkin is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. rxatkin
    07-26-2020 12:34 PM
    Wouldn't it be great if The Villages set up a nice big drive-in movie at the polo field so that those in golf carts could go and watch a fun, g rated movie and listen to it on either a radio or cellphone? Anyone ever been to one? Seems like it's a plausible option to having the movie theaters closed at this time. Just a thought!
  2. kenlynn426
    10-20-2015 03:44 PM
    I joined TV healthcare 2 years ago. My wife's GP retired and she called TV healthcare today and they will not accept her as we have Blue Cross and Blue Shield as our Medicare supplement. I told them I would no longer be their patient.t
    they insist we must have United Healthcare for my wife to join. I
    I question the legality of this. The Villages has become the most UNFRIENDLY healthcare


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  • Last Activity: 12-17-2024 09:43 AM
  • Join Date: 02-04-2013
  • Referrals: 0
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